< Numbers 29 >

1 In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, let there be a holy meeting; on it you may do no field-work; let the day be marked by the blowing of horns;
Forsothe the firste dai of the seuenthe monethe schal be hooli, and worschipful to you; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne, for it is the day of sownyng, and of trumpis.
2 And give to the Lord a burned offering for a sweet smell; one ox, one male sheep, seven he-lambs of the first year, without any mark on them:
And ye schulen offre brent sacrifice, in to swettest odour to the Lord, o calf of the droue, o ram, and seuene lambren of o yeer, with out wem;
3 And their meal offering, the best meal mixed with oil, three tenth parts for an ox, two tenth parts for a male sheep,
and in the sacrificis of tho `ye schulen offre thre tenthe partis of flour spreynt togidere with oile, bi ech calfe, twey tenthe partis bi a ram,
4 And a separate tenth part for every one of the seven lambs;
o tenthe part bi a lomb, whiche togidere ben seuen lambren.
5 And one he-goat for a sin-offering, to take away your sin:
And `ye schulen offre a `buc of geet, which is offrid for synne, in to the clensyng of the puple,
6 In addition to the burned offering of the new moon, and its meal offering, and the regular burned offering and its meal offering, and their drink offerings, as they are ordered, for a sweet smell, an offering made by fire to the Lord.
with out the brent sacrifice of kalendis, with hise sacrifices, and without euerlastynge brent sacrifice, with customable fletynge offryngis; and bi the same cerymonyes ye schulen offre encense in to swettiste odour to the Lord.
7 And on the tenth day of this seventh month there will be a holy meeting; keep yourselves from pleasure, and do no sort of work;
Also the tenthe dai of this seuenthe monethe schal be hooli and worschipful to you, and ye schulen turmente youre soulis; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne.
8 And give to the Lord a burned offering for a sweet smell; one ox, one male sheep, seven he-lambs of the first year: only those without any mark on them may be used:
And ye schulen offre brent sacrifice to the Lord, in to swettiste odour; o calf of the droue, o ram, seuene lambren of o yeer with out wem.
9 And their meal offering, the best meal mixed with oil, three tenth parts for an ox, two tenth parts for a male sheep,
And in the sacrifices of tho `ye schulen offre thre tenthe partis of flour spreynt togidere with oyle, bi ech calf, twey tenthe partis bi a ram,
10 A separate tenth part for every one of the seven lambs;
the tenthe part of a dyme bi each lomb, that ben togidere seuene lambren.
11 One he-goat for a sin-offering; in addition to the offering for taking away your sin, and the regular burned offering and its meal offering, and their drink offerings.
And ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out these thingis that ben wont to be offrid for synne in to clensyng, and `ye schulen offre euerlastinge brent sacrifice in sacrifice, and fletinge offryngis of tho.
12 And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month let there be a holy meeting; do no field-work, and keep a feast to the Lord for seven days;
Forsothe in the fiftenthe dai of this seuenthe monethe, that schal be hooli and worschipful to you, ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk, but ye schulen halewe solempnyte to the Lord in seuene daies; and ye schulen offre brent sacrifice,
13 And give a burned offering, an offering made by fire of a sweet smell to the Lord, thirteen oxen, two male sheep, fourteen he-lambs of the first year, all without any mark on them;
in to swetiste odour to the Lord, threttene calues of the droue, twey rammes, fouretene lambren of o yeer, with out wem.
14 And their meal offering, the best meal mixed with oil, three tenth parts for every one of the thirteen oxen, two tenth parts for every male sheep,
And in the moiste sacrifices of tho `ye schulen offre thre tenthe partis of flour spreynt to gidere with oile bi ech calf, that ben togidere threttene calues, and ye schulen offre twei tenthe partis to twei rammes togidere, that is, o tenthe part to o ram, and `ye schulen offre the tenthe part of `a
15 And a separate tenth part for every one of the fourteen lambs;
dyme to ech lomb, whiche ben to gidere fourteene lambren.
16 And one he-goat for a sin-offering; in addition to the regular burned offering, and its meal offering, and its drink offering.
And ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof.
17 On the second day of the feast give an offering of twelve oxen, two male sheep, fourteen he-lambs of the first year, without any mark on them;
In the tother dai ye schulen offre twelue calues of the droue, twei rammes, fouretene lambren of o yeer without wem.
18 And their meal offering and their drink offerings for the oxen and the sheep and the lambs, in relation to their number, as it is ordered:
And ye schulen halewe riytfuli sacrifices, and moiste offryngis of alle, bi calues, and rammes, and lambren.
19 And one he-goat for a sin-offering in addition to the regular burned offering, and its meal offering, and their drink offerings.
And `ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moist offryng therof.
20 And on the third day eleven oxen, two male sheep, fourteen he-lambs of the first year, without any mark;
In the thridde dai ye schulen offre euleuen calues, twei rammes, fourtene lambren of o yeer, without wem.
21 And their meal offering and drink offerings for the oxen, for the male sheep, and for the lambs, in relation to their number, as it is ordered:
And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices, and moiste offryngis of alle, bi the caluys, and rammes, and lambren.
22 And one he-goat for a sin-offering; in addition to the regular burned offering, and its meal offering, and its drink offering.
And ye schulen offre a `buk of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof.
23 And on the fourth day ten oxen, two male sheep, fourteen he-lambs of the first year, without any mark:
In the fourthe day ye schulen offre ten calues, twey rammes, fourtene lambren of o yeer with oute wem.
24 And their meal offering and their drink offerings for the oxen, for the male sheep, and for the lambs, in relation to their number, as it is ordered.
And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices, and moiste offryngis of alle, bi the calues, and rammes, and lambren.
25 And one he-goat for a sin-offering; in addition to the regular burned offering, and its meal offering, and its drink offering.
And ye schulen offre a `buk of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof.
26 And on the fifth day nine oxen, two male sheep, fourteen he-lambs of the first year, without any mark:
In the fyuethe dai ye schulen offre nyne calues, twei rammes, fourtene lambren of o yeer, with oute wem.
27 And their meal offering and their drink offerings for the oxen, for the male sheep, and for the lambs, in relation to their number, as it is ordered:
And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices, and moiste offryngis `of alle, bi the calues, and rammes, and lambren.
28 And one he-goat for a sin-offering; in addition to the regular burned offering, and its meal offering, and its drink offering.
And `ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof.
29 And on the sixth day eight oxen, two male sheep, fourteen he-lambs of the first year, without any mark:
In the sixte dai ye schulen offre eiyt calues, and twei rammes, fourtene lambren of o yeer with out wem.
30 And their meal offering and their drink offerings for the oxen, for the male sheep, and for the lambs, in relation to their number, as it is ordered:
And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices, and moiste offryngis `of alle, bi the calues, and rammes, and lambren.
31 And one he-goat for a sin-offering; in addition to the regular burned offering, its meal offering, and its drink offerings.
And ye schulen offre a `buk of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof.
32 And on the seventh day seven oxen, two male sheep, fourteen he-lambs of the first year, without any mark:
In the seuenthe dai ye schulen offre seuene calues, twei rammes, fourtene lambren `of o yeer with out wem.
33 And their meal offering and their drink offerings for the oxen, for the male sheep, and for the lambs, in relation to their number, as it is ordered:
And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices, and moiste offryngis `of alle, bi the calues, and rammes, and lambren.
34 And one he-goat for a sin-offering; in addition to the regular burned offering, its meal offering, and its drink offering.
And `ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof.
35 On the eighth day let there be a holy meeting: you may do no field-work;
In the eiythe dai, which is moost solempne `ether hooli; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk,
36 And give a burned offering, an offering made by fire of a sweet smell to the Lord: one ox, one male sheep, seven he-lambs of the first year, without any mark:
and ye schulen offre brent sacrifice in to swettest odour to the Lord, o calf, o ram, seuene lambren of o yeer with out wem.
37 With the meal offering and the drink offerings for the ox, the male sheep, and the lambs, in relation to their number, as it is ordered:
And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices and moiste offryngis `of alle, bi the calues, and rammes, and lambren.
38 And one he-goat for a sin-offering; in addition to the regular burned offering, and its meal offering, and its drink offering.
`And ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice, and moiste offryng therof.
39 These are the offerings which you are to give to the Lord at your regular feasts, in addition to the offerings for an oath, and the free offerings you give, for your burned offerings and your drink offerings and your peace-offerings.
Ye schulen offre these thingis to the Lord, in youre solempnytees, with out avowis, and wilful offryngis, in brent sacrifice, in sacrifice, in moist offryng, and in peesible sacrifices.
40 So Moses gave the children of Israel all these directions as the Lord had given him orders.
And Moises telde to the sones of Israel alle thingis whiche the Lord comaundide to hym.

< Numbers 29 >