< Job 6 >

1 And Job made answer and said,
Respondens autem Iob, dixit:
2 If only my passion might be measured, and put into the scales against my trouble!
Utinam appenderentur peccata mea, quibus iram merui: et calamitas, quam patior, in statera.
3 For then its weight would be more than the sand of the seas: because of this my words have been uncontrolled.
Quasi arena maris hæc gravior appareret: unde et verba mea dolore sunt plena:
4 For the arrows of the Ruler of all are present with me, and their poison goes deep into my spirit: his army of fears is put in order against me.
Quia sagittæ Domini in me sunt, quarum indignatio ebibit spiritum meum, et terrores Domini militant contra me.
5 Does the ass of the fields give out his voice when he has grass? or does the ox make sounds over his food?
Numquid rugiet onager cum habuerit herbam? aut mugiet bos cum ante præsepe plenum steterit?
6 Will a man take food which has no taste without salt? or is there any taste in the soft substance of purslain?
Aut poterit comedi insulsum, quod non est sale conditum? aut potest aliquis gustare, quod gustatum affert mortem?
7 My soul has no desire for such things, they are as disease in my food.
Quæ prius nolebat tangere anima mea, nunc præ angustia, cibi mei sunt.
8 If only I might have an answer to my prayer, and God would give me my desire!
Quis det ut veniat petitio mea: et quod expecto, tribuat mihi Deus?
9 If only he would be pleased to put an end to me; and would let loose his hand, so that I might be cut off!
Et qui cœpit, ipse me conterat: solvat manum suam, et succidat me?
10 So I would still have comfort, and I would have joy in the pains of death, for I have not been false to the words of the Holy One.
Et hæc mihi sit consolatio ut affligens me dolore, non parcat, nec contradicam sermonibus Sancti.
11 Have I strength to go on waiting, or have I any end to be looking forward to?
Quæ est enim fortitudo mea ut sustineam? aut quis finis meus, ut patienter agam?
12 Is my strength the strength of stones, or is my flesh brass?
Nec fortitudo lapidum fortitudo mea, nec caro mea ænea est.
13 I have no help in myself, and wisdom is completely gone from me.
Ecce, non est auxilium mihi in me, et necessarii quoque mei recesserunt a me.
14 He whose heart is shut against his friend has given up the fear of the Ruler of all.
Qui tollit ab amico suo misericordiam, timorem Domini derelinquit.
15 My friends have been false like a stream, like streams in the valleys which come to an end:
Fratres mei præterierunt me, sicut torrens qui raptim transit in convallibus.
16 Which are dark because of the ice, and the snow falling into them;
Qui timent pruinam, irruet super eos nix.
17 Under the burning sun they are cut off, and come to nothing because of the heat.
Tempore, quo fuerint dissipati, peribunt: et ut incaluerit, solventur de loco suo.
18 The camel-trains go out of their way; they go up into the waste and come to destruction.
Involutæ sunt semitæ gressuum eorum: ambulabunt in vacuum, et peribunt.
19 The camel-trains of Tema were searching with care, the bands of Sheba were waiting for them:
Considerate semitas Thema, itinera Saba, et expectate paulisper.
20 They were put to shame because of their hope; they came and their hope was gone.
Confusi sunt, quia speravi: venerunt quoque usque ad me, et pudore cooperti sunt.
21 So have you now become to me; you see my sad condition and are in fear.
Nunc venistis: et modo videntes plagam meam timetis.
22 Did I say, Give me something? or, Make a payment for me out of your wealth?
Numquid dixi: Afferte mihi, et de substantia vestra donate mihi?
23 Or, Get me out of the power of my hater? or, Give money so that I may be free from the power of the cruel ones?
Vel, Liberate me de manu hostis, et de manu robustorum eruite me?
24 Give me teaching and I will be quiet; and make me see my error.
Docete me, et ego tacebo: et siquid forte ignoravi, instruite me.
25 How pleasing are upright words! but what force is there in your arguments?
Quare detraxistis sermonibus veritatis, cum e vobis nullus sit qui possit arguere me?
26 My words may seem wrong to you, but the words of him who has no hope are for the wind.
Ad increpandum tantum eloquia concinnatis, et in ventum verba profertis.
27 Truly, you are such as would give up the child of a dead man to his creditors, and would make a profit out of your friend.
Super pupillum irruitis, et subvertere nitimini amicum vestrum.
28 Now then, let your eyes be turned to me, for truly I will not say what is false to your face.
Verumtamen quod cœpistis explete: præbete aurem, et videte an mentiar.
29 Let your minds be changed, and do not have an evil opinion of me; yes, be changed, for my righteousness is still in me.
Respondete obsecro absque contentione: et loquentes id quod iustum est, iudicate.
30 Is there evil in my tongue? is not the cause of my trouble clear to me?
Et non invenietis in lingua mea iniquitatem, nec in faucibus meis stultitia personabit.

< Job 6 >