< 2 Samuel 13 >

1 Now after this, it came about that Absalom, David's son, had a beautiful sister, whose name was Tamar; and David's son Amnon was in love with her.
Patapita nthawi, Amnoni mwana wa Davide anakonda Tamara, mlongo wa Abisalomu, mwana wa Davide, amene anali wokongola.
2 And he was so deeply in love that he became ill because of his sister Tamar; for she was a virgin, and so it seemed hard to Amnon to do anything to her.
Amnoni sankagona tulo mpaka anadwala chifukwa cha Tamara mlongo wakeyo, pakuti iye anali asanagonepo ndi mwamuna ndipo zimaoneka kuti zinali zosatheka kuti achite chilichonse kwa iye.
3 But Amnon had a friend whose name was Jonadab, the son of Shimeah, David's brother: and Jonadab was a very wise man.
Koma Amnoni anali ndi mnzake dzina lake Yehonadabu mwana wamwamuna wa Simea, mʼbale wake wa Davide. Yonadabu anali munthu wochenjera kwambiri.
4 And he said to him, O son of the king, why are you getting thinner day by day? will you not say what your trouble is? And Amnon said to him, I am in love with Tamar, my brother Absalom's sister.
Iye anafunsa Amnoni, “Nʼchifukwa chiyani iwe mwana wa mfumu, umaoneka wowonda mmawa uliwonse? Bwanji wosandiwuza?” Amnoni anamuyankha kuti, “Ine ndamukonda Tamara, mlongo wa mʼbale wanga Abisalomu.”
5 Then Jonadab said to him, Go to your bed, and let it seem that you are ill: and when your father comes to see you, say to him, Let my sister Tamar come and give me bread, and get the food ready before my eyes, so that I may see it and take it from her hand.
Yehonadabu anati, “Pita ukagone ndipo unamizire kudwala. Abambo ako akabwera kudzakuona, udzati kwa iwo, Ine ndikufuna mlongo wanga Tamara abwere kuti adzandikonzere chakudya kuti ndidye. Adzandikonzere chakudyacho ine ndikumuona ndi kudya chili mʼmanja mwake.”
6 So Amnon went to bed and made himself seem ill: and when the king came to see him, Amnon said to the king, Please let my sister Tamar come and make me one or two cakes before my eyes, so that I may take food from her hand.
Kotero Amnoni anagona nakhala ngati akudwala. Mfumu itabwera kudzamuona, Amnoni anati kwa iyo, “Ine ndikufuna mlongo wanga Tamara kuti abwere adzandipangire buledi wapamwamba ineyo ndikuona, kuti ndidye ali mʼmanja mwake.”
7 Then David sent to the house for Tamar and said, Go now to your brother Amnon's house and get a meal for him.
Davide anatumiza mawu kwa Tamara ku nyumba yaufumu kuti, “Pita ku nyumba ya mlongo wako Amnoni ndipo ukamukonzere chakudya.”
8 So Tamar went to her brother Amnon's house; and he was in bed. And she took paste and made cakes before his eyes, cooking them over the fire.
Choncho Tamara anapitadi ku nyumba ya mlongo wake Amnoni kumalo kumene ankagona. Anakanda ufa, nawumba buledi Amunoniyo akuona ndipo anaphika bulediyo.
9 And she took the cooking-pot, and put the cakes before him, but he would not take them. And Amnon said, Let everyone go away from me. So they all went out.
Kenaka iye anatenga chiwaya ndipo anamupatsa bulediyo, koma iyeyo anakana. Amnoni anati “Uza aliyense atuluke muno.” Ndipo aliyense anatuluka.
10 Then Amnon said to Tamar, Take the food and come into my bedroom, so that I may take it from your hand. So Tamar took the cakes she had made and went with them into her brother Amnon's bedroom.
Kenaka Amnoni anati kwa Tamara, “Bweretsa chakudya kuno, ku chipinda changa chogona kuti ndidye chili mʼmanja mwako.” Ndipo Tamara anatenga buledi amene anapanga ndi kubwera naye kwa mlongo wake ku chipinda chake.
11 And when she took them to give them to him, he put his arms round her and said, Come to bed, my sister.
Koma atabweretsa kwa iye kuti adye, anamugwira ndipo anati, “Bwera ugone nane, iwe mlongo wanga.”
12 And answering him, she said, O my brother, do not put shame on me; it is not right for such a thing to be done in Israel: do not this evil thing.
Tamara anati kwa iye, “Ayi mlongo wanga! Usandikakamize. Zotere siziyenera kuchitika mu Israeli! Usachite chinthu choyipa chotere.
13 What will become of me in my shame? and as for you, you will be looked down on with disgust by all Israel. Now then, go and make your request to the king, for he will not keep me from you.
Kodi ukuganiza bwanji za ine? Kodi manyazi anga ndidzawachotsa bwanji? Ndipo nanga iweyo? Udzakhalatu monga mmodzi mwa zitsiru zoyipitsitsa muno mu Israeli. Chonde kapemphe kwa mfumu. Sadzakuletsa kuti undikwatire.”
14 But he would not give attention to what she said: but being stronger than she, he took her by force, and had connection with her.
Koma sanamvere zimene amanena Tamara ndipo popeza anali wamphamvu kuposa Tamarayo, iye anamugwirira.
15 Then Amnon was full of hate for her, hating her with a hate greater than his earlier love for her. And he said to her, Get up and be gone.
Atatero Amnoni anadana naye kwambiri. Iyeyo anamuda kuposa momwe anamukondera. Amnoni anati, “Dzuka ndipo tuluka!”
16 And she said to him, Not so, my brother, for this great wrong in sending me away is worse than what you did to me before. But he gave no attention to her.
Iye anayankha, “Ayi! Kundithamangitsa kukhala kulakwa kwakukulu kuposa zimene wachita kale kwa ine.” Koma anakana kumumvera.
17 Then he gave a cry to the servant who was waiting on him and said, Put this woman out, and let the door be locked after her.
Amnoni anayitana wantchito wake ndipo anati, “Mutulutse mkazi uyu muno ndipo utseke chitseko akatuluka.”
18 Now she had on a long robe, such as in past times the king's virgin daughters were dressed in. Then the servant put her out, locking the door after her.
Choncho wantchito wakeyo anamutulutsa ndipo anatseka chitseko atatuluka. Tamara anali atavala mkanjo wokongoletsedwa kwambiri, pakuti ichi chinali chovala chimene ana aakazi a mfumu amene sanagonepo ndi mwamuna amavala.
19 And Tamar, in her grief, put dust on her head; and she put her hand on her head and went away crying loudly.
Tamara anatsira phulusa pamutu pake ndipo anangʼamba mkanjo wokongoletsedwa umene anavalawo. Iye anagwira manja ake kumutu ndipo anachoka, akulira mokweza pamene amapita.
20 And her brother Absalom said to her, Has your brother Amnon been with you? but now, let there be an end to your crying, my sister: he is your brother, do not take this thing to heart. So Tamar went on living uncomforted in her brother's house.
Mlongo wake Abisalomu anati, “Kodi Amnoni uja mlongo wako wagona nawe? Khala chete mlongo wanga. Iye uja ndi mlongo wako ndipo usazilabadire.” Choncho Tamara anakhala mʼnyumba ya Abisalomu mlongo wake ngati woferedwa.
21 But when King David had news of all these things he was very angry; but he did not make trouble for Amnon his son, for he was dear to David, being his oldest son.
Mfumu Davide itamva zimenezi, inakwiya kwambiri.
22 But Absalom said nothing to his brother Amnon, good or bad: for he was full of hate for him, because he had taken his sister Tamar by force.
Abisalomu sananene mawu aliwonse kwa Amnoni; abwino kapena oyipa. Iye anamuda Amunoniyo chifukwa anachititsa manyazi mlongo wake Tamara.
23 Now after two full years, Absalom had men cutting the wool of his sheep in Baal-hazor, which is near Ephraim: and he sent for all the king's sons to come to his feast.
Patapita zaka ziwiri, pamene wometa nkhosa za Abisalomu anali ku Baala-Hazori pafupi ndi malire a fuko la Efereimu, iye anayitana ana onse aamuna a mfumu kuti apite kumeneko.
24 And Absalom came to the king and said, See now, your servant is cutting the wool of his sheep; will the king and his servants be pleased to come?
Abisalomu anapita kwa mfumu ndipo anati, “Ometa nkhosa za mtumiki wanu anabwera. Chonde mfumu ndi akuluakulu anu mubwere kudzakhala nane?”
25 And the king said to Absalom, No, my son, let us not all go, or the number will be over-great for you. And he made his request again, but he would not go, but he gave him his blessing.
Mfumu inayankha kuti, “Ayi mwana wanga, tisapite tonsefe. Tidzakhala cholemetsa kwa iwe.” Ngakhale Abisalomu anayesetsa kuwumiriza mfumuyo, inakana kupita. Mʼmalo mwake inangomudalitsa Abisalomuyo.
26 Then Absalom said, If you will not go, then let my brother Amnon go with us. And the king said to him, Is there any reason for him to go with you?
Kenaka Abisalomu anati, “Ngati sizitero, chonde mulole mʼbale wanga Amnoni apite nane.” Mfumu inamufunsa kuti, “Apite nawe chifukwa chiyani?”
27 But Absalom went on requesting him till he let Amnon and all the king's sons go with him. And Absalom made a great feast like a feast for a king.
Koma Abisalomu anamuwumiriza, kotero analola kuti Amnoni pamodzi ndi ana onse a mfumu apite naye.
28 Now Absalom had given orders to his servants, saying, Now take note when Amnon's heart is glad with wine; and when I say to you, Make an attack on Amnon, then put him to death without fear: have I not given you orders? be strong and without fear.
Abisalomu analamula antchito ake kuti, “Tamverani! Amnoni akakaledzera ndi vinyo ndipo ine ndikakanena kuti, ‘Mukantheni Amnoni,’ pamenepo mukamuphe. Musakachite mantha. Kodi ine sindinakulamuleni? Mukhale amphamvu ndipo mulimbe mtima.”
29 So Absalom's servants did to Amnon as Absalom had given them orders. Then all the king's sons got up, and every man got on his beast and went in flight.
Kotero antchito a Abisalomu anachita kwa Amnoni zimene Abisalomu anawalamula. Kenaka ana onse a mfumu anayimirira ndipo anakwera pa abulu awo nathawa.
30 Now while they were on their way, news was given to David that Absalom had put to death all the sons of the king and that not one of them was still living.
Ali mʼnjira, Davide anamva mphekesera yakuti, “Abisalomu wakantha ana onse a mfumu ndipo palibe ndi mmodzi yemwe amene watsala.”
31 Then the king got up in great grief, stretching himself out on the earth: and all his servants were by his side, with their clothing parted.
Mfumu inayimirira, ningʼamba zovala zake ndi kugona pa dothi. Antchito ake onse anayimirira pomwepo atangʼamba zovala zawo.
32 And Jonadab, the son of Shimeah, David's brother, said, Let not my lord have the idea that all the sons of the king have been put to death; for only Amnon is dead: this has been purposed by Absalom from the day when he took his sister Tamar by force.
Koma Yehonadabu mwana wa Simea, mʼbale wake wa Davide anati, “Mbuye wanga mfumu musaganize kuti wapha ana onse a mfumu; wafa ndi Amnoni yekha. Awa ndiwo akhala maganizo a Abisalomu kuyambira tsiku limene Amnoni anagwirira mlongo wake Tamara.
33 So now, let not my lord the king take this thing to heart, with the idea that all the king's sons are dead: for only Amnon is dead.
Mbuye wanga mfumu musavutike ndi maganizo ndi nkhani yoti ana onse a mfumu afa. Wafa ndi Amnoni yekha.”
34 But Absalom went in flight. And the young man who kept the watch, lifting up his eyes, saw that a great band of people was coming down the slope by the way of the Horons; and the watchman came and gave word to the king, saying, I saw men coming down by the way of the Horons, from the hillside.
Nthawi imeneyi nʼkuti Abisalomu atathawa. Tsono munthu amene amalondera anayangʼana ndipo anaona anthu ambiri pa msewu wa kumadzulo kwake, akubwera kutsetsereka phiri. Mlondayo anapita kukawuza mfumu kuti, “Ndikuona anthu pa njira ya Horonaimu, mʼmbali mwa phiri.”
35 And Jonadab said to the king, See, the king's sons are coming; as your servant said, so it is.
Yehonadabu anati kwa mfumu, “Taonani ana a mfumu afika. Zachitika monga momwe mtumiki wanu ananenera.”
36 And while he was talking, the king's sons came, with weeping and loud cries: and the king and all his servants were weeping bitterly.
Pamene amatsiriza kuyankhula, ana a mfumu analowa, akulira mofuwula. Mfumunso ndi antchito ake onse analira mokhudzidwa.
37 So Absalom went in flight and came to Talmai, the son of Ammihud, the king of Geshur, where he was for three years.
Abisalomu anathawa, napita kwa Talimai mwana wa Amihudi, mfumu ya ku Gesuri. Koma mfumu Davide inalira mwana wake tsiku ndi tsiku.
38 And the king was sorrowing for his son all the time.
Abisalomu atathawa ndi kupita ku Gesuri, anakhala kumeneko zaka zitatu.
39 And the heart of David was wasted with desire for Absalom: for he was comforted for the death of Amnon.
Ndipo Davide anagwidwa ndi chifundo chofuna kumulondola Abisalomu pakuti anali atatonthozedwa pa imfa ya Amnoni.

< 2 Samuel 13 >