< 2 Chronicles 25 >

1 Amaziah was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he was ruling in Jerusalem for twenty-nine years; his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem.
Amasji je bilo dvadeset i pet godina kad se zakraljio; kraljevao je dvadeset i devet godina u Jeruzalemu. Mati mu se zvala Joadana i bila je iz Jeruzalema.
2 He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but his heart was not completely true to the Lord.
Činio je što je pravo u Jahvinim očima, ali ne svim srcem.
3 Now when he became strong in the kingdom, he put to death those men who had taken the life of the king his father.
Kad je učvrstio kraljevstvo, pogubio je časnike koji su ubili kralja, njegova oca.
4 But he did not put their children to death, for he kept the orders of the Lord recorded in the book of the law of Moses, saying, The fathers are not to be put to death for their children or the children for their fathers, but a man is to be put to death for the sin which he himself has done.
Ali im sinova nije pogubio, prema onome što je napisano u knjizi Zakona Mojsijeva, gdje Jahve zapovijeda: “Neka se očevi ne pogubljuju za sinove, ni sinovi za očeve, nego svatko neka gine za svoj grijeh.”
5 Then Amaziah got all Judah together and put them in order by their families, even all Judah and Benjamin, under captains of thousands and captains of hundreds: and he had those of twenty years old and over numbered, and they came to three hundred thousand of the best fighting-men, trained for war and in the use of the spear and the body-cover.
Potom Amasja skupi Judejce i svega Judu i Benjamina, razvrsta ih prema obiteljima, tisućnicima i satnicima. Pošto popisa od dvadeset godina naviše, nađe trista tisuća izabranih momaka za vojsku, vičnih koplju i štitu.
6 And for a hundred talents of silver, he got a hundred thousand fighting-men from Israel.
Među Izraelcima najmi sto tisuća hrabrih junaka za sto srebrnih talenata.
7 But a man of God came to him, saying, O king, let not the army of Israel go with you; for the Lord is not with Israel, that is, the children of Ephraim.
Ali k njemu dođe čovjek Božji i reče: “Kralju, neka ne ide s tobom izraelska vojska, jer Jahve nije s Izraelcima ni s Efrajimovim sinovima,
8 But go yourself, and be strong in war; God will not let you go down before those who are fighting against you; for God has power to give help or to send you down before your attackers.
nego idi ti sam, ponesi se junački u boju; inače će te oboriti Bog pred neprijateljem, jer Bog može pomoći i oboriti.”
9 Then Amaziah said to the man of God, But what is to be done about the hundred talents which I have given for the armed band of Israel? And the man of God in answer said, God is able to give you much more than this.
Tada Amasja upita čovjeka Božjeg: “A što će biti od sto talenata koje sam dao izraelskim četama?” Božji čovjek odgovori: “Jahve ima da ti dade više od toga.”
10 So Amaziah, separating the armed band which had come to him from Ephraim, sent them back again; which made them very angry with Judah, and they went back burning with wrath.
Tada Amasja odvoji čete koje mu bijahu došle od Efrajima, da se vrate u svoje mjesto. Ali se vojnici razgnjeviše na Judejce i vratiše se u svoje mjesto plamteći od srdžbe.
11 Then Amaziah took heart, and went out at the head of his people and came to the Valley of Salt, where he put to death ten thousand of the children of Seir;
A Amasja, ohrabriv se, povede narod, ode u Slanu dolinu i pobi deset tisuća seirskih sinova.
12 And ten thousand more the children of Israel took living, and made them go up to the top of the rock, pushing them down from the top of the rock so that their bodies were broken by the fall.
Judini su sinovi zarobili deset tisuća živih, odveli ih na vrh hridi te ih pobacali, tako da se svi razmrskaše.
13 But the men of the band which Amaziah sent back and did not take with him to the fight, made attacks on the towns of Judah from Samaria to Beth-horon, putting to death three thousand of their people and taking away a great store of their goods.
Četa koju je Amasja poslao natrag da ne ide s njima u boj harala je po judejskim gradovima od Samarije pa do Bet Horona i pobila u njima tri tisuće ljudi i naplijenila silan plijen.
14 Now when Amaziah came back from the destruction of the Edomites, he took the gods of the children of Seir and made them his gods, worshipping them and burning offerings before them.
Poslije toga, kad se Amasja vratio razbivši Edomce, donio je bogove seirskih sinova, postavio ih sebi za bogove i počeo im se klanjati i kaditi im.
15 And so the wrath of the Lord was moved against Amaziah, and he sent a prophet to him, who said, Why have you gone after the gods of the people who have not given their people salvation from your hands?
Tada se Jahve razgnjevi na Amasju i posla k njemu proroka koji ga upita: “Zašto tražiš bogove toga naroda koji nisu izbavili svoga naroda iz tvoje ruke?”
16 But while he was talking to him the king said to him, Have we made you one of the king's government? say no more, or it will be the cause of your death. Then the prophet gave up protesting, and said, It is clear to me that God's purpose is your destruction, because you have done this and have not given ear to my words.
Dok je on to govorio, kralj ga upita: “Jesi li postavljen kralju za savjetnika? Prestani! Zašto da te pogube?” Tada prorok ušutje, ali nadoda: “Znam da te Bog odlučio uništiti kad to činiš a ne slušaš mojega savjeta.”
17 Then Amaziah, king of Judah, acting on the suggestion of his servants, sent to Joash, the son of Jehoahaz, the son of Jehu, king of Israel, saying, Come, let us have a meeting face to face.
Tada judejski kralj Amasja smisli i poruči izraelskom kralju Joašu, sinu Jehuova sina Joahaza: “Dođi da se ogledamo!”
18 And Joash, king of Israel, sent to Amaziah, king of Judah, saying, The thorn-tree in Lebanon sent to the cedar in Lebanon, saying, Give your daughter to my son for a wife: and a beast from the woodland in Lebanon went by, crushing the thorn under his feet.
A izraelski kralj Joaš odvrati judejskom kralju Amasji: “Libanonski je trn jedanput poslao glasnike k libanonskom cedru i poručio: 'Daj kćer mome sinu za ženu', ali su divlje zvijeri libanonske prošle i trn izgazile.
19 You say, See, I have overcome Edom; and your heart is lifted up with pride: now keep in your country; why do you make causes of trouble, putting yourself, and Judah with you, in danger of downfall?
Potukao si Edomce, pa ti se srce uzobijestilo i tražiš slavu. Radije ostani kod kuće. Zašto izazivaš zlo i hoćeš da padneš i ti i svi Judejci s tobom?”
20 But Amaziah gave no attention; and this was the purpose of God, so that he might give them up into the hands of Joash, because they had gone after the gods of Edom.
Ali Amasja ne posluša, jer tako bijaše odredio Bog, da ih preda u ruke Joašu zato što su pristali uz edomske bogove.
21 And so Joash, king of Israel, went up; and he and Amaziah, king of Judah, came face to face at Beth-shemesh in Judah.
Izađe izraelski kralj Joaš te se ogledaše u boju on i judejski kralj Amasja u Bet Šemešu u Judeji.
22 And Judah was overcome before Israel, and they went in flight, every man to his tent.
Izraelci poraziše Judejce i oni pobjegoše pod svoj šator.
23 And Joash, king of Israel, made Amaziah, king of Judah, the son of Joash, the son of Jehoahaz, prisoner at Beth-shemesh, and took him to Jerusalem; and he had the wall of Jerusalem pulled down from the doorway of Ephraim to the doorway in the angle, four hundred cubits.
Izraelski kralj Joaš uhvati u Bet Šemešu judejskog kralja Amasju, sina Joaševa, sina Joahazova, i odvede ga u Jeruzalem; onda sruši jeruzalemski zid od Efrajimovih vrata do Ugaonih vrata, u dužini od četiri stotine lakata.
24 And he took all the gold and silver and all the vessels which were in the house of the Lord, under the care of Obed-edom, and all the wealth from the king's house, as well as those whose lives would be the price of broken faith, and went back to Samaria.
Uzevši sve zlato, srebro i posuđe što se nalazilo u Domu Božjem kod Obed Edoma i u riznici kraljevskog dvora, povrh toga i taoce, vrati se u Samariju.
25 Amaziah, son of Joash, king of Judah, went on living for fifteen years after the death of Joash, the son of Jehoahaz, king of Israel.
Judejski je kralj Amasja, Joašev sin, živio još petnaest godina poslije smrti izraelskoga kralja Joaša, Joahazova sina.
26 Now the rest of the acts of Amaziah, first and last, are they not recorded in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel?
Ostala Amasjina djela, od prvih do posljednjih, zapisana su u Knjizi o judejskim i izraelskim kraljevima.
27 Now from the time when Amaziah gave up worshipping the Lord, they made secret designs against him in Jerusalem; and he went in flight to Lachish: but they sent to Lachish after him and put him to death there.
Otkako je Amasja ostavio Jahvu, kovala se protiv njega urota u Jeruzalemu. Iako je pobjegao u Lakiš, poslaše za njim u Lakiš ljude koji ga ondje ubiše.
28 And they took his body on horseback and put it into the earth with his fathers in the town of David.
Odande su ga prenijeli na konjima i sahranili kraj njegovih otaca u Judinu gradu.

< 2 Chronicles 25 >