< Numbers 6 >

1 And the Lord said to Moses,
And the Lord spak to Moises and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel,
2 Say to the children of Israel, If a man or a woman takes an oath to keep himself separate and give himself to the Lord;
and thou schalt seie to hem, Whanne a man ether a womman makith auow, that thei be halewid, and thei wolen halewe hem silf to the Lord,
3 He is to keep himself from wine and strong drink, and take no mixed wine or strong drink or any drink made from grapes, or any grapes, green or dry.
thei schulen absteyne fro wyn and fro al thing that may make drunkun; thei schulen not drynke vynegre of wyn, and of ony other drynkyng, and what euer thing is pressid out of the grape; thei schulen not ete freisch grapis and drie,
4 All the time he is separate he may take nothing made from the grape-vine, from its seeds to its skin.
alle dayes in whiche thei ben halewid bi a vow to the Lord; thei schulen not ete what euer thing may be of the vyner, fro a grape dried `til to the draf.
5 All the time he is under his oath let no blade come near his head; till the days while he is separate are ended he is holy and his hair may not be cut.
In al tyme of his departyng a rasour schal not passe on his heed, `til to the day fillid in which he is halewid to the Lord; he schal be hooli while the heer of his heed `schal wexe.
6 All the time he is separate he may not come near any dead body.
In al the tyme of his halewing he schal not entre on a deed bodi,
7 He may not make himself unclean for his father or his mother, his sister or his brother, if death comes to them; because he is under an oath to keep himself separate for God.
and sotheli he schal not be defoulid on the deed bodi of fadir and of moder, of brothir and of sistir, for the halewyng of his God is on his heed;
8 All the time he is separate he is holy to the Lord.
ech dai of his departyng schal be hooli to the Lord.
9 If death comes suddenly to a man at his side, so that he becomes unclean, let his hair be cut off on the day when he is made clean, on the seventh day.
But if ony man is deed sudeynly bifore hym, the heed of his halewyng schal be defoulid, which he schal schaue anoon in the same dai of his clensyng, and eft in the seuenthe dai;
10 And on the eighth day let him take to the priest, at the door of the Tent of meeting, two doves or two young pigeons;
forsothe in the eiyte dai he schal offre twei turtlis, ether twei `briddis of a culuer, to the preest, in the entryng of the boond of pees of witnessyng.
11 And the priest will give one for a sin-offering and the other for a burned offering to take away the sin which came on him on account of the dead, and he will make his head holy that same day.
And the preest schal make oon for synne, and the tothir in to brent sacrifice; and the preest schal preie for hym, for he synnede on a deed bodi, and he schal halewe his heed in that dai.
12 And he will give to the Lord his days of being separate, offering a he-lamb of the first year as an offering for error: but the earlier days will be a loss, because he became unclean.
And he schal halewe to the Lord the daies of his departyng, and he schal offre a lomb of o yeer for synne, so netheles that the formere daies be maad voide, for his halewyng is defoulid.
13 And this is the law for him who is separate, when the necessary days are ended: he is to come to the door of the Tent of meeting,
This is the lawe of consecracioun. Whanne the daies schulen be fillid, whiche he determynede by a vow, the preest schal brynge hym to the dore of the tabernacle of boond of pees, and schal offre his offryng to the Lord,
14 And make his offering to the Lord; one he-lamb of the first year, without a mark, for a burned offering, and one female lamb of the first year, without a mark, for a sin-offering, and one male sheep, without a mark, for peace-offerings,
a lomb of o yeer with out wem, in to brent sacrifice, and a scheep of o yeer with outen wem, for synne, and a ram with out wem, a pesible sacrifice;
15 And a basket of unleavened bread, cakes of the best meal mixed with oil, and thin unleavened cakes covered with oil, with their meal offering and drink offerings.
also a panyere of theerf looues, that ben spreynt togidere with oile, and cakis sodun in watir, and aftir anoyntid with oile, with out sourdow, and fletyng sacrifices of alle bi hem silf;
16 And the priest will take them before the Lord, and make his sin-offering and his burned offering;
whiche the preest schal offre bifor the Lord, and schal make as wel for synne as in to brent sacrifice.
17 Giving the sheep of the peace-offerings, with the basket of unleavened bread; and at the same time, the priest will make his meal offering and his drink offering.
Sotheli he schal offre the ram a pesible sacrifice to the Lord, and he schal offre togidere a panyere of therf looues and fletyng sacryfices, that ben due bi custom.
18 Then let his long hair, the sign of his oath, be cut off at the door of the Tent of meeting, and let him put it on the fire on which the peace-offerings are burning.
Thanne the Nazarei schal be schauun fro the heer of his consecracioun, bifor the doore of the tabernacle of boond of pees; and the preest schal take hise heeris, and schal putte on the fier, which is put vndur the sacrifice of pesible thingis.
19 And the priest will take the cooked leg of the sheep and one unleavened cake and one thin cake out of the basket, and put them on the hands of the separate one after his hair has been cut,
And he schal take the schuldur sodun of the ram, and o `cake of breed with out sourdow fro the panyere, and o theerf caak first sodun in watir and aftirward fried in oile, and he schal bitake in the hondis of the Nazarei, aftir that his heed is schauun.
20 Waving them for a wave offering before the Lord; this is holy for the priest, together with the waved breast and the leg which is lifted up; after that, the man may take wine.
And the preest schal reise in the `siyt of the Lord the thingis takun eft of hym. And the thingis halewid schulen be the preestis part, as the brest which is comaundid to be departid, and the hipe. Aftir these thingis the Nasarey may drynke wyn.
21 This is the law for him who takes an oath to keep himself separate, and for his offering to the Lord on that account, in addition to what he may be able to get; this is the law of his oath, which he will have to keep.
This is the lawe of the Nasarei, whanne he hath avowyd his offryng to the Lord in the tyme of his consecracioun, outakun these thingis whiche his hond fyndith. By this that he avowide in soule, so he schal do, to the perfeccioun of his halewyng.
22 And the Lord said to Moses,
And the Lord spak to Moyses and seide,
23 Say to Aaron and his sons, These are the words of blessing which are to be used by you in blessing the children of Israel; say to them,
Speke thou to Aaron and to hise sones, Thus ye schulen blesse the sones of Israel, and ye schulen seie to hem,
24 May the Lord send his blessing on you and keep you:
The Lord blesse thee, and kepe thee;
25 May the light of the Lord's face be shining on you in grace:
the Lord schewe his face to thee, and haue mercy on thee;
26 May the Lord's approval be resting on you and may he give you peace.
the Lord turne his cheer to thee, and yyue pees to thee.
27 So they will put my name on the children of Israel, and I will give them my blessing.
Thei schulen clepe inwardli my name on the sones of Israel, and Y schal blesse hem.

< Numbers 6 >