< 1 Chronicles 15 >

1 And David made houses for himself in the town of David; and he got ready a place for the ark of God, and put up a tent for it.
And he made to hym housis in the citee of Dauid, and he bildide `a place to the arke of the Lord, and araiede a tabernacle to it.
2 Then David said, The ark of God may not be moved by any but the Levites, for they have been marked out by God to take the ark of God, and to do his work for ever.
Thanne Dauid seide, It is vnleueful, that the arke of God be borun of `ony thing no but of the dekenes, whiche the Lord chees to bere it, and `for to mynystre to hym `til in to with outen ende.
3 And David made all Israel come together at Jerusalem, to take the ark of the Lord to its place, which he had got ready for it.
And he gaderide togidere al Israel in to Jerusalem, that the arke of God schulde be brouyt in to `his place, which he hadde maad redy to it;
4 And David got together the sons of Aaron, and the Levites;
also and he gaderide togidere the sones of Aaron, and the dekenes;
5 Of the sons of Kohath: Uriel the chief, and his brothers, a hundred and twenty;
of the sones of Caath Vriel was prince, and hise britheren two hundrid and twenti;
6 Of the sons of Merari: Asaiah the chief, and his brothers, two hundred and twenty;
of the sones of Merari Asaya was prince, and hise britheren two hundrid and thritti;
7 Of the sons of Gershom: Joel the chief, and his brothers, a hundred and thirty;
of the sones of Gerson the prince was Johel, and hise britheren an hundrid and thretti;
8 Of the sons of Elizaphan: Shemaiah the chief, and his brothers, two hundred;
of the sones of Elisaphan Semei was prynce, and hise britheren two hundrid;
9 Of the sons of Hebron: Eliel the chief, and his brothers, eighty;
of the sones of Ebroun Heliel was prince, and hise britheren foure score;
10 Of the sons of Uzziel: Amminadab the chief, and his brothers, a hundred and twelve.
of the sones of Oziel Amynadab was prince, and hise britheren an hundrid and twelue.
11 And David sent for Zadok and Abiathar the priests, and for the Levites, Uriel, Asaiah and Joel, Shemaiah and Eliel and Amminadab,
And Dauid clepide Sadoch and Abiathar preestis, and the dekenes Vriel, Asaie, Johel, Semeie, Eliel, and Amynadab; and seide to hem,
12 And said to them, You are the heads of the families of the Levites: make yourselves holy, you and your brothers, so that you may take the ark of the Lord, the God of Israel, to the place which I have made ready for it.
Ye that ben princes of the meynees of Leuy, be halewid with youre britheren, and brynge ye the arke of the Lord God of Israel to the place, which is maad redi to it;
13 For because you did not take it at the first, the Lord our God sent punishment on us, because we did not get directions from him in the right way.
lest, as at the bigynnyng, for ye weren not present, the Lord smoot vs, and now it be don, if we don ony vnleueful thing.
14 So the priests and the Levites made themselves holy to take up the ark of the Lord, the God of Israel.
Therfor the preestis and dekenes weren halewid, that thei schulden bere the arke of the Lord God of Israel.
15 And the sons of the Levites took up the ark of God, lifting it by its rods, as the Lord had said to Moses.
And the sones of Leuy token the arke of God with barris on her schuldris, as Moises comaundide bi the word of the Lord.
16 And David gave orders to the chief of the Levites to put their brothers the music-makers in position, with instruments of music, corded instruments and brass, with glad voices making sounds of joy.
And Dauid seide to the princes of dekenes, that thei schulden ordeyne of her britheren syngeris in orguns of musikis, that is, in giternes, and harpis, and symbalis; that the sown of gladnesse schulde sowne an hiy.
17 So Heman, the son of Joel, and, of his brothers, Asaph, the son of Berechiah; and of the sons of Merari their brothers, Ethan, the son of Kushaiah, were put in position by the Levites;
And thei ordeyneden dekenes, Heman, the sone of Johel, and of hise britheren, Asaph, the sone of Barachie; sotheli of the sones of Merary, britheren of hem, thei ordeyneden Ethan,
18 And with them their brothers of the second order, Zechariah, Bani and Jaaziel and Shemiramoth and Jehiel and Unni, Eliab and Benaiah and Maaseiah and Mattithiah and Eliphelehu and Mikneiah, and Obed-edom and Jeiel, the door-keepers.
the sone of Casaye, and the britheren of hem with hem; in the secunde ordre `thei ordeyneden Zacarie, and Ben, and Jazihel, and Semyramoth, and Jahiel, `and Am, Heliab, and Benaye, and Maasie, and Mathathie, and Eliphalu, and Mathenye, and Obededon, and Jehiel, porteris;
19 So those who made melody, Heman, Asaph, and Ethan, were put in position, with brass instruments, sounding loudly;
forsothe `thei ordeyneden the syngeris Eman, Asaph, and Ethan, sownynge in brasun cymbalis;
20 And Zechariah and Aziel and Shemiramoth and Jehiel, Unni and Eliab and Maaseiah and Benaiah, with corded instruments put to Alamoth.
sotheli Zacarie, and Oziel, and Semyramoth, and Jahihel, and Ham, and Eliab, and Maasie, and Banaie, sungun pryuetees in giternes; forsothe Mathathie,
21 And Mattithiah and Eliphelehu and Mikneiah and Obed-edom and Jeiel and Azaziah, with corded instruments on the octave, to give the first note of the song.
and Eliphalu, and Mathenye, and Obededom, and Jehiel, and Ozazym, sungen in harpis for the eiytithe, and epynychion, `that is, victorie `be to God ouercomere;
22 And Chenaniah, chief of the Levites, was master of the music: he gave directions about the song, because he was expert.
forsothe Chinonye, the prince of dekenes, and of profecie, was souereyn to biforsynge melodie, for he was ful wijs;
23 And Berechiah and Elkanah were door-keepers for the ark.
and Barachie, and Elchana, weren porters of the arke; forsothe Sebenye,
24 And Shebaniah and Joshaphat and Nethanel and Amasai and Zechariah and Benaiah and Eliezer, the priests, made music on the horns before the ark of God; and Obed-edom and Jehiah were door-keepers for the ark.
and Josaphath, and Mathanael, and Amasaye, and Zacarie, and Banaye, and Eliezer, preestis, sowneden with trumpis bifor the arke of the Lord; and Obededom, and Achymaas, weren porteris of the arke.
25 So David, and the responsible men of Israel, and the captains over thousands, went with joy to get the ark of the agreement of the Lord out of the house of Obed-edom.
Therfor Dauid, and the grettere men in birthe of Israel, and the tribunes, yeden to brynge the arke of boond of pees of the Lord fro the hows of Obededom with gladnesse.
26 And when God gave help to the Levites who were lifting up the ark of the agreement of the Lord, they made an offering of seven oxen and seven sheep.
And whanne God hadde helpid the dekenes that baren the arke of boond of pees of the Lord, seuene bolis and seuene rammes weren offrid.
27 And David was clothed with a robe of fair linen, as were all the Levites who took up the ark, and those who made melody, and Chenaniah the master of those who made melody; and David had on a linen ephod;
Forsothe Dauid was clothid with a white stole, and alle the dekenes that baren the arke, and the syngeris, and Chononye, the prince of profecie among syngeris, weren clothid in white stolis; forsothe also Dauid was clothid with a lynun surplijs.
28 So all Israel took up the ark of the agreement of the Lord, with loud cries and with horns and brass and corded instruments sounding loudly.
And al Israel ledden forth the arke of boond of pees of the Lord, and sowneden in ioiful song, and in sown of clariouns, and in trumpis, and cymbalis, and giternis, and harpis.
29 And when the ark of the agreement of the Lord came into the town of David, Michal, the daughter of Saul, looking out of the window, saw King David dancing and playing; and to her mind he seemed foolish.
And whanne the arke of boond of pees of the Lord hadde come to the citee of Dauid, Mychol, the douytir of Saul, bihelde forth bi a wyndowe, and sche siy king Dauyd daunsynge and pleiynge; and sche dispiside hym in hir herte.

< 1 Chronicles 15 >