< Job 37 >

1 At this my heart is shaking; it is moved out of its place.
A ce spectacle, mon cœur est tout tremblant, il bondit hors de sa place.
2 Give ear to the rolling noise of his voice; to the hollow sound which goes out of his mouth.
Ecoutez, écoutez le fracas de sa voix, le grondement qui sort de sa bouche!
3 He sends it out through all the heaven, and his thunder-flame to the ends of the earth.
Il lui donne libre carrière sous l’immensité des cieux, et son éclair brille jusqu’aux extrémités de la terre.
4 After it a voice is sounding, thundering out the word of his power; he does not keep back his thunder-flames; from his mouth his voice is sounding.
Puis éclate un rugissement, il tonne de sa voix majestueuse; il ne retient plus les éclairs, quand on entend sa voix;
5 He does wonders, more than may be searched out; great things of which we have no knowledge;
Dieu tonne de sa voix, d’une manière merveilleuse. Il fait de grandes choses que nous ne comprenons pas.
6 For he says to the snow, Make the earth wet; and to the rain-storm, Come down.
Il dit à la neige: « Tombe sur la terre; » il commande aux ondées et aux pluies torrentielles.
7 He puts an end to the work of every man, so that all may see his work.
Il met un sceau sur la main de tous les hommes, afin que tout mortel reconnaisse son Créateur.
8 Then the beasts go into their holes, and take their rest.
Alors l’animal sauvage rentre dans son repaire, et demeure dans sa tanière.
9 Out of its place comes the storm-wind, and the cold out of its store-houses.
L’ouragan sort de ses retraites cachées, l’aquilon amène les frimas.
10 By the breath of God ice is made, and the wide waters are shut in.
Au souffle de Dieu se forme la glace, et la masse des eaux est emprisonnée.
11 The thick cloud is weighted with thunder-flame, and the cloud sends out its light;
Il charge de vapeurs les nuages, il disperse ses nuées lumineuses.
12 And it goes this way and that, round about, turning itself by his guiding, to do whatever he gives orders to be done, on the face of his world of men,
On les voit, selon ses décrets, errer en tous sens, pour exécuter tout ce qu’il leur commande, sur la face de la terre habitée.
13 For a rod, or for a curse, or for mercy, causing it to come on the mark.
C’est tantôt pour le châtiment de sa terre, et tantôt en signe de faveur qu’il les envoie.
14 Give ear to this, O Job, and keep quiet in your place; and take note of the wonders worked by God.
Job, sois attentif à ces choses; arrête-toi, et considère les merveilles de Dieu.
15 Have you knowledge of God's ordering of his works, how he makes the light of his cloud to be seen?
Sais-tu comment il les opère, et fait briller l’éclair dans la nue?
16 Have you knowledge of the balancings of the clouds, the wonders of him who has all wisdom?
Comprends-tu le balancement des nuages, les merveilles de celui dont la science est parfaite,
17 You, whose clothing is warm, when the earth is quiet because of the south wind,
toi dont les vêtements sont chauds, quand la terre se repose au souffle du midi?
18 Will you, with him, make the skies smooth, and strong as a polished looking-glass?
Peux-tu, comme lui, étendre les nuées, et les rendre solides comme un miroir d’airain?
19 Make clear to me what we are to say to him; we are unable to put our cause before him, because of the dark.
Fais-nous connaître ce que nous devons lui dire: nous ne saurions lui parler, ignorants que nous sommes.
20 How may he have knowledge of my desire for talk with him? or did any man ever say, May destruction come on me?
Ah! qu’on ne lui rapporte pas mes discours! Un homme a-t-il jamais dit qu’il désirait sa perte?
21 And now the light is not seen, for it is dark because of the clouds; but a wind comes, clearing them away.
On ne peut voir maintenant la lumière du soleil, qui luit derrière les nuages; qu’un vent passe, il les dissipe.
22 A bright light comes out of the north; God's glory is greatly to be feared.
L’or vient du septentrion; mais Dieu, que sa majesté est redoutable!
23 There is no searching out of the Ruler of all: his strength and his judging are great; he is full of righteousness, doing no wrong.
Le Tout-Puissant, nous ne pouvons l’atteindre: il est grand en force, et en droit, et en justice, il ne répond à personne!
24 For this cause men go in fear of him; he has no respect for any who are wise in heart.
Que les hommes donc le révèrent! Il ne regarde pas ceux qui se croient sages.

< Job 37 >