< Psalms 106 >

1 Let the Lord be praised. O give praise to the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy is unchanging for ever.
Alleluya. Kouleche ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy is with outen ende.
2 Who is able to give an account of the great acts of the Lord, or to make clear all his praise?
Who schal speke the powers of the Lord; schal make knowun alle hise preisyngis?
3 Happy are they whose decisions are upright, and he who does righteousness at all times.
Blessid ben thei that kepen dom; and doon riytfulnesse in al tyme.
4 Keep me in mind, O Lord, when you are good to your people; O let your salvation come to me;
Lord, haue thou mynde on vs in the good plesaunce of thi puple; visite thou vs in thin heelthe.
5 So that I may see the well-being of the people of your selection, and have a part in the joy of your nation, and take pride in your heritage.
To se in the goodnesse of thi chosun men, to be glad in the gladnes of thi folk; that thou be heried with thin eritage.
6 We are sinners like our fathers, we have done wrong, our acts are evil.
We han synned with oure fadris; we han do vniustli, we han do wickidnesse.
7 Our fathers did not give thought to your wonders in Egypt; they did not keep in memory the great number of your mercies, but gave you cause for wrath at the sea, even at the Red Sea.
Oure fadris in Egipt vndirstoden not thi merueils; thei weren not myndeful of the multitude of thi merci. And thei stiynge in to the see, in to the reed see, terreden to wraththe;
8 But he was their saviour because of his name, so that men might see his great power.
and he sauede hem for his name, that `he schulde make knowun his power.
9 By his word the Red Sea was made dry: and he took them through the deep waters as through the waste land.
And he departide the reed see, and it was dried; and he lede forth hem in the depthis of watris as in deseert.
10 And he took them safely out of the hands of their haters, and kept them from the attacks of those who were against them.
And he sauede hem fro the hond of hateris; and he ayen bouyte hem fro the hond of the enemye.
11 And the waters went over their haters; all of them came to an end.
And the watir hilide men troublynge hem; oon of hem abood not.
12 Then they had faith in his words; they gave him songs of praise.
And thei bileueden to hise wordis; and thei preisiden the heriynge of hym.
13 But their memory of his works was short; not waiting to be guided by him,
Thei hadden `soone do, thei foryaten hise werkis; and thei abididen not his councel.
14 They gave way to their evil desires in the waste land, and put God to the test in the dry places.
And thei coueitiden coueitise in deseert; and temptiden God in a place with out watir.
15 And he gave them their request, but sent a wasting disease into their souls.
And he yaf to hem the axyng of hem; and he sente fulnesse in to the soulis of hem.
16 They were full of envy against Moses among the tents, and against Aaron, the holy one of the Lord.
And thei wraththiden Moyses in the castels; Aaron, the hooli of the Lord.
17 The earth opening put an end to Dathan, covering up Abiram and his band.
The erthe was opened, and swolewid Datan; and hilide on the congregacioun of Abiron.
18 And a fire was lighted among their tents; the sinners were burned up by the flames.
And fier brente an hiye in the synagoge of hem; flawme brente synneris.
19 They made a young ox in Horeb, and gave worship to an image of gold.
And thei maden a calf in Oreb; and worschipiden a yotun ymage.
20 And their glory was changed into the image of an ox, whose food is grass.
And thei chaungiden her glorie; in to the liknesse of a calf etynge hei.
21 They had no memory of God their saviour, who had done great things in Egypt;
Thei foryaten God, that sauede hem, that dide grete werkis in Egipt,
22 Works of wonder in the land of Ham, and things of fear by the Red Sea.
merueils in the lond of Cham; feerdful thingis in the reed see.
23 And he was purposing to put an end to them if Moses, his special servant, had not gone up before him, between him and his people, turning back his wrath, to keep them from destruction.
And God seide, that he wolde leese hem; if Moises, his chosun man, hadde not stonde in the brekyng of his siyt. That he schulde turne awei his ire; lest he loste hem.
24 They were disgusted with the good land; they had no belief in his word;
And thei hadden the desirable lond for nouyt, thei bileueden not to his word, and thei grutchiden in her tabernaclis;
25 Talking against him secretly in their tents, they did not give ear to the voice of the Lord.
thei herden not the vois of the Lord.
26 So he made an oath against them, to put an end to them in the waste land:
And he reiside his hond on hem; to caste doun hem in desert.
27 That their children might be mixed among the nations, and sent away into other lands.
And to caste awei her seed in naciouns; and to leese hem in cuntreis.
28 And they were joined to Baal-peor, and took part in the offerings to the dead.
And thei maden sacrifice to Belfagor; and thei eeten the sacrificis of deed beestis.
29 So they made him angry by their behaviour; and he sent disease on them.
And thei wraththiden God in her fyndyngis; and fallyng was multiplied in hem.
30 Then Phinehas got up, and made prayer for them; and the disease went no farther.
And Fynees stood, and pleeside God; and the veniaunce ceesside.
31 And all the generations coming after him kept the memory of his righteousness for ever.
And it was arrettid to hym to riytfulnesse; in generacioun and in to generacioun, til in to with outen ende.
32 They made God angry again at the waters of Meribah, so that Moses was troubled because of them;
And thei wraththiden God at the watris of ayenseiyng; and Moises was trauelid for hem, for thei maden bittere his spirit,
33 For they made his spirit bitter, and he said unwise things.
and he departide in his lippis.
34 They did not put an end to the peoples, as the Lord had said;
Thei losten not hethen men; whiche the Lord seide to hem.
35 But they were joined to the nations, learning their works.
And thei weren meddlid among hethene men, and lerneden the werkis of hem,
36 And they gave worship to images; which were a danger to them:
and serueden the grauen ymagis of hem; and it was maad to hem in to sclaundre.
37 They even made offerings of their sons and their daughters to evil spirits,
And thei offriden her sones; and her douytris to feendis.
38 And gave the blood of their sons and their daughters who had done no wrong, offering them to the images of Canaan; and the land was made unclean with blood.
And thei schedden out innocent blood, the blood of her sones and of her douytris; whiche thei sacrificiden to the grauun ymagis of Chanaan.
39 So they became unclean through their works, going after their evil desires.
And the erthe was slayn in bloodis, and was defoulid in the werkis of hem; and thei diden fornicacioun in her fyndyngis.
40 Then the wrath of the Lord was burning against his people, and he was angry with his heritage.
And the Lord was wrooth bi strong veniaunce ayens his puple; and hadde abhominacioun of his eritage.
41 And he gave them into the hands of the nations; and they were ruled by their haters.
And he bitook hem in to the hondis of hethene men; and thei that hatiden hem, weren lordis of hem.
42 By them they were crushed, and made low under their hands.
And her enemyes diden tribulacioun to hem, and thei weren mekid vndir the hondis of enemyes;
43 Again and again he made them free; but their hearts were turned against his purpose, and they were overcome by their sins.
ofte he delyuerede hem. But thei wraththiden hym in her counsel; and thei weren maad low in her wickidnessis.
44 But when their cry came to his ears, he had pity on their trouble:
And he siye, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he herde the preyer of hem.
45 And kept in mind his agreement with them, and in his great mercy gave them forgiveness.
And he was myndeful of his testament; and it repentide hym bi the multitude of his merci.
46 He put pity into the hearts of those who made them prisoners.
And he yaf hem in to mercies; in the siyt of alle men, that hadden take hem.
47 Be our saviour, O Lord our God, and let us come back together from among the nations, so that we may give honour to your holy name, and have glory in your praise.
Oure Lord God, make thou vs saaf; and gadere togidere vs fro naciouns. That we knouleche to thin hooli name; and haue glorie in thi preisyng.
48 Praise be to the Lord God of Israel for ever and for ever; and let all the people say, So be it. Give praise to the Lord.
Blessid be the Lord God of Israel fro the world and til in to the world; and al the puple schal seye, Be it don, be it don.

< Psalms 106 >