< Numbers 32 >

1 Now the children of Reuben and the children of Gad had a great number of cattle: and when they saw that the land of Jazer and the land of Gilead was a good place for cattle;
Mayelana labantwana bakoRubeni labantwana bakoGadi, babelenkomo ezinengi, ezinengi kakhulu. Sebebone ilizwe leJazeri lelizwe leGileyadi, khangela-ke, indawo yayiyindawo yenkomo.
2 The children of Gad and the children of Reuben came and said to Moses and to Eleazar the priest and to the chiefs of the meeting,
Ngakho abantwana bakoGadi labantwana bakoRubeni beza bakhuluma kuMozisi lakuEleyazare umpristi lakuziphathamandla zenhlangano, besithi:
3 Ataroth, and Dibon, and Jazer, and Nimrah, and Heshbon, and Elealeh, and Sebam, and Nebo, and Beon,
IAtarothi leDiboni leJazeri leNimra leHeshiboni leEleyale leSebamu leNebo leBeyoni,
4 The land which the Lord gave into the hands of the children of Israel, is a land for cattle, and your servants have cattle.
ilizwe iNkosi eyalitshayayo phambi kwenhlangano yakoIsrayeli, liyilizwe lezinkomo; futhi izinceku zenu zilezinkomo.
5 And they said, With your approval, let this land be given to your servants as their heritage: do not take us over Jordan.
Basebesithi: Nxa sithole umusa emehlweni akho, ilizwe leli kaliphiwe inceku zakho libe yimfuyo; ungasichaphisi iJordani.
6 And Moses said to the children of Gad and the children of Reuben, Are your brothers to go to the war, while you take your rest here?
UMozisi wasesithi ebantwaneni bakoGadi lebantwaneni bakoRubeni: Abafowenu bazakuya empini, lina-ke lihlale lapha yini?
7 Why would you take from the children of Israel the desire to go over into the land which the Lord has given them?
Njalo lizadaniselani inhliziyo yabantwana bakoIsrayeli ukuze bangachaphi ukuya elizweni iNkosi ebanike lona?
8 So did your fathers, when I sent them from Kadesh-barnea to see the land.
Benza njalo oyihlo mhla ngibathuma besuka eKadeshi-Bhaneya ukubona ilizwe.
9 For when they went up to the valley of Eshcol, and saw the land, they took from the children of Israel the desire to go into the land which the Lord had given them.
Ekuhambeni kwabo ukuya esihotsheni seEshikoli, balibona ilizwe, badanisa inhliziyo yabantwana bakoIsrayeli ukuze bangangeni elizweni iNkosi eyayibanike lona.
10 And at that time the Lord was moved to wrath, and made an oath, saying,
Ulaka lweNkosi lwaseluvutha ngalolusuku, yasifunga isithi:
11 Truly, not one of the men of twenty years old and over who came out of Egypt will see the land which I gave by oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; because they have not been true to me with all their heart;
Isibili kakho kumadoda enyuka esuka eGibhithe, kusukela koleminyaka engamatshumi amabili langaphezulu ozalibona ilizwe engalifungela uAbrahama, uIsaka loJakobe, ngoba kabangilandelanga ngokupheleleyo;
12 But only Caleb, the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, and Joshua, the son of Nun: because they have been true to the Lord.
ngaphandle kukaKalebi indodana kaJefune umKenizi, loJoshuwa indodana kaNuni, ngoba balandele iNkosi ngokupheleleyo.
13 Then the Lord was angry with Israel, and he made them wanderers in the waste land for forty years? till all that generation who had done evil in the eyes of the Lord was dead.
Lolaka lweNkosi lwamvuthela uIsrayeli, yasibazulisa enkangala iminyaka engamatshumi amane, kwaze kwaphela isizukulwana sonke esasenze okubi emehlweni eNkosi.
14 And now you have come to take the place of your fathers, another generation of sinners, increasing the wrath of the Lord against Israel.
Khangelani-ke, selivukile esikhundleni saboyihlo, inzalo yabantu abonayo, ukwandisa futhi intukuthelo yeNkosi evuthela uIsrayeli.
15 For if you are turned away from him, he will send them wandering again in the waste land; and you will be the cause of the destruction of all this people.
Uba liphenduka ekuyilandeleni, izaphinda njalo ibatshiye enkangala; njalo lizabhubhisa bonke lababantu.
16 Then they came to him, and said, We will make safe places for our cattle here, and towns for our little ones;
Basebesondela kuye bathi: Sizakwakha lapha izibaya zezifuyo zethu, lemizi yabantwanyana bethu;
17 But we ourselves will be ready armed to go before the children of Israel till we have taken them to their place: but our little ones will be safe in the walled towns against the people of the land.
kodwa thina sizahloma silungile phambi kwabantwana bakoIsrayeli, size sibafikise endaweni yabo, labantwanyana bethu bazahlala emizini evikelekileyo, ngenxa yabahlali belizwe.
18 We will not come back to our houses till every one of the children of Israel has come into his heritage.
Kasiyikubuyela emizini yethu, abantwana bakoIsrayeli baze badle, ngulowo lalowo ilifa lakhe.
19 For we will not have our heritage with them on the other side of Jordan and forward; because our heritage has come to us on this side of Jordan to the east.
Ngoba kasiyikudla ilifa kanye labo ngaphetsheya kweJordani langaphambili, ngoba ilifa lethu selehlele kithi nganeno kweJordani empumalanga.
20 Then Moses said to them, If you will do this, arming yourselves to go before the Lord to the war,
UMozisi wasesithi kubo: Nxa lisenza linto, nxa lizahamba lihlomele impi phambi kweNkosi,
21 Every armed man of you going across Jordan before the Lord till he has overcome and sent in flight all who are against him,
beselichapha iJordani, wonke ohlomileyo kini, phambi kweNkosi, ize ixotshe izitha zayo phambi kwayo,
22 And the land is under the rule of the Lord: then after that you may come back, having done no wrong to the Lord and to Israel; and this land will be yours for your heritage before the Lord.
lelizwe lehliselwe phansi phambi kweNkosi, khona emva kwalokho lizabuya, lingabi lacala eNkosini lakuIsrayeli; lalelilizwe lizakuba yilifa lenu phambi kweNkosi.
23 But if you do not do this, then you are sinners against the Lord; and you may be certain that your sin will have its reward.
Kodwa nxa lingenzi njalo, khangelani lizabe lonile eNkosini; ngakho yazini ukuthi isono senu sizalithola.
24 So get to work building your towns for your little ones, and safe places for your sheep; and do as you have said.
Zakheleni imizi yabantwanyana benu lezibaya zezimvu zenu, njalo yenzani lokho okuphume emlonyeni wenu.
25 And the children of Gad and the children of Reuben said to Moses, Your servants will do as my lord says.
Abantwana bakoGadi labantwana bakoRubeni basebekhuluma kuMozisi besithi: Izinceku zakho zizakwenza njengalokho inkosi yami ilaya.
26 Our little ones, our wives, and our flocks, and all our cattle, will be there in the towns of Gilead;
Abantwanyana bethu, omkethu, izimvu zethu, lazo zonke izifuyo zethu kuzakuba lapho emizini yeGileyadi;
27 But your servants will go over, every man armed for war, before the Lord to the fight, as my lord says.
kodwa inceku zakho zizachapha, ngulowo lalowo ehlomele impi, phambi kukaJehova empini, njengokutsho kwenkosi yami.
28 So Moses gave orders about them to Eleazar the priest and to Joshua, the son of Nun, and to the heads of families of the tribes of the children of Israel.
UMozisi waselayezela ngabo kuEleyazare umpristi, loJoshuwa indodana kaNuni, lenhloko zaboyise zezizwe zabantwana bakoIsrayeli.
29 And Moses said to them, If the children of Gad and the children of Reuben go with you over Jordan, every man armed for the fight before the Lord, and all the land is given into your hands, then let them have the land of Gilead for a heritage:
UMozisi wasesithi kubo: Nxa abantwana bakoGadi labantwana bakoRubeni bechapha lani iJordani, wonke ehlomele impi, phambi kweNkosi, lelizwe lisehliselwa phansi phambi kwenu, khona lizabanika ilizwe leGileyadi libe yimfuyo.
30 But if they do not go over with you armed, they will have to take their heritage with you in the land of Canaan.
Kodwa uba bengachaphi lani behlomile, bazakuba lemfuyo phakathi kwenu elizweni leKhanani.
31 Then the children of Gad and the children of Reuben said, As the Lord has said to your servants, so will we do.
Abantwana bakoGadi labantwana bakoRubeni basebephendula besithi: Lokhu iNkosi esikutshilo kunceku zakho - sizakwenza njalo.
32 We will go over armed before the Lord into the land of Canaan, and you will give us our heritage on this side of Jordan.
Thina sizachapha sihlomile phambi kweNkosi siye elizweni leKhanani, ukuze imfuyo yelifa lethu ibe ngeyethu nganeno kweJordani.
33 So Moses gave to them, even to the children of Gad and the children of Reuben and to the half-tribe of Manasseh, the son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon, king of the Amorites and Og, king of Bashan, all the land with its towns and the country round them.
Njalo uMozisi wabanika, kubantwana bakoGadi lakubantwana bakoRubeni lakungxenye yesizwe sakoManase, indodana kaJosefa, umbuso kaSihoni inkosi yamaAmori, lombuso kaOgi inkosi yeBashani, ilizwe lemizi yalo emingceleni, imizi yelizwe inhlangothi zonke.
34 And the children of Gad were the builders of Dibon and Ataroth and Aroer;
Labantwana bakoGadi bakha iDiboni leAtarothi leAroweri
35 And Atroth-shophan and Jazer and Jogbehah;
leAtirothi-Shofani leJazeri leJogibeha,
36 And Beth-nimrah and Beth-haran: walled towns and shut-in places for sheep.
leBeti-Nimra leBeti-Harani, imizi evikelweyo, lezibaya zezimvu.
37 And the children of Reuben were the builders of Heshbon and Elealeh and Kiriathaim;
Labantwana bakoRubeni bakha iHeshiboni leEleyale leKiriyathayimi
38 And Nebo and Baal-meon, (their names being changed, ) and Sibmah: and they gave other names to the towns they made.
leNebo leBhali-Meyoni (sekuguqulwe amabizo) leSibima; basebebiza amabizo emizi abayakhayo ngamanye amabizo.
39 And the children of Machir, the son of Manasseh, went to Gilead and took it, driving out the Amorites who were living there.
Labantwana bakoMakiri indodana kaManase baya eGileyadi, bayithumba, bawakhupha amaAmori emfuyweni yawo ayekuyo.
40 And Moses gave Gilead to Machir, the son of Manasseh; and he made it his living-place.
UMozisi wasenika uMakiri indodana kaManase iGileyadi, wasehlala kiyo.
41 And Jair, the son of Manasseh, went and took the towns of Gilead, naming them Havvoth-Jair.
LoJayiri indodana kaManase wayathumba imizana yayo, wayibiza ngokuthi yiHavothi-Jayiri.
42 And Nobah went and took Kenath and its small towns, naming it Nobah, after himself.
LoNoba wayathumba iKenathi, lemizana yayo, wayibiza ngokuthi yiNoba ngebizo lakhe.

< Numbers 32 >