< Psalms 1 >

1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the wicked, Nor standeth in the way of sinners, Nor sitteth in the seat of scoffers:
Salig den Mand, som ikke gaar efter gudløses Raad, staar paa Synderes Vej eller sidder i Spotteres Lag,
2 But his delight is in the law of Jehovah; And on his law doth he meditate day and night.
men har Lyst til HERRENS Lov, og som grunder paa hans Lov baade Dag og Nat.
3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the streams of water, That bringeth forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also doth not wither; And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
Han er som et Træ, der, plantet ved Bække, bærer sin Frugt til rette Tid, og Bladene visner ikke: Alt, hvad han gør, faar han Lykke til.
4 The wicked are not so, But are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
De gudløse derimod er som Avner, Vinden bortvejrer.
5 Therefore the wicked shall not stand in the judgment, Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
Derfor bestaar de gudløse ikke i Dommen og Syndere ej i retfærdiges Menighed.
6 For Jehovah knoweth the way of the righteous; But the way of the wicked shall perish.
Thi HERREN kender retfærdiges Vej, men gudløses Vej brydes af.

< Psalms 1 >