< Luke 5 >

1 On one occasion, while Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret with the crowd pressing in on Him to hear the word of God,
A om rhuet vaengah anih te hlangping loh a et tih Pathen kah olka a hnatun uh. Te vaengah anih tah Gennesaret tuili taengah om tih pai.
2 He saw two boats at the edge of the lake. The fishermen had left them and were washing their nets.
Te vaengah tuili kah aka pai lawng panit te a hmuh. Tedae te lamkah tuihoi rhoek tah lawk suk la khoe uh coeng. Te phoeiah ngol tih lawng dong lamkah loh hlangping te a thuituen.
3 Jesus got into the boat belonging to Simon and asked him to put out a little from shore. And sitting down, He taught the people from the boat.
Te phoeiah lawng pakhat khuila kun. Te tah Simon kah la a om dongah, “Lan lamkah bet thoeih dae,” a ti nah.
4 When Jesus had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch.”
A thui a bawt van neh Simon te, “A dung la thoeih lamtah nga tuuknah ham na lawk te voei lah,” a ti nah.
5 “Master,” Simon replied, “we have worked hard all night without catching anything. But because You say so, I will let down the nets.”
Tedae Simon loh a doo tih, “Boeipa, khoyin khing ah ka thakthae uh tih ka dang uh moenih. Tedae namah ol dongah lawk te ka voei eh?,” a ti nah.
6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to tear.
A saii uh tangloeng vaengah nga hol te muep a kol uh tih a lawk khaw a va pah.
7 So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.
Te dongah lawng tloe dongkah a pueipo rhoek te a cavaih uh tih amih talong ham ha pawk uh. Tedae ha pawk uh vaengah lawng rhoi te bae coeng tih dalh buek uh.
8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees. “Go away from me, Lord,” he said, “for I am a sinful man.”
Simon Peter loh a hmuh vaengah Jesuh te khuklu a bakop thil tih, “Kai taeng lamloh nong laeh, kai he hlang tholh ni BOEIPA,” a ti nah.
9 For he and his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken,
A tuuk uh bangla a nga tuknah soah amah neh a taengkah rhoek boeih te ngaihmangnah loh a tuuk.
10 and so were his partners James and John, the sons of Zebedee. “Do not be afraid,” Jesus said to Simon. “From now on you will catch men.”
Simon kah a pueipo la aka om Zebedee ca rhoi James neh Johan khaw a ngaihmang rhoi van. Te phoeiah Simon te Jesuh loh, “Rhih boeh tahae lamkah tah hlang aka tu la na om pawn ni,” a ti nah.
11 And when they had brought their boats ashore, they left everything and followed Him.
Lawng rhoek te lan la a thak phoeiah boeih a toeng uh tih Jesuh te a vai uh.
12 While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he fell facedown and begged Him, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.”
Kho pakhat ah a om vaengah hlang pakhat tah hmaibae hoeng la tarha om. Jesuh te a hmuh vaengah a hmai long bakop. Te vaengah, “BOEIPA na ngaih atah kai nan cim sak thai,” a ti nah tih a bih.
13 Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” He said. “Be clean!” And immediately the leprosy left him.
Anih te kut a yueng doela a taek tih, “Ka ngaih ta, cim saeh,” a ti nah. Te dongah anih te hmaibae loh pahoi a nong tak.
14 “Do not tell anyone,” Jesus instructed him. “But go, show yourself to the priest and present the offering Moses prescribed for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.”
Tedae anih te Jesuh loh, “Thui boeh ne, tedae cet lamtah namah te khosoih taengah moe pah, na cimcaihnah dongah Moses loh ng'uen bangla nawn lamtah amih taengah laipai la om saeh,” a ti nah.
15 But the news about Jesus spread all the more, and great crowds came to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses.
Tedae anih kah olthang tah a nah la cet. Te dongah a ol hnatun ham neh amih vawtthoek rhoek te hoeih sak ham hlangping loh muep tingtun uh.
16 Yet He frequently withdrew to the wilderness to pray.
Tedae Jesuh amah tah khosoek la vi uh tih thangthui.
17 One day Jesus was teaching, and the Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there. People had come from Jerusalem and from every village of Galilee and Judea, and the power of the Lord was present for Him to heal the sick.
Hnin at om tih Jesuh loh a thuituen vaengah, Galilee vangca boeih neh Judea, Jerusalem lamkah aka pawk Pharisee rhoek neh saya rhoek khaw om uh tih ngol uh. Te vaengah a hoeih ham khaw BOEIPA kah a thaomnah loh om ngawn coeng.
18 Just then some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat. They tried to bring him inside to set him before Jesus,
Khawn tih aka om sut hlang te hlang rhoek loh phak dongah tarha hang khuen uh. Te phoeiah a taengla a khuen tih tloeng pah ham Jesuh a toem uh.
19 but they could not find a way through the crowd. So they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.
Tedae hlangping laklo ah metla anih khuen ham khaw hmu uh thai pawh. Imphu la yoeng uh bangyai longah a laklung kah Jesuh hmaiah thingkongca neh a hlak uh.
20 When Jesus saw their faith, He said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”
Amih kah tangnah te a hmuh vaengah, “Hlang pa aw, na tholhnah loh nang n'hlah coeng,” a ti nah.
21 But the scribes and Pharisees began thinking to themselves, “Who is this man who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
Tedae cadaek rhoek neh Pharisee rhoek long tah dawtlet ham a tong uh tih, “Soehsalnah aka thui te unim ca he? Pathen bueng pawt atah tholh hlah ham ulae aka coeng thai eh?” a ti uh.
22 Knowing what they were thinking, Jesus replied, “Why are you thinking these things in your hearts?
Tedae amih kah poeknah te Jesuh loh a ming dongah amih te a doo tih, “Nangmih thinko khuiah balae na poek uh?
23 Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk?’
'Na tholh loh nang n'hlah coeng, 'ti ham neh 'Thoo lamtah cet, 'ti ham te melae a phoeng la aka om?
24 But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on the earth to forgive sins...” He said to the paralytic, “I tell you, get up, pick up your mat, and go home.”
Te daengah ni hlang capa loh diklai dongah tholh hlah hamla saithainah a khueh te na ming uh eh,” a ti nah. Aka khawn te khaw, “Namah khaw kan thui eh?, thoo, na thingkongca te khuen lamtah namah im la cet laeh,” a ti nah.
25 And immediately the man stood up before them, took what he had been lying on, and went home glorifying God.
Te dongah amih hmaiah hlat thoo tih, a yalh nah te a khuen tih, Pathen a thangpom doela a im te a paan.
26 Everyone was taken with amazement and glorified God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.”
Te vaengah mueimang bangla boeih om uh tih Pathen te a thangpom uh. Rhihnah nen khaw baetawt uh tih, “Tihnin ah poektloel la m'hmuh,” a ti uh.
27 After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the tax booth. “Follow Me,” He told him,
Te phoei lamkah loh a caeh vaengah a ming ah Levi, mangmu aka coi tah mangmu doenah ah a ngol te a hmuh tih, “Kai m'vai laeh,” a ti nah.
28 and Levi got up, left everything, and followed Him.
Te dongah a cungkuem te a hnoo phoeiah thoo tih Jesuh te a vai.
29 Then Levi hosted a great banquet for Jesus at his house. A large crowd of tax collectors was there, along with others who were eating with them.
Te phoeiah Levi loh amah im ah Jesuh ham buhloei muep a tael pah. Te vaengah mangmucoi rhoek khaw hlangping la muep om tih amih taengkah aka om hlang tloe rhoek long khaw a vael uh.
30 But the Pharisees and their scribes complained to Jesus’ disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?”
Te dongah Pharisee rhoek neh cadaek rhoek loh Jesuh kah hnukbang rhoek te a kohuet thil uh tih, “Balae tih mangmucoi rhoek neh hlangtholh rhoek taengah na caak na ok uh?” a ti nauh.
31 Jesus answered, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
Jesuh loh amih te a doo tih, “Siboei he sading rhoek loh ngoe pawt cakhaw tloh aka khueh rhoek long tah a ngoe.
32 I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
Aka dueng rhoek khue ham pawt tih aka tholh rhoek te yutnah dongla khue ham ni ka pawk,” a ti nah.
33 Then they said to Him, “John’s disciples and those of the Pharisees frequently fast and pray, but Yours keep on eating and drinking.”
Te rhoek loh Jesuh te, “Johan kah hnukbang rhoek tah puet a yaeh uh tih rhenbihnah khaw a saii uh. Pharisee rhoek kah hnukbang rhoek long khaw a saii uh van. Nangmih tah na caak na ok uh,” a ti nauh.
34 Jesus replied, “Can you make the guests of the bridegroom fast while He is with them?
Tedae Jesuh loh amih te, “Yulueihmuen kah pacaboeina la na om uh moenih a? Amih neh a om rhuet ah yulokung loh a yaeh ham na saii uh aya?
35 But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast.”
Tedae a tue ha pawk bitni, yulokung te amih taeng lamkah loh a khue khohnin ah a yaeh uh bitni,” a ti nah.
36 He also told them a parable: “No one tears a piece of cloth from a new garment and sews it on an old one. If he does, he will tear the new garment as well, and the patch from the new will not match the old.
Te phoeiah amih te nuettahnah neh, “Himbai a thai te a himbai pen la a phen tih himbai rhuem a bo thil moenih. Te pawt koinih, a thai khaw pawn vetih himpai pen a thai te a rhuem neh rhoep mahpawh.
37 And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins, the wine will spill, and the wineskins will be ruined.
Misur noe te tuitang rhuem dongah a than moenih, te pawt koinih, misur noe loh tuitang te a va vetih, misur khaw cae ni, tuitang khaw poci ni.
38 Instead, new wine is poured into new wineskins.
Tedae misur noe te tuitang thai dongah ni a than.
39 And no one after drinking old wine wants new, for he says, ‘The old is better.’”
A rhuem aka o loh misur noe a ngaih moenih. 'A rhuem tah kodam la om,’ a ti,” a ti nah.

< Luke 5 >