< Psalms 62 >

1 To the chief music-maker. After Jeduthun. A Psalm. Of David. My soul, put all your faith in God; for from him comes my salvation.
To the victorie on Iditum, the salm of Dauid. Whether my soule schal not be suget to God; for myn heelthe is of hym.
2 He only is my Rock and my salvation; he is my high tower; I will not be greatly moved.
For whi he is bothe my God, and myn heelthe; my `taker vp, Y schal no more be moued.
3 How long will you go on designing evil against a man? running against him as against a broken wall, which is on the point of falling?
Hou longe fallen ye on a man? alle ye sleen; as to a wal bowid, and a wal of stoon with out morter cast doun.
4 Their only thought is to put him down from his place of honour; their delight is in deceit: blessing is in their mouths but cursing in their hearts. (Selah)
Netheles thei thouyten to putte awei my prijs, Y ran in thirst; with her mouth thei blessiden, and in her herte thei cursiden.
5 My soul, put all your faith in God; for from him comes my hope.
Netheles, my soule, be thou suget to God; for my pacience is of hym.
6 He only is my Rock and my salvation; he is my high tower; I will not be greatly moved.
For he is my God, and my saueour; myn helpere, Y schal not passe out.
7 In God is my salvation, and my glory; the Rock of my strength, and my safe place.
Myn helthe, and my glorie is in God; God is the yyuer of myn help, and myn hope is in God.
8 Have faith in him at all times, you people; let your hearts go flowing out before him: God is our safe place. (Selah)
Al the gaderyng togidere of the puple, hope ye in God, schede ye out youre hertis bifore hym; God is oure helpere with outen ende.
9 Truly men of low birth are nothing, and men of high position are not what they seem; if they are put in the scales together they are less than a breath.
Netheles the sones of men ben veyne; the sones of men ben liers in balauncis, that thei disseyue of vanytee in to the same thing.
10 Have no faith in the rewards of evil-doing, or in profits wrongly made: if your wealth is increased, do not put your hopes on it.
Nile ye haue hope in wickidnesse, and nyle ye coueyte raueyns; if ritchessis be plenteuouse, nyle ye sette the herte therto.
11 Once has God said, twice has it come to my ears, that power is God's:
God spak onys, Y herde these twei thingis, that power is of God, and, thou Lord, mercy is to thee;
12 And mercy, O Lord, is yours, for you give to every man the reward of his work.
for thou schalt yelde to ech man bi hise werkis.

< Psalms 62 >