< Luke 15 >

1 Now all the tax-farmers and sinners came near to give ear to him.
2 And the Pharisees and scribes were angry, saying, This man gives approval to sinners, and takes food with them.
3 And he made a story for them, saying,
4 What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if one of them gets loose and goes away, will not let the ninety-nine be in the waste land by themselves, and go after the wandering one, till he sees where it is?
『なんぢらの中たれか百匹の羊を有たんに、若その一匹を失はば、九 十 九 匹を野におき、往きて失せたる者を見 出すまでは尋ねざらんや。
5 And when he has got it again, he takes it in his arms with joy.
6 And when he gets back to his house, he sends for his neighbours and friends, saying to them, Be glad with me, for I have got back my sheep which had gone away.
家に歸りて其の友と隣 人とを呼び集めて言はん「我とともに喜べ、失せたる我が羊を見出せり」
7 I say to you that even so there will be more joy in heaven when one sinner is turned away from his wrongdoing, than for ninety-nine good men, who have no need of a change of heart.
われ汝らに告ぐ、かくのごとく悔改むる一人の罪人のためには、悔改の必要なき九 十 九 人の正しき者にも勝りて、天に歡喜あるべし。
8 Or what woman, having ten bits of silver, if one bit has gone from her hands, will not get a light, and go through her house, searching with care till she sees it?
又いづれの女か銀貨 十 枚を有たんに、若しその一 枚を失はば、燈火をともし、家を掃きて見 出すまでは懇ろに尋ねざらんや。
9 And when she has it again, she gets her friends and neighbours together, saying, Be glad with me, for I have got back the bit of silver which had gone from me.
遂に見出さば、其の友と隣 人とを呼び集めて言はん、「我とともに喜べ、わが失ひたる銀貨を見出せり」
10 Even so, I say to you, There is joy among the angels of God, when one sinner is turned away from his wrongdoing.
11 And he said, A certain man had two sons:
また言ひたまふ『或 人に二人の息子あり、
12 And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me that part of your property which will be mine. And he made division of his goods between them.
13 And not long after, the younger son got together everything which was his and took a journey into a far-away country, and there all his money went in foolish living.
14 And when everything was gone, there was no food to be had in that country, and he was in need.
15 And he went and put himself into the hands of one of the people of that country, and he sent him into his fields to give the pigs their food.
往きて其の地の或 人に依附りしに、其の人かれを畑に遣して豚を飼はしむ。
16 And so great was his need that he would have been glad to take the pigs' food, and no one gave him anything.
かれ豚の食ふ蝗 豆にて、己が腹を充さんと思ふ程なれど、何をも與ふる人なかりき。
17 But when he came to his senses, he said, What numbers of my father's servants have bread enough, and more, while I am near to death here through need of food!
18 I will get up and go to my father, and will say to him, Father, I have done wrong, against heaven and in your eyes:
19 I am no longer good enough to be named your son: make me like one of your servants.
20 And he got up and went to his father. But while he was still far away, his father saw him and was moved with pity for him and went quickly and took him in his arms and gave him a kiss.
21 And his son said to him, Father, I have done wrong, against heaven and in your eyes: I am no longer good enough to be named your son.
22 But the father said to his servants, Get out the first robe quickly, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet:
23 And get the fat young ox and put it to death, and let us have a feast, and be glad.
24 For this, my son, who was dead, is living again; he had gone away from me, and has come back. And they were full of joy.
この我が子、死にて復 生き、失せて復 得られたり」かくて彼ら樂しみ始む。
25 Now the older son was in the field: and when he came near the house, the sounds of music and dancing came to his ears.
26 And he sent for one of the servants, questioning him about what it might be.
27 And he said to him, Your brother has come; and your father has had the young ox put to death because he has come back safely.
答へて言ふ「なんぢの兄弟 歸りたり、その恙なきを迎へたれば、汝の父 肥えたる犢を屠れるなり」
28 But he was angry and would not go in; and his father came out and made a request to him to come in.
兄 怒りて内に入ることを好まざりしかば、父いでて勸めしに、
29 But he made answer and said to his father, See, all these years I have been your servant, doing your orders in everything: and you never gave me even a young goat so that I might have a feast with my friends:
答へて父に言ふ「視よ、我は幾歳もなんぢに仕へて、未だ汝の命令に背きし事なきに、我には小 山羊 一匹だに與へて友と樂しましめし事なし。
30 But when this your son came, who has been wasting your property with bad women, you put to death the fat young ox for him.
然るに遊女らと共に、汝の身代を食ひ盡したる此の汝の子 歸り來れば、之がために肥えたる犢を屠れり」
31 And he said to him, Son, you are with me at all times, and all I have is yours.
32 But it was right to be glad and to have a feast; for this your brother, who was dead, is living again; he had gone away and has come back.
されど此の汝の兄弟は死にて復 生き、失せて復 得られたれば、我らの樂しみ喜ぶは當然なり」』

< Luke 15 >