< Hosea 12 >

1 Ephraim's food is the wind, and he goes after the east wind: deceit and destruction are increasing day by day; they make an agreement with Assyria, and take oil into Egypt.
Efrajim pase vjetar, za vjetrom istočnim trči cio dan, sve više je laži njegovih i nasilja. Savez sklapaju s Asirijom, ulje nose u Egipat.
2 The Lord has a cause against Judah, and will give punishment to Jacob for his ways; he will give him the reward of his acts.
S Izraelom ima Jahve parnicu, kaznit će Jakova prema postupcima, vratit će mu po djelima njegovim.
3 In the body of his mother he took his brother by the foot, and in his strength he was fighting with God;
Već u krilu materinu brata je potisnuo, u snazi muževnoj s Bogom se borio.
4 He had a fight with the angel and overcame him; he made request for grace to him with weeping; he came face to face with him in Beth-el and there his words came to him;
S Anđelom se borio i nadvladao ga, plakao je i zaklinjao ga. Našao ga je u Betelu i ondje mu je govorio.
5 Even the Lord, the God of armies; the Lord is his name.
Da, Jahve, Bog nad Vojskama, Jahve je ime njegovo.
6 So then, come back to your God; keep mercy and right, and be waiting at all times on your God.
Ti se dakle Bogu svojem vrati, čuvaj ljubav i pravednost i u Boga se svoga uzdaj svagda!
7 As for Canaan, the scales of deceit are in his hands; he takes pleasure in twisted ways.
U ruci je Kanaanu kriva tezulja, on voli zakidati.
8 And Ephraim said, Now I have got wealth and much property; in all my works no sin may be seen in me.
I reče Efrajim: “Samo sam se obogatio, blago sam nagomilao.” Ali ništa mu od sveg dobitka neće ostati, jer se ogriješio bezakonjima.
9 But I am the Lord your God from the land of Egypt; I will give you tents for your living-places again as in the days of the holy meeting.
Ja sam Jahve, Bog tvoj, sve od zemlje egipatske, još ću ti dati da stanuješ pod šatorima kao u dane Sastanka;
10 My word came to the ears of the prophets and I gave them visions in great number, and by the mouths of the prophets I made use of comparisons.
govorit ću prorocima, umnožit ću viđenja i po prorocima prispodobom učiti.
11 In Gilead there is evil. They are quite without value; in Gilgal they make offerings of oxen; truly their altars are like masses of stones in the hollows of a ploughed field.
Gilead je puko bezakonje, ispraznost sama; u Gilgali žrtvuju bikove; zato će im oltari biti k'o hrpe kamenja u brazdama poljskim.
12 And Jacob went in flight into the field of Aram, and Israel became a servant for a wife, and for a wife he kept sheep.
Jakov pobježe u kraj aramski, za ženu služaše Izrael, za ženu jednu stada čuvaše.
13 And by a prophet the Lord made Israel come up out of Egypt, and by a prophet he was kept safe.
Al' po Proroku izvede Jahve Izraela iz Egipta, i po Proroku on ga je čuvao.
14 I have been bitterly moved to wrath by Ephraim; so that his blood will be on him, and the Lord will make his shame come back on him.
Pregorko ga Efrajim uvrijedi: stoga će krv njegovu na nj svaliti, platit će mu Gospod njegov za pogrde.

< Hosea 12 >