< Ezra 7 >

1 Now after these things, when Artaxerxes was king of Persia, Ezra, the son of Seraiah, the son of Azariah, the son of Hilkiah,
Poslije tih događaja, za kraljevanja Artakserksa, kralja perzijskoga, Ezra - sin Seraje, sina Azarje, sina Hilkije,
2 The son of Shallum, the son of Zadok, the son of Ahitub,
sina Šaluma, sina Sadoka, sina Ahituba,
3 The son of Amariah, the son of Azariah, the son of Meraioth,
sina Amarje, sina Azarje, sina Merajota,
4 The son of Zerahiah, the son of Uzzi, the son of Bukki,
sina Zerahje, sina Uzije, sina Bukija,
5 The son of Abishua, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the chief priest:
sina Abišue, sina Pinhasa, sina Eleazara, sina vrhovnog svećenika Arona -
6 This Ezra went up from Babylon; and he was a scribe, expert in the law of Moses which the Lord, the God of Israel, had given: and the king, moved by the Lord his God, gave him whatever he made request for.
taj Ezra vrati se iz Babilona. Bio je književnik vješt Mojsijevu Zakonu, koji je dao Jahve, Bog Izraelov. Kako je ruka Jahve, Boga njegova, bila nad njim, kralj mu je dao sve što je tražio.
7 And some of the children of Israel went up, with some of the priests and the Levites and the music-makers and the door-keepers and the Nethinim, to Jerusalem, in the seventh year of Artaxerxes the king.
Stanovit broj Izraelaca, svećenika, levita, pjevača, vratara i sluga krenuše u Jeruzalem sedme godine kralja Artakserksa.
8 And he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month, in the seventh year of the king's rule.
A Ezra je došao u Jeruzalem petoga mjeseca: bilo je to sedme godine kraljeve.
9 For, starting his journey from Babylon on the first day of the first month, he came to Jerusalem on the first day of the fifth month, by the good help of his God.
Pošao je iz Babilona prvoga dana prvoga mjeseca, a stigao je u Jeruzalem prvoga dana petoga mjeseca: nad njim je bila blaga ruka Boga njegova!
10 For Ezra had given his mind to learning the law of the Lord and doing it, and to teaching his rules and decisions in Israel.
Jer je Ezra nastojao svim srcem proniknuti Zakon Jahvin, vršiti ga i poučavati Izraela u zakonima i običajima.
11 Now this is a copy of the letter which King Artaxerxes gave to Ezra, the priest and the scribe, who put into writing the words of the orders of the Lord, and of his rules for Israel:
Evo prijepisa isprave koju je kralj Artakserkso dao svećeniku Ezri, književniku vještu naredbama i zakonima što ih je Jahve dao Izraelu:
12 Artaxerxes, king of kings, to Ezra the priest, scribe of the law of the God of heaven, all peace;
“Artakserkso, kralj kraljeva, svećeniku Ezri, pisaru Zakona Boga nebeskoga, potpuni mir.
13 And now it is my order that all those of the people of Israel, and their priests and Levites in my kingdom, who are ready and have a desire to go to Jerusalem, are to go with you.
Evo mojih zapovijedi: Tko god u mome kraljevstvu od naroda izraelskog, njegovih svećenika ili od njegovih levita želi poći u Jeruzalem, može ići s tobom.
14 Because you are sent by the king and his seven wise men, to get knowledge about Judah and Jerusalem, as you are ordered by the law of your God which is in your hand;
Osim toga, šalje te kralj i njegovih sedam savjetnika da pregledaš Judeju i Jeruzalem prema Zakonu Boga tvoga, koji ti je u ruci,
15 And to take with you the silver and gold freely offered by the king and his wise men to the God of Israel, whose Temple is in Jerusalem,
i da odneseš srebro i zlato koje kralj i njegovih sedam savjetnika dragovoljno prinose Bogu Izraelovu, koji prebiva u Jeruzalemu,
16 As well as all the silver and gold which you get from the land of Babylon, together with the offering of the people and of the priests, freely given for the house of their God, which is in Jerusalem:
i sve srebro i zlato koje skupiš po svoj pokrajini babilonskoj s dragovoljnim prinosima koje narod i svećenici prinesu za Dom svoga Boga u Jeruzalemu.
17 So with this money get with care oxen, sheep, and lambs, with their meal offerings and their drink offerings, to be offered on the altar of the house of your God, which is in Jerusalem.
I pobrini se da tim novcem kupiš junaca, ovnova i jaganjaca, a tako i darova i naljeva koji uz to idu: to prinesi na žrtvenik Doma Boga vašega u Jeruzalemu.
18 And whatever seems right to you and to your brothers to do with the rest of the silver and gold, that do, as may be pleasing to your God.
Sa srebrom i zlatom što preostane učinite ti i tvoja braća kako vam se bude najviše svidjelo, vršeći volju Boga vašega.
19 And the vessels which have been given to you for the uses of the house of your God, you are to give to the God of Jerusalem.
Posuđe koje si primio za službu Domu Boga tvoga ostavi pred Bogom tvojim, u Jeruzalemu.
20 And whatever more is needed for the house of your God, and which you may have to give, take it from the king's store-house.
I što bi još trebalo za Dom Boga tvoga i što bi trebalo nabaviti primit ćeš iz kraljevskih riznica.
21 And I, even I, Artaxerxes the king, now give orders to all keepers of the king's money across the river, that whatever Ezra the priest, the scribe of the law of the God of heaven, may have need of from you, is to be done with all care,
Ja, kralj Artakserkso, još zapovijedam svim rizničarima s one strane Rijeke: sve što od vas zatraži svećenik Ezra, pisar Zakona Boga nebeskoga, podajte odmah najtočnije,
22 Up to a hundred talents of silver, a hundred measures of grain, a hundred measures of wine, and a hundred measures of oil, and salt without measure.
do stotinu talenata srebra, stotinu kora pšenice, do stotinu bata vina, do stotinu bata ulja, a soli po želji.
23 Whatever is ordered by the God of heaven, let it be done completely for the house of the God of heaven; so that there may not be wrath against the kingdom of the king and his sons.
Sve što naredi Bog nebeski, neka se odmah izvrši u svoj gorljivosti za Dom Boga nebeskog, da gnjev njegov ne dođe na kraljevstvo kraljevo i na djecu njegovu.
24 In addition, we make it clear to you, that it will be against the law to put any tax or payment in goods or forced payment on any of the priests or Levites, the music-makers, door-keepers, Nethinim, or any servants of this house of God.
I još vam javljamo da se ne smije udariti danak, ni porez, ni carina ni na jednoga od svećenika, levita, pjevača, netinaca i drugih službenika toga Doma Božjega.
25 And you, Ezra, by the wisdom of your God which is in you, are to put rulers and judges to have authority over all the people across the river who have knowledge of the laws of your God; and you are to give teaching to him who has no knowledge of them.
A ti, Ezra, po mudrosti Boga svoga koju imaš u rukama, postavi činovnike i suce koji će suditi svemu narodu s onu stranu Rijeke, to jest svima koji poznaju Zakon Boga tvoga. Tko ne zna, vi ga poučite.
26 And if anyone does not keep the law of your God and the law of the king, take care that punishment is given to him, by death or by driving him from his country or by taking away his goods or by putting him in prison.
Tko ne bude držao Zakona Boga tvojega - koji je i kraljev zakon - neka se oštro osudi: na smrt, na progonstvo, na novčanu globu ili na tamnicu.”
27 Praise be to the Lord, the God of our fathers, who has put such a thing into the heart of the king, to make fair the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem;
“Blagoslovljen neka je Jahve, Bog otaca naših, koji je nadahnuo srce kraljevo da proslavi Dom Jahvin u Jeruzalemu
28 And has given mercy to me before the king and his government and before all the king's great captains. And I was made strong by the hand of the Lord my God which was on me, and I got together out of Israel chief men to go up with me.
i koji je okrenuo prema meni naklonost kralja, njegovih savjetnika i svih najmoćnijih kraljevskih činovnika. A ja se osmjelih jer ruka Jahve, Boga mojega, bijaše nada mnom i sabrah glavare Izraela da pođu sa mnom.”

< Ezra 7 >