< Psalms 148 >

1 Give praise to the Lord. Let the Lord be praised from the heavens: give him praise in the skies.
Alleluya. Ye of heuenes, herie the Lord; herie ye hym in hiye thingis.
2 Give praise to him, all you his angels: give praise to him, all his armies.
Alle hise aungels, herie ye hym; alle hise vertues, herye ye hym.
3 Give praise to him, you sun and moon: give praise to him, all you stars of light.
Sunne and moone, herie ye hym; alle sterris and liyt, herie ye hym.
4 Give praise to him, you highest heavens, and you waters which are over the heavens.
Heuenes of heuenes, herie ye hym; and the watris that ben aboue heuenes,
5 Let them give praise to the name of the Lord: for he gave the order, and they were made.
herie ye the name of the Lord.
6 He has put them in their places for ever; he has given them their limits which may not be broken.
For he seide, and thingis weren maad; he comaundide, and thingis weren maad of nouyt. He ordeynede tho thingis in to the world, and in to the world of world; he settide a comaundement, and it schal not passe.
7 Give praise to the Lord from the earth, you great sea-beasts, and deep places:
Ye of erthe, herie ye the Lord; dragouns, and alle depthis of watris.
8 Fire and rain of ice, snow and mists; storm-wind, doing his word:
Fier, hail, snow, iys, spiritis of tempestis; that don his word.
9 Mountains and all hills; fruit-trees and all trees of the mountains:
Mounteyns, and alle litle hillis; trees berynge fruyt, and alle cedris.
10 Beasts and all cattle; insects and winged birds:
Wielde beestis, and alle tame beestis; serpentis, and fetherid briddis.
11 Kings of the earth, and all peoples; rulers and all judges of the earth:
The kingis of erthe, and alle puplis; the princis, and alle iugis of erthe.
12 Young men and virgins; old men and children:
Yonge men, and virgyns, elde men with yongere, herie ye the name of the Lord;
13 Let them give glory to the name of the Lord: for his name only is to be praised: his kingdom is over the earth and the heaven.
for the name of hym aloone is enhaunsid.
14 He has put on high the horn of his people, for the praise of all his saints; even the children of Israel, a people which is near to him. Let the Lord be praised.
His knouleching be on heuene and erthe; and he hath enhaunsid the horn of his puple. An ympne be to alle hise seyntis; to the children of Israel, to a puple neiyynge to hym.

< Psalms 148 >