< Deuteronomy 7 >

1 When the Lord your God takes you into the land where you are going, which is to be your heritage, and has sent out the nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and stronger than you;
Perwerdigar Xudaying séni hazir igileshke kétiwatqan zémin’gha bashlap kirgüzgendin kéyin, aldingdin köp yat el-milletlerni, yeni Hittiylar, Girgashiylar, Amoriylar, Qanaaniylar, Perizziylar, Hiwiylar, Yebusiylarni — sendin küchlük el-milletlerni heydiwétidu.
2 And when the Lord has given them up into your hands and you have overcome them, give them up to complete destruction: make no agreement with them, and have no mercy on them:
Emdi Perwerdigar Xudaying aldingda ularni qolunggha tapshurushi bilen sen ulargha hujum qilghiningda, sen ularni teltöküs yoqitishing kérek; ular bilen héch ehde tüzishingge we ulargha héch rehim qilishinggha bolmaydu.
3 Do not take wives or husbands from among them; do not give your daughters to their sons, or take their daughters for your sons.
Séning ular bilen nikahlishishinggha bolmaydu; sen qizingni ularning oghullirigha bérishinggimu we ularning qizini oghlunggha élip bérishinggimu bolmaydu;
4 For through them your sons will be turned from me to the worship of other gods: and the Lord will be moved to wrath against you and send destruction on you quickly.
chünki ular oghlungni Manga egishishtin éziqturidu we shuning bilen oghulliring bashqa ilahlargha choqunidu; u chaghda Perwerdigarning ghezipi silerge qozghilip, silerni tézla yoqitidu.
5 But this is what you are to do to them: their altars are to be pulled down and their pillars broken, and their holy trees cut down and their images burned with fire.
Sen ulargha shundaq muamile qilghinki, ularning qurban’gahlirini buzuwétinglar, but tüwrüklirini chéqiwétinglar, asherah butlirini késiwétinglar we oyma butlirini ot bilen köydürüwétinglar;
6 For you are a holy people to the Lord your God: marked out by the Lord your God to be his special people out of all the nations on the face of the earth.
chünki siler Perwerdigar Xudayinglargha pak-muqeddes bir xelqtursiler; Perwerdigar Xudayinglar silerni yer yüzidiki barliq bashqa xelqlerdin üstün qilip, Özige xas bir xelq bolushqa talliwalghan.
7 The Lord did not give you his love or take you for himself because you were more in number than any other people; for you were the smallest of the nations:
Perwerdigarning silerge méhir chüshüp silerni talliwalghini silerning bashqa xelqlerdin köp bolghanliqinglar üchün emes, emeliyette siler barliq xelqler arisida eng az idinglar,
8 But because of his love for you, and in order to keep his oath to your fathers, the Lord took you out with the strength of his hand, making you free from the prison-house and from the hand of Pharaoh, king of Egypt.
Perwerdigarning silerni söygini sewebidin we ata-bowiliringlar aldida bergen qesimige sadiq bolghanliqi üchün Perwerdigar silerni küchlük qol bilen qutquzup, hörlük bedili tölep «qulluq makani»din, yeni Misir padishahi Pirewnning qolidin chiqarghan.
9 Be certain, then, that the Lord your God is God; whose faith and mercy are unchanging, who keeps his word through a thousand generations to those who have love for him and keep his laws;
Shunga siler Perwerdigar Xudayinglarning berheq Xuda, wediside turghuchi Tengri ikenlikini bilishinglar kérek; U Özini söyüp, emrlirini tutqanlargha ming dewrgiche özgermes méhir körsitip ehdiside turghuchidur;
10 Rewarding his haters to their face with destruction; he will have no mercy on his hater, but will give him open punishment.
lékin Özige öchmenlerning ishlirini öz béshigha ochuq-ashkare chüshürüp, ularni yoqitidu; Özige öchmenlerning herbirige özi qilghan ishlirini ularning béshigha ochuq-ashkare qayturushqa hayal qilmaydu.
11 So keep the orders and the laws and the decisions which I give you today and do them.
Siler Men bügün silerge tapilighan emr, belgilimiler hem hökümlerge emel qilish üchün ularni ching tutunglar.
12 And it will be, that if you give attention to these decisions and keep and do them, then the Lord will keep his agreement with you and his mercy, as he said in his oath to your fathers.
Choqum shundaq boliduki, bu belgilimilerge qulaq sélip, köngül qoyup emel qilisanglar, Perwerdigar Xudayinglar ata-bowiliringlargha qesem bilen wede qilghan ehde we méhirni silerge körsitip turidu;
13 And he will give you his love, blessing you and increasing you: he will send his blessing on the offspring of your body and the fruit of your land, your grain and your wine and your oil, the increase of your cattle and the young of your flock, in the land which by his oath to your fathers he undertook to give you.
Séni söyüp beriketlep, ata-bowiliringgha qesem bilen sanga bérishke wede qilghan zéminda turghuzup köpeytidu; shu yerde perzentliringni, yer-tupriqingdiki mehsulatlarni, bughdiyingni, yéngi sharabingni, zeytun méyingni, kaliliringning neslini we qoyliringning qozilirini beriketlep köpeytidu.
14 You will have greater blessings than any other people: no male or female among you or among your cattle will be without offspring.
Sen barliq ellerdin ziyade bext-beriket körisen; arangda, er-ayal yaki mal-charwang arisida héch tughmasliq bolmaydu;
15 And the Lord will take away from you all disease, and will not put on you any of the evil diseases of Egypt which you have seen, but will put them on your haters.
Perwerdigar sendin barliq késellerni néri qilidu we sen özüng körgen Misirdiki dehshetlik wabalardin héchqaysisini üstüngge salmaydu, belki sanga öch bolghanlargha salidu.
16 And you are to send destruction on all the peoples which the Lord your God gives into your hands; have no pity on them, and do not give worship to their gods; for that will be a cause of sin to you.
Sen Perwerdigar sanga tapshurghan barliq xelqlerni yoqitishing kérek; sen ularni körgende, ulargha héch rehim qilmasliqing kérek, sen ularning ilahlirining qulluqigha kirmesliking kérek; eger shundaq qilsang, bu ish sanga qiltaq bolidu.
17 If you say in your hearts, These nations are greater in number than we are: how are we to take their land from them?
Eger sen könglüngde: «Bu eller mendin küchlük; men qandaq qilip ularni zéminidin qoghliwételeymen?» — déseng,
18 Have no fear of them, but keep well in mind what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt;
ulardin qorqma; Perwerdigar Xudayingning Pirewn hem barliq Misirliqlarni qandaq qilghanliqini esligin,
19 The great punishments which your eyes saw, and the signs and the wonders and the strong hand and the stretched-out arm, by which the Lord your God took you out: so will the Lord your God do to all the peoples who are the cause of your fears.
— yeni Perwerdigar Xudaying séni shu yerdin chiqirish üchün wasite qilghan, öz közüng bilen körgen dehshetlik höküm-sinaqlar, möjizilik alametler we karametler, küchlük qol we sozulghan bilekni mehkem ésingde tut; Perwerdigar sen qorquwatqan barliq xelqnimu shundaq qilidu.
20 And the Lord will send a hornet among them, till all the rest who have kept themselves safe from you in secret places have been cut off.
Uning üstige Perwerdigar Xudaying taki ularning sendin yoshurun’ghan qalduqliri yoqitilghuche ularning arisigha sériq herilerni ewetidu;
21 Have no fear of them: for the Lord your God is with you, a great God greatly to be feared.
Sen ulardin qorqmasliqing kérek; chünki Perwerdigar Xudaying arangdidur; U ulugh we dehshetlik bir Ilahdur.
22 The Lord your God will send out the nations before you little by little; they are not to be rooted out quickly, for fear that the beasts of the field may be increased overmuch against you.
Perwerdigar Xudaying shu ellerni aldingdin peydinpey heydeydu; sen ularni biraqla yoqitiwételmeysen; biraqla yoqitiwetken teqdirdimu, daladiki haywanlar köpiyip, üstüngge basturup kélishi mumkin.
23 But the Lord your God will give them up into your hands, overpowering them till their destruction is complete.
Lékin aldinggha ilgirilep mangghiningda Perwerdigar Xudaying ularni qolunggha tapshuridu we ularni parakende qilip, yoqitilghuche dekke-dükkige salidu.
24 He will give their kings into your hands, and you will put their names out of existence under heaven; there is not one of them who will not give way before you, till their destruction is complete.
U ularning padishahlirini qolunggha tapshuridu, sen ularning namlirinimu asman astidin yoq qilisen; ularni yoqatquche héchbir adem aldingda turalmaydu.
25 The images of their gods are to be burned with fire: have no desire for the gold and silver on them, and do not take it for yourselves, for it will be a danger to you: it is a thing disgusting to the Lord your God:
Siler ularning oyma butini ot bilen köydürüwétinglar; köz qiringlarni shularning üstidiki altun-kümüshke salmanglar, ularni almanglar; bolmisa u silerge qiltaq bolidu; chünki u Perwerdigar Xudaying aldida yirginchlik bir nersidur.
26 And you may not take a disgusting thing into your house, and so become cursed with its curse: but keep yourselves from it, turning from it with fear and hate, for it is a cursed thing.
Sen héchqandaq yirginchlik nersini öyüngge élip kelme; bolmisa sen uninggha oxshash lenetlik nerse bolup qalisen; sen uningdin qattiq yirgen, uninggha mutleq nepretlen; chünki u lenetlik bir nersidur.

< Deuteronomy 7 >