< Ezekiel 30 >

1 The word of the Lord came to me again, saying,
Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno nasami'ne.
2 Son of man, be a prophet, and say, These are the words of the Lord: Give a cry, Aha, for the day!
Vahe'mofo mofavre Izikieliga amanage hunka kasnampa kea huo, Mikozama Kegavama Hu'nea Ra Anumzamo'a amanage hie, Hago kna efore hianki, zavi krafa huo.
3 For the day is near, the day of the Lord is near, a day of cloud; it will be the time of the nations.
Na'ankure knamo'a kofa hie, Ra Anumzamofo knamo'a kofa hie. E'i anankna maka mopafi vahetera hamponkino hanintiri hanigeno havi kna fore hugahie.
4 And a sword will come on Egypt, and cruel pain will be in Ethiopia, when they are falling by the sword in Egypt; and they will take away her wealth and her bases will be broken down.
Hagi ha' vahe huzmante'nugeno Isipi vahera bainati kazinteti e'za eme zamahehana nehanage'za, Itiopia kumate vahe'mo'za zamatagu nehu'za zavi krafa hugahaze. Ana nehanageno mika fenozazmia erihana nehu'za kumazmia eri haviza hu'za vugahaze.
5 Ethiopia and Put and Lud and all the mixed people and Libya and the children of the land of the Cherethites will all be put to death with them by the sword.
Hagi Itiopia sondia vahe'ma, Puti vahe'ma, Ludi vahe'ma, Lidia vahe'ma, maka Arabia vahe'ma, Libia vahe'ma, Israeli vahe'enena ha' vahe huzmantanena magoka Isipi vahe'ene maka bainati kazinteti eme zamahe vagaregahie.
6 This is what the Lord has said: The supporters of Egypt will have a fall, and the pride of her power will come down: from Migdol to Syene they will be put to the sword in it, says the Lord.
Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a amanage hu'ne, Isipi vahe'ma eme zamazama hanaza vahe'enena ha' vahe'mo'za zamahe hana hanageno, Isipi vahe'mo'zama zamavufaga rama nehaza hankavemo'a evuramigahie. Hagi noti kaziga Migdoli kumateti maniza vu'za sauti kaziga Aswani kumate'ma uhanati'naza vahera maka bainati kazinteti zamahe vagaregahie, huno Ra Anumzamo'a hu'ne.
7 And she will be made waste among the countries which have been made waste, and her towns will be among the towns which are unpeopled.
Hagi mika havizama huno me'nea moparamimofo amu'nompina Isipi mopamo'a haviza huno mesigeno, havizama hu'naza rankumatamimofo amu'nompina zamagri rankuma'mo'za haviza hu'za megahaze.
8 And they will be certain that I am the Lord, when I have put a fire in Egypt and all her helpers are broken.
Hagi Nagrama Isipi mopafi kumatamima teve taginente'na, Isipi vahe'ma eme zamazama nehaza kumatamima zamazeri havizama hanuge'za, Nagrikura Ra Anumza mani'ne hu'za Isipi vahe'mo'za ke'za antahi'za hugahaze.
9 In that day men will go out quickly to take the news, causing fear in untroubled Ethiopia; and bitter pain will come on them as in the day of Egypt; for see, it is coming.
Hagi ana zupage kema erino vuno eno'ma hu vahetami huzmanta'nena ventefi ame' hu'za vu'za, knare hu'za mani'naza Sudani vahera (mago'a agia Kusima, Itiopiama, Sairini) vahe'enena ome zamazeri zamagogo fegahaze. E'ina hu'na Isipi mopama eri havizama hanuge'za, hago hazenke zana egahie hu'za zamagogogura nehu'za zavi krafa hugahaze.
10 This is what the Lord has said: I will put an end to great numbers of the people of Egypt by the hand of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon.
Ra Anumzamo'a amanage hu'ne, mika Isipi vahe kevua Babiloni kini ne' Nebukatnesa azampi zamavarenta'nenkeno, rama'a vahe kevu mani'nazanagi zamahe hana hugahie.
11 He and the people with him, causing fear among the nations, will be sent for the destruction of the land; their swords will be let loose against Egypt and the land will be full of dead.
Hagi Nebukatnesa'a keontahi sondia vahe'ane eno Isipi mopa eri haviza nehuno, bainati kazina anoma'afinti avazu huno maka vahera zamahe frisage'za zamavufagamo'a ana mopafina avitegahie.
12 And I will make the Nile streams dry, and will give the land into the hands of evil men, causing the land and everything in it to be wasted by the hands of men from a strange country: I the Lord have said it.
Hagi Nagra Ra Anumzamo'na huankina, Naeli tirana eri nerane'na, kefo zmavuzmava'ma nehaza vahe zamazampi ana mopa erinta'nena zamagra eme eri haviza hanageno hagege ka'ma koka fore hugahie.
13 This is what the Lord has said: In addition to this, I will give up the images to destruction and put an end to the false gods in Noph; never again will there be a ruler in the land of Egypt: and I will put a fear in the land of Egypt.
Hagi Ra Anumzana Agra Anumzamo'a amanage hu'ne, Isipi vahe'mo'zama zamazanteti'ma antre'za tro'ma hu'naza havi anumzantamina Nagra eri haviza nehu'na, keonke'zamofo amema'ama Memfisi kumate'ma tro'ma hunte'ne'za mono'ma hunentaza havi anumzanena eri haviza hugahue. Ana hanugeno Isipi mopafina magore huno ugagota kva vahera omanisigeno, ana mopafi vahe'mo'za zmagogogu hugahaze.
14 And I will make Pathros a waste, and put a fire in Zoan, and send my punishments on No.
Hagi Patrosi kumara eri haviza nehu'na, Zoani kumara teve taginte'nugeno teveregahie. Ana nehu'na Tebesi kumapi vahera zamagrama hu'naza zantera knaza zami'na zamazeri haviza
15 I will let loose my wrath on Sin, the strong place of Egypt, cutting off the mass of the people of No.
Hagi Isipi vahe vihu kuma Pelusiumi kumapi vahera narimpama ahenezmante'na, Tebesi kumapi vahe kevua zamahe hana hugahue.
16 And I will put a fire in Egypt; Syene will be twisting in pain, and No will be broken into, as by the onrush of waters.
Hagi Isipi mopafina teve tagintenugeno, Pelusiumua vahera (mago agi'a Sinigi'za) tusi'a zamata eneri'nageno, Tebesi vahera antri hanazaza hu'za hara eme hunezmante'nage'za, Memfisi kumate vahe'mo'za zamatafina maka kna mani'za vugahaze.
17 The young men of On and Pi-beseth will be put to the sword: and these towns will be taken away prisoners.
Hagi Oni kumate kasefa vahe'ene, Pi-beseti kumate kasefa vahe'enena bainati kazinteti zamahe vagaregahaze. Ana hanageno ana kumatamimpi vahera zamavare'za kina ome huzmantegahaze.
18 And at Tehaphnehes the day will become dark, when the yoke of Egypt is broken there, and the pride of her power comes to an end: as for her, she will be covered with a cloud, and her daughters will be taken away prisoners.
Hagi Isipi vahe'mo'za ra zamagima eneriza hanave'zmia eri havizama hanugeno'a, anankna zupa Tafenesi kumapina tusi hani hugahie. Hagi hampomo'a Isipi mopafina refite'nigeno maka vahetamina zamavare'za, Babiloni kina ome huzmantegahaze.
19 And I will send my punishments on Egypt: and they will be certain that I am the Lord.
E'ina hu'na zamagrama hu'naza avu'ava zantera Isipi vahera kna zana zamisuge'za, Nagrikura Ra Anumza mani'ne hu'za ke'za antahi'za hugahaze.
20 Now in the eleventh year, in the first month, on the seventh day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Hagi Babilonima kinama ome hutama mani'nonkeno, 11nima hiankafumofona ese ikantera 7ni knazupa Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno nasami'ne.
21 Son of man, the arm of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, has been broken by me, and no band has been put round it to make it well, no band has been twisted round it to make it strong for gripping the sword.
Vahe'mofo mofavre Izikieliga, Nagra Isipi kini ne' Fero azana ru hantagi'noe. Hagi ana azantera teganinogura mago'a zana frege mago'a zana anteno anara oki'neankino, kazinknona erino hara hugara osu'ne.
22 For this cause the Lord has said: See, I am against Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and by me his strong arm will be broken; and I will make the sword go out of his hand.
E'ina hu'negu Ra Anumzana Agra Anumzamo'a amanage hie, Nagra Isipi kini ne' Ferona ha'rente'na knare'ma hu'nea azane, havizama hu'nea azanena anantarega ruhantagisugeno bainati kazinknomo'a azampintira hanareramigahie.
23 And I will send the Egyptians in flight among the nations and wandering through the countries.
Ana nehu'na Isipi vahera zamahe panani hanuge'za, vahe mopafine vahe kumatamimpi umani emani hugahaze.
24 And I will make the arms of the king of Babylon strong, and will put my sword in his hand: but Pharaoh's arms will be broken, and he will give cries of pain before him like the cries of a man wounded to death.
Ana nehu'na Babiloni kini ne'mofo azana eri hanaveti'na hihamua nemina bainati kazini'a azampi antegahue. Hianagi Isipi kini ne' Ferona tarega azantrena ru hantaginugeno Babiloni kini ne'mofo avuga ahe kuzafa ante vahe'mo atagu nehuno krafa hiankna hugahie.
25 And I will make the arms of the king of Babylon strong, and the arms of Pharaoh will be hanging down; and they will be certain that I am the Lord, when I put my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon and it is stretched out against the land of Egypt.
Hagi Babiloni kini ne'mofo azana, eri hanavetigahue. Hianagi Isipi kini ne' Fero azana eri haviza hanugeno stino evuramigahie. E'inama hanuge'za Nagrikura Ra Anumza mani'ne hu'za ke'za antahi'za hugahaze.
26 And I will send the Egyptians in flight among the nations and wandering through the countries; and they will be certain that I am the Lord.
Ana nehu'na Isipi vahera zamahe panani hanuge'za, vahe mopafine, vahe kumatamimpi umani emani hugahaze. E'ina hanuge'za Nagrikura Ra Anumza mani'ne hu'za ke'za antahiza hugahaze.

< Ezekiel 30 >