< Job 25 >

1 Then Bildad the Shuhite made answer and said,
Hahoi Shuhi tami Bildad ni a pathung teh,
2 Rule and power are his; he makes peace in his high places.
Uknae hoi takinae teh amae naw doeh. Hmuenrasang dawkvah roumnae naw a sak.
3 Is it possible for his armies to be numbered? and on whom is not his light shining?
A ransanaw hah apinimaw a touk thai han. Apie lathueng maw na angnae hah tâcawt laipalah ao boi.
4 How then is it possible for man to be upright before God? or how may he be clean who is a son of woman?
Bangtelamaw Cathut e hmalah tami a lan thai han. Hoeh pawiteh, bangtelamaw napui ni khe e hah a thoung thai han.
5 See, even the moon is not bright, and the stars are not clean in his eyes:
Thapa patenghai ang laipalah, âsinaw hai amae mithmu vah thoung awh hoeh pawiteh,
6 How much less man who is an insect, and the son of man who is a worm!
Pâri hoi tangraet rumram lah kaawm e taminaw natawng teh bangtelamaw hoe thoung thai han vaw, telah ati.

< Job 25 >