< Acts 19 >

1 And it came to pass, while Apollos was at Corinth, that Paul, after passing through the upper districts, came to Ephesus, and finding certain disciples,
Abolose da Golidia moilai ganodini esalea, Bolo da Gala: isia amola Falidia, amo soge ganodini lalu. E da Efesase moilaiga doaga: loba, Yesu Ea fa: no bobogesu fi dunu mogili ba: i.
2 said to them: Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed? They said to him: We have not only not received it, but we have not even heard whether the Holy Spirit is given.
E da ilima amane adole ba: i, “Dilia Gode Ea hou lalegaguiba: le, dilia dogo ganodini Gode Ea A: silibu Hadigidafa Gala da aligila sa: ibela: ?” Be ilia da bu adole i, “Ninia da Gode Ea A: silibu Hadigidafa Gala da esalebe hamedafa nabi!”
3 And he said to them: Into what, then, were you immersed? They replied: Into John’s immersion.
Bolo da bu adole ba: i, “Dilia ba: bodaise hamoi amo ea bai da adi baila: ?” Ilia da bu adole i, “Ninia Yone Ba: bodaise ea olelei, amo hanoga fane salasu hou bai hamomusa: gini hamoi!”
4 And Paul said: John immersed with the immersion of repentance, saying to the people, that they must believe on him who should come after him, that is, on the Christ, Jesus.
Bolo da bu adole i, “Yone da dunu ilia wadela: i hou dawa: beba: le, sinidigima: ne, fane salasu hou hamoi. Be e da Isala: ili dunuma amane olelei, ‘Nama fa: no misunu Dunu ea hou dafawaneyale dawa: ma. Yesu Gelesu Ea hou lalegaguma!’”
5 And when they heard this, they were immersed into the name of the Lord Jesus.
Amo sia: nababeba: le, ilia da Hina Gode Yesu Ea Dioba: le hanoga fane sanasi dagoi.
6 And when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues, and prophesied.
Bolo da ea lobo ili da: iya ligisili, Gode Ea A: silibu Hadigidafa Gala da ilia dogo ganodini aligila sa: i. Amalalu, ilia sia: hisu hisu amoga sia: nanu, amola Gode Ea Sia: olelesu.
7 And all the men were about twelve.
Dunu fagoyale gala agoane hamoi.
8 And he entered the synagogue, and spoke boldly, reasoning, and persuading them for three months, with respect to the things of the kingdom of God.
Amalalu, oubi udiana amoga, Bolo da sinagoge diasu ganodini, dunu huluane Gode Hinadafa Hou noga: le dafawaneyale dawa: ma: ne, e da ilima gilisili sia: dasu.
9 But as some were hardened, and did not believe, and spoke evil of that way before the multitude, he withdrew from them, and separated the disciples, and discoursed daily in the school of one Tyrannus.
Be mogili ilia odagi igiwane hamoiba: le, dafawaneyale hame dawa: i. Dunu huluane ilia midadi, ilia Hina Gode Ea Logo Ahoasu amoma lasogole sia: i. Amaiba: le, Bolo da ili fisili asili, Yesu Ea fa: no bobogesu dunu oule asili, eso huluane e amola ili da Daila: nase olelesu diasu amo ganodini sia: dasu.
10 This continued for two years; so that all that dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks.
Amo hou da ode aduna amoga hamosu. Amaiba: le, dunu huluane, Yu dunu amola Dienadaile dunu A: isia soge amo ganodini esalu, ilia da Hina Gode Ea Sia: nabi dagoi.
11 Mighty deeds, also, that were unusual, did God perform by the hands of Paul;
Gode da Bolo ea loboga musa: hame ba: su gasa bagade hou hamonanu.
12 so that handkerchiefs or aprons were carried from his body to the sick, and diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits came out of them.
Eno dunu da Bolo ea finimu doga: su amola hawa: hamosu abula, amo ema lale, gaguli asili, oloi dunu digili ba: ma: ne gaguli asi. Oloi da digili ba: beba: le, ilia oloi da uhi amola eno Fio liligi ilia dogo ganodini sa: i galea da fadegale fasi.
13 And some of the roving Jews, who were exorcists, undertook to pronounce the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying: I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches.
Eno Yu dunu ilia da Fio liligi fadegale fasisu dawa: dunu, ilia amola Hina Gode Yesu Ea Dioba: le amo hou hamomusa: dawa: i galu. Ilia Fio a: silibu amoma amane sia: i, “Dilia! Yesu, amo Ea hou Bolo da olelesa, amo Ea Dioba: le fadegale fasima!”
14 And there were seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did this.
Yu gobele salasu Hina dunu ea dio amo Sifa, amo ea dunu mano fesuale gala da agoane hamonanebe ba: i.
15 But the evil spirit answered and said: Jesus I acknowledge, and Paul I know; but who are you?
Be wadela: i a: silibu da ilima bu adole i, “Na da Yesu dawa: ! Amola na da Bolo dawa: ! Be Dilia! Dilia da nowala: ?”
16 And the man in whom the evil spirit was, leaped on them, and overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled from that house, naked and wounded.
Amalalu doulasi dunu (amo ea dogo ganodini Fio liligi aligila sa: i) e da gasa bagade ilima doagala: le, ili huluane fananu, sefasi. Ea da ili da: i fa: gili, ili abula gadelale fadegale, sefasili, ilia diasu fisili, da: i nabadowane hobea: i.
17 And this became known to all the Greeks and Jews that dwelt in Ephesus; and fear fell upon them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.
Yu dunu amola Dienadaile dunu, Efesase moilai ganodini esalu, amo sia: nababeba: le beda: i bagade ba: i. Ilia Hina Yesu Gelesu amo Ea Dio nodone dawa: i.
18 And many of those who believed came and confessed, and made known their practices.
Yesu Ea hou lalegagui dunu bagohame da misini, dunu huluane ba: ma: ne, ilia wadela: i hou hamoi olelelalu, fofada: i dagoi.
19 And many of those who practiced magic, brought together their books, and burned them, in the presence of all. And they computed their value, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.
Mogili da sema nabi hou amola wamuli dawa: su hou hamobeba: le, ilia amo hou olelesu buga gaguli misini, dunu huluane ba: ma: ne, laluga gobesi dagoi. Amo buga ea bidi lasu ilegei idili, amo da50,000 gina agoane ba: i.
20 So mightily did the word of the Lord grow and prevail.
Amaiba: le, Gode Ea hou da gasa bagadewane heda: i amola dunu bagohame soge huluane amo ganodini da Gode Ea sia: nabi.
21 When these things had been accomplished, Paul purposed in spirit to go to Jerusalem, after he should pass through Macedonia and Achaia, saying: After I have been there, I must see Rome also.
Amo hou dagoloba, Bolo da Ma: sidounia soge amola Aga: ia soge, baligili, Yelusaleme moilai bai bagade amoga masusa: dawa: i galu. E amane sia: i, “Yelusaleme moilai bai bagade ba: lalu, na da Louma moilai bai bagade ba: la masunu.”
22 So, having sent into Macedonia two of those who ministered to him, Timothy and Erastus, he remained for a time in Asia.
Amaiba: le, Bolo da ea fidisu dunu aduna amo Dimodi amola Ila: sadase, Ma: sidounia sogega asunasi. E da bu A: isia soge ganodini eno hawa: hamomusa: dawa: i galu.
23 And at that time there was no little excitement about that way.
Amo esoga, Efesase moilai ganodini dunu ilia Hina Yesu Gelesu amo ea Logoga ahoabeba: le, gegesu da doaga: i.
24 For a certain man, named Demetrius, a silversmith, by making silver shrines for Diana, furnished no little trade to the artists.
Dunu afae ea dio amo Demidaliase da silifa amoga liligi hamosu. Efesase moilai ganodini, debolo diasu amo ganodini dunu ilia uda ogogosu ‘gode’ liligi ea dio amo Adema: se, ema nodone sia: ne gadosu. Amo debolo diasu defele, Demidaliase da debolo diasu fonobahadi silifaga hamone, dunuma bidi labeba: le, ea hawa: hamosu dunu da muni bagade lasu.
25 These he called together, with the workmen employed about such things, and said: Men, you know that our wealth arises from this trade:
Amaiba: le ea hawa: hamosu dunu amola eno agoaiwane hawa: hamosu dunu, e sia: beba: le fofada: musa: gilisili, e da ilima amane sia: i, “Defea! Dilia huluane dawa: Ninia amo hawa: hamobeba: le muni bagade laha.
26 and you see and hear, that not only at Ephesus, but throughout almost the whole of Asia, this Paul, by his persuasions, has drawn away a great multitude, saying, that they which are made with hands are not gods.
Be dilisu da amo dunu Bolo ea wali hawa: hamonanebe ba: sa. Ninia loboga hamoi liligi da ogogosu ‘gode’ e da sia: daha. Dunu bagohame Efesase moilaiga amola A: isia soge amo ganodini, amo Bolo ea sia: nababeba: le, dafawaneyale dawa: sa.
27 Now there is danger, not only that this our calling will come into disgrace, but that the temple of the great goddess Diana will be despised, and that the majesty of her whom all Asia and the world worships, will be destroyed.
Amaiba: le, ninia hawa: hamosu amoma dunu ilia da lasogole sia: sa: besa: le, na beda: i. Be amo fawane hame. Be ninia uda ‘gode’ Adema: se (A: isia dunu huluane amola osobo bagade fi dunu huluane, da ema nodone sia: ne gadosa) amo amola ea debolo diasu amola amoga dunu ilia lasogole sia: beba: le, amo da hamedei dafai liligi agoane ba: mu!”
28 When they heard this, they were full of anger, and cried out, saying: Great is Diana of the Ephesians!
Dunu bagohame gilisi amo sia: nababeba: le, ougi bagade ba: i. Ilia ha: giwane ha lale amane wele sia: i, “Efesase ‘gode’ Adema: se da bagadedafa!”
29 And the whole city was filled with confusion. And they seized Gains and Aristarchus, who were Macedonians, Paul’s fellow-travelers, and, with one consent, rushed into the theater.
Dunu huluane Efesase moilai ganodini amo sia: nababeba: le, halalalu. Ha lai gilisi dunu ilia Ma: sidounia dunu amo ela dio amo Ga: iase amola A: lisadagase, (ela da Bolo amola gilisili ahoasu) amo ilia gasawane gagulaligili, hehenane, moilai dunu ilia gilisisu diasu amoga hiouginana asi.
30 And when Paul wished to go in among the people, the disciples did not permit him.
Bolo da amo dunu gilisisu ilia midadi fofada: musa: dawa: i galu. Be Yesu Ea fa: no bobogesu dunu da ea masunu logo hedofai.
31 Some of the Asiarchs also, who were friendly to him, sent to him, and besought him not to trust himself into the theater.
Mogili gamane fofada: su dunu, Boloma asigi dunu, ilia amola Bolo da gilisisu amoga mae masa: ne ema ha: giwane adole ima: ne, sia: adole iasi.
32 Some, therefore, were crying one thing, and some another: for the assembly was confused, and the greater part knew not for what they had come together.
Be dunu gilisisu amo ganodini wili gala: su agoane ba: i. Mogili da liligi afadafa halasu, eno da liligi eno bagade wesu. Dunu bagohame da ilia gilisi da abuliba: le gilisibayale, hame dawa: beba: le, udigili halasu.
33 And some of the multitude put Alexander forward, the Jews urging him on. And Alexander waved his hand, and wished to make a defense to the people.
Yu dunu da gilisisu midadi, dunu ea dio amo A: legesa: nede amo asunasiba: le, e da amo gegesu bai hamoyale, mogili ilia dawa: i galu. A: legesa: nede da dunu huluane ouiya: ma: ne ea loboga welalu, e da hi hou gaga: musa: , sia: sa: imusa: dawa: i galu.
34 But perceiving that he was a Jew, they all cried out, with one voice, for about two hours: Great is Diana of the Ephesians.
Be A: legesa: nede da Yu dunu amo ilia da ba: beba: le, ilia huluane gilisili bagadewane welalu amane, “Efesase ‘gode’ Adema: se da bagadedafa!”
35 But the town-clerk quieted the multitude, and said: Men of Ephesus, what man is there who does not know that the city of the Ephesians is a worshiper of the great Diana, and of the image that fell down from Jupiter?
Halalalu, amalalu moilai sia: dedesu dunu da sia: beba: le, olofosu da doaga: i. E amane sia: i, “Na fi Efesase dunu! Ninia Efesase dunu fi da Adema: se Bagadedafa amo ea debolo amola sema igi da muagado misini, ninima doaga: i amola amo da ninia ouligisa, dunu huluanedafa dawa:
36 As these things, then, can not be contradicted, you ought to be quiet, and do nothing rashly.
Amo sia: da moloidafa. Dunu da ‘Amo sia: da ogogosa’ amo sia: mu da hamedei. Amaiba: le, ougi yolesili, olofoma. Udigili wili gala: su mae hamoma.
37 For you have brought these men here, who are neither robbers of temples, nor revilers of your goddess.
Amo dunu dilia waha hiouginana misi da debolo diasu liligi hame wamolasu. Ilia Adema: sema hame lasogole sia: su. Be dilia amo udigili gagulaligili hiouginana misi.
38 Therefore, if Demetrius, and the artists who are with him, have a charge against any one, the courts are in session, and the proconsuls are there; let them accuse each other.
Demidaliase amola ea hawa: hamosu dunu, da nowa dunuma fofada: musa: dawa: sea, defea, ninia da fofada: su dunu gala amola fofada: su eso ilegei dagoi. Ilia da fofada: su diasuga ilima fofada: mu da defea galu.
39 But if you have any inquiries to make about other matters, it shall be determined in a lawful assembly.
Be dilia eno liligi fofada: musa: dawa: sea, dilia gamane ea sema defele, moilai fofada: su dunu gilisili hahamoma.
40 For we are in danger of being called to answer for this day’s tumult, since there is no cause by which we shall be able to account for this concourse.
Be wali udigili wili gala: beba: le, gamane da ninima sia: sa: besa: le, yolema! Amo gegesu da bai hamedafa gala. Gamane da ninima adole ba: sea, ninia da bai olelemusa: logo hogoi helele, hame ba: mu.”
41 And when he had said these things, he dismissed the assembly.
Amo sia: nanu, e da dunu gilisi huluane amo muguluma: ne sia: i.

< Acts 19 >