< Leviticus 7 >

1 And this is the law of the offering for wrongdoing: it is most holy.
“Ovo je obred za žrtvu naknadnicu.
2 They are to put to death the offering for wrongdoing in the same place as the burned offering; and the priest is to put the blood on and round the altar.
Nadasve je sveta! Neka se žrtva naknadnica zakolje na mjestu gdje se kolju žrtve paljenice, a njezinom krvlju neka svećenik zapljusne sve strane žtrvenika.
3 And all the fat of it, the fat tail and the fat covering the inside parts, is to be given as an offering.
Zatim neka prinese sav loj s nje: pretili rep, loj što omotava drobinu,
4 And the two kidneys, and the fat on them, which is by the top of the legs, and the fat joining the liver and the kidneys, he is to take away:
oba bubrega i loj što je na njima i na slabinama; pa privjesak s jetre: neka i njega izvadi s bubrezima!
5 They are to be burned by the priest on the altar for an offering made by fire to the Lord: it is an offering for wrongdoing.
Neka ih svećenik sažeže na žrtveniku kao žrtvu u čast Jahvi paljenu. To je žrtva naknadnica.
6 Every male among the priests may have it as food in a holy place: it is most holy.
Svaki muški od svećeničke loze može od nje jesti. Neka je jedu na posvećenu mjestu - presveta je!
7 As is the sin-offering, so is the offering for wrongdoing; there is one law for them: the priest who makes the offering to take away sin, he is to have it.
Kakva je žrtva okajnica, takva je i žrtva naknadnica; jedno je pravilo za njih: neka pripadne svećeniku koji njome vrši obred pomirenja.
8 And the priest offering any man's burned offering for him, may have the skin of the burned offering which is offered by him.
Tako isto koža od žrtve koju tko preda svećeniku da bude prinesena za žrtvu paljenicu neka pripadne svećeniku.
9 And every meal offering which is cooked in the oven and everything made in a cooking pot or on a flat plate, is for the priest by whom it is offered.
Nadalje, svaka žrtva prinosnica što bude pečena u peći, kao i svaka što bude zgotovljena u kotluši ili na tavi, neka pripadne svećeniku koji je prinosi.
10 And every meal offering, mixed with oil or dry, is for all the sons of Aaron in equal measure.
A svaka žrtva prinosnica, zamiješena s uljem ili nasuho, neka pripadne svim Aronovim sinovima bez razlike!”
11 And this is the law for the peace-offerings offered to the Lord.
“Ovo je obred za žrtvu pričesnicu koja će se prinositi Jahvi.
12 If any man gives his offering as a praise-offering, then let him give with the offering, unleavened cakes mixed with oil and thin unleavened cakes covered with oil and cakes of the best meal well mixed with oil.
Ako se prinosi u zahvalu, neka se zajedno sa žrtvom zahvalnicom prinesu i beskvasne pogače uljem zamiješene; beskvasne prevrte uljem namazane i kolači od najboljeg brašna, zamiješeni uljem.
13 With his peace-offering let him give cakes of leavened bread, as a praise-offering.
Ovaj prinos, nadopunjen kolačima od ukvasanoga tijesta, neka se prinosi zajedno sa žrtvom pričesnicom u zahvalu.
14 And let him give one out of every offering to be lifted up before the Lord; that it may be for the priest who puts the blood of the peace-offering on the altar.
Od svake ovakve žrtve neka se prinese po jedan kolač na dar Jahvi. To neka bude za svećenika koji zapljuskuje krv od žrtve pričesnice.
15 And the flesh of the praise-offering is to be taken as food on the day when it is offered; no part of it may be kept till the morning.
A meso žrtve pričesnice neka se pojede istoga dana kad bude žrtvovana; neka se od nje ne ostavlja ništa za sutradan.
16 But if his offering is made because of an oath or given freely, it may be taken as food on the day when it is offered; and the rest may be used up on the day after:
A bude li prinos žrtva zavjetnica ili žrtva dragovoljna, neka se jede na dan kad se žrtva prinosi. Što ostane od nje neka se jede sutradan.
17 But if any of the flesh of the offering is still unused on the third day, it is to be burned with fire.
A što još mesa od žrtve preteče, neka se treći dan na vatri spali.”
18 And if any of the flesh of the peace-offering is taken as food on the third day, it will not be pleasing to God and will not be put to the account of him who gives it; it will be unclean and a cause of sin to him who takes it as food.
“Ako bi tko jeo meso žrtve pričesnice i treći dan, žrtva neće biti primljena niti će onome koji je prinosi biti uračunata. To je meso kvarno, i onaj koji od toga jede neka i posljedice krivnje snosi!
19 And flesh touched by any unclean thing may not be taken for food: it is to be burned with fire; and as for the flesh of the peace-offerings, everyone who is clean may take it as food:
Meso koje se dotakne bilo čega nečista neka se ne jede nego na vatri spali! Inače, tko je god čist može jesti meso.
20 But he who is unclean when he takes as food the flesh of the peace-offerings, which are the Lord's, will be cut off from his people.
A tko bi nečist jeo mesa od žrtve pričesnice što je bila Jahvi prinesena takav neka se iskorijeni iz svoga naroda.
21 And anyone who, after touching any unclean thing of man or an unclean beast or any unclean and disgusting thing, takes as food the flesh of the peace-offerings, which are the Lord's, will be cut off from his people.
Kad se tko dotakne bilo čega nečista - bila to nečist čovječja, kakva nečista životinja ili bilo kakvo nečisto stvorenje - pa pojede mesa od žrtve pričesnice koja je prinesena Jahvi takav neka se iskorijeni iz svoga naroda!”
22 And the Lord said to Moses,
Reče Jahve Mojsiju:
23 Say to the children of Israel: You are not to take any fat, of ox or sheep or goat, for food.
“Ovako kaži Izraelcima: 'Ne jedite loja ni volujskoga, ni ovčjega, ni kozjega.
24 And the fat of that which comes to a natural death, and the fat of that which is attacked by beasts, may be used for other purposes, but not in any way for food.
Loj sa životinje koja ugine, ili koju divlje zvijeri razderu, može se upotrijebiti za bilo što, ali ga ne smijete jesti.
25 For anyone who takes as food the fat of any beast of which men make an offering by fire to the Lord, will be cut off from his people.
Tko god jede loj od životinje koja se može prinijeti Jahvi kao žrtva paljenica takav neka se iskorijeni iz svoga naroda.
26 And you are not to take for food any blood, of bird or of beast, in any of your houses.
Ne smijete uživati krvi ni od ptica ni od stoke ni u kojem svome prebivalištu.
27 Whoever takes any blood for food will be cut off from his people.
Tko bi god uživao bilo kakvu krv neka se iskorijeni iz svoga naroda.'”
28 And the Lord said to Moses,
Jahve još reče Mojsiju:
29 Say to the children of Israel: He who makes a peace-offering to the Lord, is to give an offering to the Lord out of his peace-offering:
“Ovako kaži Izraelcima: 'Prinos Jahvi od žrtve pričesnice mora donijeti onaj koji Jahvi prinosi žrtvu pričesnicu.
30 He himself is to take to the Lord the offering made by fire, even the fat with the breast, so that the breast may be waved for a wave offering before the Lord.
Svojim vlastitim rukama neka prinese Jahvi žrtvu paljenicu; neka prinese loj i grudi; grudi neka se prinesu pred Jahvom kao žrtva prikaznica.
31 And the fat is to be burned by the priest on the altar, but the breast is for Aaron and his sons.
Neka svećenik sažeže loj na žrtveniku, a grudi neka pripadnu Aronu i njegovim sinovima.
32 And the right leg you are to give to the priest for an offering to be lifted up out of what is given for your peace-offerings.
Desno pleće od svojih žrtava pričesnica dajte svećeniku na dar.
33 That man, among the sons of Aaron, by whom the blood of the peace-offering and the fat are offered, is to have the right leg for his part.
Onome Aronovu sinu koji bude prinosio krv i loj sa žrtve pričesnice neka u dio pripadne desno pleće.
34 For the breast which is waved and the right leg which is lifted up on high I have taken from the children of Israel, from their peace-offerings, and have given them to Aaron the priest and to his sons as their right for ever from the children of Israel.
Jer ja uzimam od Izraelaca grudi od žrtava pričesnica što se prinose kao žrtva prikaznica i pleće žrtve podizanice te ih predajem svećeniku Aronu i njegovim sinovima. To je trajna odredba za Izraelce.
35 This is the holy part given to Aaron and to his sons, out of the offerings made to the Lord by fire, on the day when they were made priests before the Lord;
To je dohodak Aronov i njegovih sinova od žrtava paljenih u čast Jahvi; dodjeljuje im se od onog dana kad se dovedu da vrše svećeničku službu u čast Jahvi.
36 Which the Lord said the children of Israel were to give them, on the day when he made them his priests. It is their right for ever from generation to generation.
Jahve je naredio da im se od dana kad budu pomazani to daje kao pristojbina od Izraelaca. To je trajna odredba za njihove naraštaje'.”
37 These are the laws for the burned offering, the meal offering, and the offering for wrongdoing; and for the making of priests, and for the giving of peace-offerings;
To je obred za žrtvu paljenicu, prinosnicu, okajnicu, naknadnicu, žrtvu posvetnicu i žrtvu pričesnicu
38 As they were given by the Lord to Moses on Mount Sinai, on the day when the Lord gave orders to the children of Israel to make their offerings to the Lord, in the waste land of Sinai.
koji je Jahve naredio Mojsiju na Sinajskom brdu kad je zapovjedio Izraelcima da Jahvi u Sinajskoj pustinji prinose žrtve.

< Leviticus 7 >