< Jeremiah 31 >

1 At that time, says the Lord, I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they will be my people.
Amy andro zay, hoe t’Iehovà, le ho Andrianañahare’ ze hene fifokoa’ Israele iraho, vaho h’ondatiko iereo.
2 The Lord has said, Grace came in the waste land to a people kept safe from the sword, even to Israel on the way to his resting-place.
Hoe t’Iehovà: Nitendreke falalàñe am-patrambey añe ondaty nasisa’ i fibaraio, fa naseseko mb’am-pitofa’e mb’eo t’Israele.
3 From far away he saw the Lord: my love for you is an eternal love: so with mercy I have made you come with me.
Niheo amako t’Iehovà boak’ an-tsietoitane añe. nanao ty hoe: Eka, fa nikokoako irehe am-pikokoañe tsy ho modo; izay ty nitaonako azo an-kafatraram-pikokoañe.
4 I will again make new your buildings, O virgin of Israel, and you will take up your place: again you will take up your instruments of music, and go out in the dances of those who are glad.
Hamboareko indraike le ho fonireñe irehe ry somondrara’ Israele; ho tintine’o indraike o kantsà’oo, naho hionjo-mb’an-tsinjake mindre amo mpifaleo.
5 Again will your vine-gardens be planted on the hill of Samaria: the planters will be planting and using the fruit.
Hambole vahe amo vohi’ i Someroneo indraike nahareo; hitongy o mpitongio, vaho hifale t’ie mahatoly sabo.
6 For there will be a day when those who get in the grapes on the hills of Ephraim will be crying, Up! let us go up to Zion to the Lord our God.
Ho tondroke ty andro, te ho koihe’ ty mpijilo ambohi’ i Efraime ey, ty hoe: Miavota, antao hionjo mb’e Tsione, mb’am’ Iehovà Andrianañaharen-tika mb’eo.
7 For the Lord has said, Make a glad song for Jacob and give a cry on the top of the mountains: give the news, give praise, and say, The Lord has given salvation to his people, even to the rest of Israel.
Fa hoe t’Iehovà: Misabòa an-kafaleañe r’Iakobe, vaho mikoiha añivo o beim-pifeheañeo; Mitaroña, mandrengea, le ano ty hoe: Ry Iehovà, rombaho ondati’oo, i sehanga’ Israeley.
8 See, I will take them from the north country, and get them from the inmost parts of the earth, and with them the blind and the feeble-footed, the woman with child and her who is in birth-pains together: a very great army, they will come back here.
Oniño t’ie hendeseko boak’an-tane avaratse añe, hatontoko boak’añ’olo’ ty tane toy, rekets’ o goao naho o kepekeo, o savereñe rekets’ ana’eo, vaho o mitsongo fa hisamakeo— valobohòke jabajaba ty himpoly mb’atoy.
9 They will come with weeping, and going before them I will be their guide: guiding them by streams of water in a straight way where there is no falling: for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is the first of my sons.
Ie homb’ atoy an-kololoike, le hiaoloako an-kohò; hampombako mb’añolon-torahañe mikararake mb’eo, an-dalam-bantañe tsy hahatsikapy; amy te rae’ Israele iraho, naho tañoloñoloñako t’i Efraime.
10 Give ear to the word of the Lord, O you nations, and give news of it in the sea-lands far away, and say, He who has sent Israel wandering will get him together and will keep him as a keeper does his flock.
Mahajanjiña ty tsara’ Iehovà, ry fifeheañeo, vaho tseizo amo tokonose tsietoitaneo ty hoe: I nampivarakaike Israeley ro manontoñe aze, naho mañotroñ’aze manahake ty fañotroña’ ty mpiarake i lia-rai’ey.
11 For the Lord has given a price for Jacob, and made him free from the hands of him who was stronger than he.
Amy te vinili’ Iehovà ty fiai’Iakobe, naho jineba’e am-pità’ i maozatse te ama’ey.
12 So they will come with songs on the high places, flowing together to the good things of the Lord, to the grain and the wine and the oil, to the young ones of the flock and of the herd: their souls will be like a watered garden, and they will have no more sorrow.
Aa le homb’ atoy iereo hisabo an-kaboa’ i Tsione ey, naho hiloeloe ami’ty hasoa’ Iehovà; ami’ty mahakama, naho ami’ty divay naho ami’ty menake, ami’ty tora’ o lia-raike naho mpirai-trokeo; le ho goloboñe soa tondrake ty fiai’ iareo, vaho tsy hinike ka.
13 Then the virgin will have joy in the dance, and the young men and the old will be glad: for I will have their weeping turned into joy, I will give them comfort and make them glad after their sorrow.
Ie amy zay, hisalale an-tsinjake ty somondrara, naho hitraok’ ami’ty bey ty ajalahy; ie hafoteko ho hafaleañe ty fioremeña’ iareo, naho hohoñeko, vaho ho limbezeko firebehañe ty fihontofa’ iareo.
14 I will give the priests their desired fat things, and my people will have a full measure of my good things, says the Lord.
Ho liporeko solike ty arofo’ o mpisoroñeo, vaho hahaeneñe ondatikoo o hasoakoo, hoe t’Iehovà.
15 So has the Lord said: In Ramah there is a sound of crying, weeping and bitter sorrow; Rachel weeping for her children; she will not be comforted for their loss.
Hoe t’Iehovà: Inay ty fiarañanañañe e Ramà añe, fangololoihañe naho firovetañ’afero, Angoihoie’ i Rakele o amori’eo; tsy mete ohoñen-dre ty amo ana’eo, amy t’ie tsy eo.
16 The Lord has said this: Keep your voice from sorrow and your eyes from weeping: for your work will be rewarded, says the Lord; and they will come back from the land of their hater.
Hoe t’Iehovà: Kalaño ty fiarañanaña’o tsy hirovetse, naho o fihaino’oo tsy hitsirike ranomaso; fa ho tambezañe ty fitromaha’o, hoe t’Iehovà; vaho himpoly boak’ an-tane’ i rafelahiy iereo.
17 And there is hope for the future, says the Lord; and your children will come back to the land which is theirs.
Aman-ko tamaeñe o herone’oo, hoe t’Iehovà; le himpoly an-tane’ iareo o ana’ areoo.
18 Certainly Ephraim's words of grief have come to my ears, You have given me training and I have undergone it like a young cow unused to the yoke: let me be turned and come back, for you are the Lord my God.
Toe tsinanoko ty fikoaiha’ i Efraime: Fa linafa’o, toe finiake hoe dronga tsy folake, ampitoliho iraho le ho tafa-tolike, amy te Ihe ro Iehovà Andrianañahareko.
19 Truly, after I had been turned, I had regret for my ways; and after I had got knowledge, I made signs of sorrow: I was put to shame, truly, I was covered with shame, because I had to undergo the shame of my early years.
Aa ie nampitolihen-draho le nisoloho, ie nanaren-draho le pinaoko ty feko; nisalatse, eka nimeñatse, amy te tsy nivavèko ty injen-katorako.
20 Is Ephraim my dear son? is he the child of my delight? for whenever I say things against him, I still keep him in my memory: so my heart is troubled for him; I will certainly have mercy on him, says the Lord.
Anak’isoko hao t’i Efraime? Ajaja nahasinda hao re? Fa beteke mivolañe aze iraho, le vata’e tiahiko; mikoritoke ho aze ty troko, vaho ho tretrezeko, hoe t’Iehovà.
21 Put up guiding pillars, make road signs for yourself: give attention to the highway, even the way in which you went: be turned again, O virgin of Israel, be turned to these your towns.
Añoreño fanoroañe, ampijadoño bodam-pamantarañe; reketo mb’amy damokey ty arofo’o, i lalañe nomba’o mb’eoy; mimpolia ry somondrara’ Israele, mibaliha mb’amo rova’o retoañe.
22 How long will you go on turning this way and that, O wandering daughter? for the Lord has made a new thing on the earth, a woman changed into a man.
Ampara’ te ombia t’ie hiamboho, ry anak’ampela midisa-volio? Fa namboatse raha vao an-tane atoy t’Iehovà: Ho tsikarikarie’ ty ampela ty lahilahy.
23 So the Lord of armies, the God of Israel, has said, Again will these words be used in the land of Judah and in its towns, when I have let their fate be changed: May the blessing of the Lord be on you, O resting-place of righteousness, O holy mountain.
Hoe t’Iehovà’ i Màroy, t’i Andria­nañahare’ Israele: Mbe hindrai’ iareo an-tane’ Iehodà ao naho amo rova’eo, ie hafoteko ty fandrohizañe iareo, ty saontsy manao ty hoe: Hitahy azo t’Iehovà, ry kivohon-kavantañañe, ry vohin-kamasiñañe.
24 And Judah and all its towns will be living there together; the farmers and those who go about with flocks.
Songa hitrao-pimoneñe ao t’Iehodà, vaho amo rova’eo o mpitongio naho o mpiarake lia-raikeo.
25 For I have given new strength to the tired soul and to every sorrowing soul in full measure.
Fa hanjañeko ty fañova mokotse le hampieneñeko ty sandry mitìke.
26 At this, awaking from my sleep, I saw; and my sleep was sweet to me.
Nitsekak’ amy zao iraho le nañente, vaho nimamy amako i firoroakoy.
27 See, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will have Israel and Judah planted with the seed of man and with the seed of beast.
Inao! ho tondroke ty andro, hoe t’Iehovà, te ho tongiseko ami’ty tabiri’ ondaty naho ami’ty tabirin-kare ty anjomba’ Israele naho Iehodà.
28 And it will come about that, as I have been watching over them for the purpose of uprooting and smashing down and overturning and sending destruction and causing trouble; so I will be watching over them for the purpose of building up and planting, says the Lord.
Ie amy zao, hambañe amy nisarieko iareo ho voroteñe naho harotsake vaho ho silofeñey; ty hisarieko iareo hamboareñe naho hamboleñe, hoe t’Iehovà.
29 In those days they will no longer say, The fathers have been tasting bitter grapes and the children's teeth are put on edge.
Tsy ho saontsie’ iereo ka amy andro zay te Nikama valoboke mìtsa ty roae, vaho mangitsy ty nife’ o ana’eo.
30 But everyone will be put to death for the evil which he himself has done: whoever has taken bitter grapes will himself have his teeth put on edge.
F’ie fonga hampihomahe’ o hakeo’eo; ze ondaty mikama valoboke mìtsa, le o famotsi’eo ty hangìtsy.
31 See, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new agreement with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah:
Inao, ho tondroke ty andro, hoe t’Iehovà te hanoeko fañina vao amy anjomba’ Israeley naho i anjomba’ Iehodày;
32 Not like the agreement which I made with their fathers, on the day when I took them by the hand to be their guide out of the land of Egypt; which agreement was broken by them, and I gave them up, says the Lord.
tsy hanahake i fañina nilahareko an-droae’ iareo tañ’andro nitanako am-pitàñe nañakarako iareo an-tane Mitsraimey; ie nivalik’ amy fañinakoy, ndra t’ie nitañanjomba’ iareo, hoe t’Iehovà.
33 But this is the agreement which I will make with the people of Israel after those days, says the Lord; I will put my law in their inner parts, writing it in their hearts; and I will be their God, and they will be my people.
Fe zao ty fañina hanoeko amy anjomba’ Israeley naho fa modo i andro rezay, hoe t’Iehovà, hapoko añ’ova’ iareo ao ty Hàke le ho sokireko añ’arofo’ iareo ao; naho ho Andrianañahare’ iareo iraho vaho h’ondatiko iereo;
34 And no longer will they be teaching every man his neighbour and every man his brother, saying, Get knowledge of the Lord: for they will all have knowledge of me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord: for they will have my forgiveness for their evil-doing, and their sin will go from my memory for ever.
tsy songa hifañoke ka ondatio naho o rañe’eo ami’ty hoe: Mahafohina Iehovà fa hene hahafohiñe ahy, mifotots’ an-tsitso’e pak’ ami’ty bey hoe t’Iehovà; fa hapoko ty tahi’ iareo le tsy ho tiahiko ka o hakeo’ iareoo.
35 These are the words of the Lord, who has given the sun for a light by day, ordering the moon and stars for a light by night, who puts the sea in motion, causing the thunder of its waves; the Lord of armies is his name.
Hoe t’Iehovà, mpanolotse i àndroy hañazava ty andro, naho o fepè’ i volañey vaho o vasiañeoo ho failo amo haleñeo, i mpitrobo i riakey, hampitroñañe o onjao, Iehovà’ i Màroy ty tahina’e.
36 If the order of these things before me is ever broken, says the Lord, then will the seed of Israel come to an end as a nation before me for ever.
Naho mienga tsy ho añatrefako i fañè rezay, hoe t’Iehovà, le hijihetse tsy ho fifeheañe aoloko eo ka ty tiri’ Israele.
37 This is what the Lord has said: If the heavens on high may be measured, and the bases of the earth searched out, then I will give up the seed of Israel, because of all they have done, says the Lord.
Hoe t’Iehovà: Naho lefe zeheñe i likerañey, naho mete tsikaraheñe o mananta’ ty tane toio, izay vaho haitoako ka ze hene tiri’ Israele ty amo fonga sata’ iareoo, hoe t’Iehovà.
38 See, the days are coming, says the Lord, for the building of the Lord's town, from the tower of Hananel to the doorway of the angle.
Inao te ho tondroke ty andro, hoe t’Iehovà, te hamboareñe ho a Iehovà i rovay boak’ am-pitalakesañ’abo i Kanànele, pak’ an-dalambein-kotsokey.
39 And the measuring-line will go out in front of it as far as the hill Gareb, going round to Goah.
Mbore ho kozozoteñe mahity mb’an- kaboa’ i Garebe i taly fanjeheañey, vaho hiolake mb’e Goà mb’eo.
40 And all the valley of the dead bodies, and all the field of death as far as the stream Kidron, up to the angle of the horses' doorway to the east, will be holy to the Lord; it will not again be uprooted or overturned for ever.
Le havaheñe am’ Iehovà i hene vavatanen-dolo naho lavenokey, naho o teteke iaby pak’ an-toraha’ i Kidroney mb’eo, pak’ an-kotso’ i lalambein-tsoavala mianiñanañeio; ie tsy hombotañe ka, tsy hafetsake ambane nainai’e kitro añ’afe’e.

< Jeremiah 31 >