< Ezekiel 28 >

1 The word of the Lord came to me again, saying,
I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
2 Son of man, say to the ruler of Tyre, This is what the Lord has said: Because your heart has been lifted up, and you have said, I am a god, I am seated on the seat of God in the heart of the seas; but you are man and not God, though you have made your heart as the heart of God:
“Sine čovječji, kaži knezu tirskome: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Tvoje se srce uzoholi, ti reče: 'Ja sam bog! Na božjem prijestolju sjedim u srcu morskom.' Iako čovjek, a ne Bog, ti srce svoje izjednači s Božjim.
3 See, you are wiser than Daniel; there is no secret which is deeper than your knowledge:
Bješe, eto, od Daniela mudriji, nijedna ti tajna ne bje skrivena!
4 By your wisdom and deep knowledge you have got power for yourself, and put silver and gold in your store-houses:
Mudrošću svojom i razborom nateče bogatstva, riznicu napuni srebrom i zlatom!
5 By your great wisdom and by your trade your power is increased, and your heart is lifted up because of your power:
Mudar li bijaše trgovac, bogatstvo svoje namnoži! Al' ti se s bogatstva srce uzoholi.'
6 For this cause the Lord has said: Because you have made your heart as the heart of God,
Stog ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Jer svoje srce s Božjim izjednači,
7 See, I am sending against you strange men, feared among the nations: they will let loose their swords against your bright wisdom, they will make your glory a common thing.
dovest ću, evo, na te tuđince najnasilnije među narodima. Isukat će mačeve na mudrost ti divnu, i ljepotu će ti okaljati,
8 They will send you down to the underworld, and your death will be the death of those who are put to the sword in the heart of the seas.
bacit će te u jamu da umreš nasilnijom smrću od onih što umiru na pučini morskoj!
9 Will you say, in the face of those who are taking your life, I am God? but you are man and not God in the hands of those who are wounding you.
Hoćeš li tada pred krvnikom reći: 'Ja sam bog'? Čovjek si, a ne bog, u ruci svojih ubojica.
10 Your death will be the death of those who are without circumcision, by the hands of men from strange lands: for I have said it, says the Lord.
Umrijet ćeš smrću neobrezanih od ruke tuđinske! Jer ja, Jahve, rekoh to' - riječ je Jahve Gospoda.”
11 Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
12 Son of man, make a song of grief for the king of Tyre, and say to him, This is what the Lord has said: You are all-wise and completely beautiful;
“Sine čovječji, zakukaj tužaljku nad tirskim kraljem. Reci mu: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Gle, ti bješe uzor savršenstva, pun mudrosti i čudesno lijep!
13 You were in Eden, the garden of God; every stone of great price was your clothing, the sardius, the topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the emerald and the carbuncle: your store-houses were full of gold, and things of great price were in you; in the day when you were made they were got ready.
U Edenu, vrtu Božjem, ti življaše, resio te dragulj svaki, sard, topaz i dijamant, krizolit, oniks i jaspis, safir, smaragd i zlato. Načinjeni bjehu bubnjevi i frule, na dan ti rođenja bjehu pripravljeni.
14 I gave you your place with the winged one; I put you on the mountain of God; you went up and down among the stones of fire.
Postavih te kao raskriljena keruba zaštitnika: bio si na svetoj gori Božjoj, hodio si posred ognjena kamenja.
15 There has been no evil in your ways from the day when you were made, till sin was seen in you.
Savršen bješe na putima svojim od dana svojega rođenja dok ti se u srcu ne zače opačina.
16 Through all your trading you have become full of violent ways, and have done evil: so I sent you out shamed from the mountain of God; the winged one put an end to you from among the stones of fire.
Obilno trgujući, napuni se nasiljem i sagriješi. Zato te zbacih s gore Božje, istrgoh te, kerube zaštitniče, isred ognjenoga kamenja.
17 Your heart was lifted up because you were beautiful, you made your wisdom evil through your sin: I have sent you down, even to the earth; I have made you low before kings, so that they may see you.
Srce ti se uzoholi zbog ljepote tvoje, mudrost svoju odnemari zbog svojega blaga! Na zemlju te bacih i predah te zemaljskim kraljevima da te prezirno gledaju.
18 By all your sin, even by your evil trading, you have made your holy places unclean; so I will make a fire come out from you, it will make a meal of you, and I will make you as dust on the earth before the eyes of all who see you.
Mnoštvom svog bezakonja, nepoštenim trgovanjem oskvrnu svoja svetišta! Pustih oganj posred tebe da te proždre. Pretvorih te na zemlji u pepeo na oči onih što te motre.
19 All who have knowledge of you among the peoples will be overcome with wonder at you: you have become a thing of fear, and you will never be seen again.
Svi koji te poznaju među narodima zgroziše se nad tobom! Jer ti strašilo posta, nestade zauvijek.'”
20 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
21 Son of man, let your face be turned to Zidon, and be a prophet against it, and say,
“Sine čovječji, okreni lice k Sidonu, prorokuj protiv njega.
22 These are the words of the Lord: See, I am against you, O Zidon; and I will get glory for myself in you: and they will be certain that I am the Lord, when I send my punishments on her, and I will be seen to be holy in her.
Reci: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Evo me protiv tebe, Sidone, proslavit ću se usred tebe! I znat će se da sam ja Jahve kada nad njim sud izvršim i svetost svoju pokažem u njemu.
23 And I will send on her disease and blood in her streets; and the wounded will be falling in the middle of her, and the sword will be against her on every side; and they will be certain that I am the Lord.
I poslat ću na nj kugu i krv po ulicama njegovim; i mrtvi će posred njega padati od mača, koji ti odasvud prijeti, i znat će se tada da sam ja Jahve.
24 And there will no longer be a plant with sharp points wounding the children of Israel, or a thorn troubling them among any who are round about them, who put shame on them; and they will be certain that I am the Lord.
I više neće biti domu Izraelovu trna što ranjava nit' žaoke što razdire među svima uokolo koji ga preziru! I znat će se da sam ja Jahve!'”
25 This is what the Lord has said: When I have got together the children of Israel from the peoples among whom they are wandering, and have been made holy among them before the eyes of the nations, then they will have rest in the land which is theirs, which I gave to my servant Jacob
Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: “A kad skupim sav dom Izraelov između naroda po kojima su razasuti, očitovat ću u njima svoju svetost pred očima narodÄa. I nastanit će se u svojoj zemlji što je dadoh sluzi svome Jakovu.
26 And they will be safe there, building houses and planting vine-gardens and living without fear; when I have sent my punishments on all those who put shame on them round about them; and they will be certain that I am the Lord their God.
I u njoj će živjeti u miru, gradit će domove i saditi vinograde. Živjet će u pouzdanju dok budem izvršivao svoj sud nad svima koji ih naokolo prezirahu. I znat će da sam ja Jahve, Bog njihov.”

< Ezekiel 28 >