< Ezekiel 26 >

1 Now in the eleventh year, on the first day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
And it was doon in the enleuenthe yeer, in the firste dai of the monethe, the word of the Lord was maad to me, and he seide,
2 Son of man, because Tyre has said against Jerusalem, Aha, she who was the doorway of the peoples is broken; she is turned over to them; she who was full is made waste;
Thou, sone of man, for that that Tire seide of Jerusalem, Wel! the yatis of puplis ben brokun, it is turned to me; Y schal be fillid, it is forsakun;
3 For this cause the Lord has said, See, I am against you, O Tyre, and will send up a number of nations against you as the sea sends up its waves.
therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Tire, Y on thee; and Y schal make many folkis to stie to thee, as the see flowynge stieth.
4 And they will give the walls of Tyre to destruction and have its towers broken: and I will take even her dust away from her, and make her an uncovered rock
And thei schulen distrie the wallis of Tire, and thei schulen distrie the touris therof; and Y schal rase the dust therof fro it, and Y schal yyue it in to a `moost clere stoon.
5 She will be a place for the stretching out of nets in the middle of the sea; for I have said it, says the Lord: and her goods will be given over to the nations.
Driyng of nettis schal be in the myddis of the see, for Y spak, seith the Lord God. And Tire schal be in to rauysching to hethene men.
6 And her daughters in the open country will be put to the sword: and they will be certain that I am the Lord.
And the douytris therof that ben in the feeld, schulen be slayn bi swerd; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord.
7 For this is what the Lord has said: See, I will send up from the north Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, king of kings, against Tyre, with horses and war-carriages and with an army and great numbers of people.
For whi the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal brynge to Tire Nabugodonosor, the king of Babiloyne, fro the north, the kyng of kyngis, with horsis, and charis, and knyytis, and with a cumpeny, and greet puple.
8 He will put to the sword your daughters in the open country: he will make strong walls against you and put up an earthwork against you, arming himself for war against you.
He schal sle bi swerd thi douytris that ben in the feeld, and he schal cumpasse thee with strengthingis, and he schal bere togidere erthe in cumpas. And he schal reise a scheeld ayens thee,
9 He will put up his engines of war against your walls, and your towers will be broken down by his axes.
and he schal tempre engynes lijc vineres, and engines `that ben clepid wetheris ayens thi wallis; and he schal distrie thi touris bi his armure.
10 Because of the number of his horses you will be covered with their dust: your walls will be shaking at the noise of the horsemen and of the wheels and of the war-carriages, when he comes through your doorways, as into a town which has been broken open.
Bi flowynge of his horsis, the dust of tho schal hile thee; thi wallis schulen be mouyd of the soun of knyytis, and of wheelis, and of charis; whanne he schal entre bi the yatis, as bi entryngis of a citee distried,
11 Your streets will be stamped down by the feet of his horses: he will put your people to the sword, and will send down the pillars of your strength to the earth.
with the clees of hise horsis he schal defoule alle thi stretis. He shal sle bi swerd thi puple, and thi noble ymagis schulen falle doun in to erthe.
12 They will take by force all your wealth and go off with the goods with which you do trade: they will have your walls broken down and all the houses of your desire given up to destruction: they will put your stones and your wood and your dust deep in the water.
Thei schulen waste thi richessis, thei schulen rauysche thi marchaundies; and thei schulen distrie thi wallis, and thei schulen distrie thin housis ful clere, and thi stoonys, and thi trees, and thei schulen putte thi dust in the myddis of watris.
13 I will put an end to the noise of your songs, and the sound of your instruments of music will be gone for ever.
And Y schal make to reste the multitude of thi syngeris, and the sown of thin harpis schal no more be herd;
14 I will make you an uncovered rock: you will be a place for the stretching out of nets; there will be no building you up again: for I the Lord have said it, says the Lord.
and Y schal yyue thee in to a moost cleer stoon. Thou schalt be driyng of nettis, and thou schalt no more be bildid, for Y the Lord spak, seith the Lord God.
15 This is what the Lord has said to Tyre: Will not the sea-lands be shaking at the sound of your fall, when the wounded give cries of pain, when men are put to the sword in you?
The Lord God seith these thingis of Tire, Whether ilis schulen not be moued of the sown of thi fal, and of weiling of thi slayn men, whanne thei ben slayn in the myddis of thee?
16 Then all the rulers of the sea will come down from their high seats, and put away their robes and take off their clothing of needlework: they will put on the clothing of grief, they will take their seats on the earth, shaking with fear every minute and overcome with wonder at you.
And alle the princis of the see schulen go doun of her seetis, and thei schulen do awei her mentils, ether spuylis of slayn enemyes, and thei schulen caste awei her dyuerse clothis, and shulen be clothid with wondring. Thei shulen sitte in the erthe, and thei shulen be astonyed, and thei shulen wondre of thi sodeyn fal.
17 And they will send up a song of grief for you, and say to you, What destruction has come on you, how are you cut off from the sea, the noted town, which was strong in the sea, she and her people, causing the fear of them to come on all the dry land!
And thei shulen take weilyng on thee, and schule seie to thee, Hou perischidist thou, noble citee, that dwellist in the see, that were strong in the see with thi dwelleris, whiche dwelleris alle men dredden?
18 Now the sea-lands will be shaking in the day of your fall; and all the ships on the sea will be overcome with fear at your going.
Now schippis schulen wondre in the dai of thi drede, and ilis in the see schulen be disturblid, for noon goith out of thee.
19 For this is what the Lord has said: I will make you a waste town, like the towns which are unpeopled; when I make the deep come upon you, covering you with great waters.
For the Lord God seith these thingis, Whanne Y schal yyue thee a citee desolat, as the citees that ben not enhabitid, and Y schal bringe on thee the depthe of watris, and many watris schulen hile thee.
20 Then I will make you go down with those who go down into the underworld, to the people of the past, causing your living-place to be in the deepest parts of the earth, in places long unpeopled, with those who go down into the deep, so that there will be no one living in you; and you will have no glory in the land of the living.
And Y schal drawe thee doun with hem that goon doun in to a lake, to the puple euerlastynge; and Y schal sette thee in the laste lond, as elde wildirnessis, with hem that ben led doun in to a lake, that thou be not enhabited. Certis whanne Y schal yyue glorye in the lond of lyueris,
21 I will make you a thing of fear, and you will come to an end: even if you are looked for, you will not be seen again for ever, says the Lord.
Y schal dryue thee in to nouyt, and thou schalt not be; and thou schalt be souyt, and thou schalt no more be foundun with outen ende, seith the Lord God.

< Ezekiel 26 >