< Job 35 >

1 And Elihu made answer and said,
Therfor Helyu spak eft these thingis, Whethir thi thouyt semeth euene,
2 Does it seem to you to be right, and righteousness before God, to say,
`ether riytful, to thee, that thou schuldist seie, Y am riytfulere than God?
3 What profit is it to me, and how am I better off than if I had done wrong?
For thou seidist, That, that is good, plesith not thee; ethir what profitith it to thee, if Y do synne?
4 I will make answer to you and to your friends:
Therfor Y schal answere to thi wordis, and to thi frendis with thee.
5 Let your eyes be turned to the heavens, and lifted up to see the skies; they are higher than you.
Se thou, and biholde heuene, and biholde thou the eir, that God is hiyere than thou.
6 If you have done wrong, is he any the worse for it? and if your sins are great in number, what is it to him?
If thou synnest `ayens hym, what schalt thou anoye hym? and if thi wickidnessis ben multiplied, what schalt thou do ayens hym?
7 If you are upright, what do you give to him? or what does he take from your hand?
Certis if thou doist iustli, what schalt thou yyue to hym; ether what schal he take of thin hond?
8 Your evil-doing may have an effect on a man like yourself, or your righteousness on a son of man.
Thi wickidnesse schal anoie a man, which is lijk thee; and thi riytfulnesse schal helpe the sone of a man.
9 Because the hand of the cruel is hard on them, men are making sounds of grief; they are crying out for help because of the arm of the strong.
Thei schulen cry for the multitude of fals chalengeris, and thei schulen weile for the violence of the arm of tirauntis.
10 But no one has said, Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night;
And Joob seide not, Where is God, that made me, and that yaf songis in the nyyt?
11 Who gives us more knowledge than the beasts of the earth, and makes us wiser than the birds of the heaven?
Which God techith vs aboue the beestis of erthe, and he schal teche vs aboue the briddis of heuene.
12 There they are crying out because of the pride of the evil-doers, but he gives them no answer.
There thei schulen crye, and God schal not here, for the pride of yuele men.
13 But God will not give ear to what is false, or the Ruler of all take note of it;
For God schal not here with out cause, and Almyyti God schal biholde the causis of ech man.
14 How much less when you say that you do not see him; that the cause is before him, and you are waiting for him.
Yhe, whanne thou seist, He biholdith not; be thou demed bifor hym, and abide thou hym.
15 And now ...;
For now he bryngith not in his strong veniaunce, nether vengith `greetli felonye.
16 And Job's mouth is open wide to give out what is of no profit, increasing words without knowledge.
Therfor Joob openith his mouth in veyn, and multiplieth wordis with out kunnyng.

< Job 35 >