< Job 13 >

1 Lo, mine eye hath seen all [this], Mine ear hath heard and understood it.
A cungkuem he ka mik loh a hmuh coeng. Te te ka hna loh a yaak tih a yakming coeng.
2 What ye know, [the same] do I know also: I am not inferior unto you.
Nangmih kah mingnah bangla kai khaw ka ming tih, kai he nangmih lakah ka toem moenih.
3 Surely I would speak to the Almighty, And I desire to reason with God.
Tedae kai tah Tlungthang taengah ka thui tih, Pathen taengah ka ngaih bangla ka tluung lah sue.
4 But ye are forgers of lies; Ye are all physicians of no value.
Tedae nangmih ah laithae kap tih nangmih boeih te mueirhol siboei ni.
5 Oh that ye would altogether hold your peace! And it would be your wisdom.
U long nim n'ngam sak lah sue? Na ngam uh lah vetih nangmih ham cueihnah la om mako.
6 Hear now my reasoning, And hearken to the pleadings of my lips.
Kai kah toelthamnah hnatun dae lamtah, ka hmuilai dongkah tuituknah he hnatung uh.
7 Will ye speak unrighteously for God, And talk deceitfully for him?
Pathen yueng la dumlai na thui uh vetih, amah yueng la vuelvaeknah na thui uh aya?
8 Will ye show partiality to him? Will ye contend for God?
A maelhmai na then sak uh vetih, Pathen yueng la na ho uh aya?
9 Is it good that he should search you out? Or as one deceiveth a man, will ye deceive him?
Nangmih te n'khe vetih hlanghing taengkah, omsaa bangla a taengah na omsaa uh koinih then aya?
10 He will surely reprove you, If ye do secretly show partiality.
Yinhnuk ah maelhmai na dan uh koinih, a tluung ham khaw nangmih te ni n'tluung eh.
11 Shall not his majesty make you afraid, And his dread fall upon you?
A boeimang loh nangmih te n'let sak tih, amah kah birhihnah loh nangmih soah tla het mahpawt nim?
12 Your memorable sayings are proverbs of ashes, Your defences are defences of clay.
Nangmih poekkoepnah he hmaiphu dongkah, thuidoeknah banghui, nangmih kah amkhawn khaw amlai amkhawn banghui ni.
13 Hold your peace, let me alone, that I may speak; And let come on me what will.
Kai taengah hilphah uh lamtah ka cal mai akhaw kamah taengah mebang khaw thoeng mai saeh.
14 Wherefore should I take my flesh in my teeth, And put my life in my hand?
Balae tih ka saa te ka no dongla ka khueh vetih, ka hinglu he ka kut neh ka pom eh.
15 Behold, he will slay me; I have no hope: Nevertheless I will maintain my ways before him.
Kai n'rhaem mai cakhaw amah taengah ka ngaiuep mahpawt nim? Ka longpuei he a mikhmuh ah ka thui pueng ni.
16 This also shall be my salvation, That a godless man shall not come before him.
He khaw kai hamla khangnah la om pai. Lailak tah a mikhmuh la kun mahpawh.
17 Hear diligently my speech, And let my declaration be in your ears.
Nangmih hna dongkah ka olthui neh ka olhoe he hnatun khaw hnatun mai dae.
18 Behold now, I have set my cause in order; I know that I am righteous.
Ka tang ni tila ka ming dongah laitloeknah ka tawn coeng he.
19 Who is he that will contend with me? For then would I hold my peace and give up the ghost.
Kai aka ho te unim? Ka ngam mai laeh vetih ka pal mai mako.
20 Only do not two things unto me; Then will I not hide myself from thy face:
Kai taengah panit bueng saii boeh, na mikhmuh lamloh ka ying pawt ve.
21 Withdraw thy hand far from me; And let not thy terror make me afraid.
Na kut te kai dong lamloh lakhla sak lamtah na mueirhih neh kai n'let sak boeh.
22 Then call thou, and I will answer; Or let me speak, and answer thou me.
Te phoeiah n'khue lamtah kan doo bitni. Ka thui saeh lamtah kai he n'thuung saeh.
23 How many are mine iniquities and sins? Make me to know my transgression and my sin.
Ka taengkah thaesainah neh tholhnah he meyet nim? Ka boekoeknah neh ka boirhaem lai kai n'tueng lah.
24 Wherefore hidest thou thy face, And holdest me for thine enemy?
Balae tih na maelhmai na thuh, kai he na taengkah thunkha bangla nan moeh mai.
25 Wilt thou harass a driven leaf? And wilt thou pursue the dry stubble?
Hawnlae a yawn nim na sarhing vetih divawt rhae te nim na hloem eh?
26 For thou writest bitter things against me, And makest me to inherit the iniquities of my youth:
Kai taengah khahing te nan daek tih, ka camoe kah thaesainah te kai nan pang sak.
27 Thou puttest my feet also in the stocks, And markest all my paths; Thou settest a bound to the soles of my feet:
Ka kho he hloong dongah nan buen tih ka caehlong boeih na ngaithuen. Ka kho dongkah khotang ham khaw na vuel.
28 Though I am like a rotten thing that consumeth, Like a garment that is moth-eaten.
Te khaw keet bangla hmawn tih, himbai bangla bungbo loh a caak.

< Job 13 >