< Hosea 7 >

1 When my desire was for the fate of my people to be changed and to make Israel well, then the sin of Ephraim was made clear, and the evil-doing of Samaria; for their ways are false, and the thief comes into the house, while the band of outlaws takes property by force in the streets.
Whanne Y wolde heele Israel, the wickidnesse of Effraym was schewid, and the malice of Samarie was schewid, for thei wrouyten a leesyng. And a niyt theef entride, and robbid; a dai theef was withoutforth.
2 And they do not say to themselves that I keep in mind all their sin; now their evil acts come round them on every side; they are before my face.
And lest thei seien in her hertis, that Y haue mynde on al the malice of hem, now her fyndyngis han cumpassid hem, tho ben maad bifor my face.
3 In their sin they make a king for themselves, and rulers in their deceit.
In her malice thei gladiden the kyng, and in her leesyngys `thei gladiden the princes.
4 They are all untrue; they are like a burning oven; the bread-maker does not make up the fire from the time when the paste is mixed till it is leavened.
Alle that doen auoutrie, ben as an ouene maad hoot of a bakere. The citee restide a litil fro the medlyng of sour douy, til al was maad sour `of sour douy.
5 On the day of our king, the rulers made him ill with the heat of wine; his hand was stretched out with the men of pride.
The dai of oure kyng; the princis bigunnen to be wood of wyn; he stretchide forth his hoond with scorneris.
6 For they have made their hearts ready like an oven, while they are waiting secretly; their wrath is sleeping all night; in the morning it is burning like a flaming fire.
For thei applieden her herte as an ouene, whanne he settide tresoun to hem. Al the niyt he slepte bakynge hem, in the morewtid he was maad hoot, as the fier of flawme.
7 They are all heated like an oven, and they put an end to their judges; all their kings have been made low; not one among them makes prayer to me.
Alle weren maad hoot as an ouene, and thei deuouriden her iugis. Alle the kyngis of hem fellen doun, and noon is among hem that crieth to me.
8 Ephraim is mixed with the peoples; Ephraim is a cake not turned.
Effraym hym silf was medlid among puplis; Effraym was maad a loof bakun vndur aischis, which is not turned ayen.
9 Men from other lands have made waste his strength, and he is not conscious of it; grey hairs have come on him here and there, and he has no knowledge of it.
Aliens eeten the strengthe of hym, and he knew not; but also hoor heeris weren sched out in hym, and he knew not.
10 And the pride of Israel gives an answer to his face; but for all this, they have not gone back to the Lord their God, or made search for him.
And the pride of Israel schal be maad low in the face therof; thei turneden not ayen to her Lord God, and thei souyten not hym in alle these thingis.
11 And Ephraim is like a foolish dove, without wisdom; they send out their cry to Egypt, they go to Assyria.
And Effraym was maad as a culuer disseyued, not hauynge herte. Thei clepiden Egipt to help, thei yeden to Assiriens.
12 When they go, my net will be stretched out over them; I will take them like the birds of heaven, I will give them punishment, I will take them away in the net for their sin.
And whanne thei ben goen forth, Y schal sprede abrood on hem my net, Y schal drawe hem doun as a brid of the eir. Y schal beete hem, bi the heryng of the cumpany of hem.
13 May trouble be theirs! for they have gone far away from me; and destruction, for they have been sinning against me; I was ready to be their saviour, but they said false words against me.
Wo to hem, for thei yeden awei fro me; thei schulen be distried, for thei trespassiden ayens me. And Y ayenbouyte hem, and thei spaken leesyngis ayenus me.
14 And they have not made prayer to me in their hearts, but they make loud cries on their beds; they are cutting themselves for food and wine, they are turned against me.
And thei crieden not to me in her herte, but yelliden in her beddis. Thei chewiden code on wheete, and wyn, and thei yeden awei fro me.
15 Though I have given training and strength to their arms, they have evil designs against me.
And Y tauyte, and coumfortide the armes of hem, and thei thouyten malice ayens me.
16 They have gone to what is of no value; they are like a false bow; their captains will come to destruction by the sword, and their ruler by my wrath; for this, the land of Egypt will make sport of them.
Thei turneden ayen, that thei schulden be with out yok; thei ben maad as a gileful bowe. The princis of hem schulen falle doun bi swerd, for the woodnesse of her tunge; this is the scornyng of hem in the lond of Egipt.

< Hosea 7 >