< Jeremiah 10 >

1 Hear ye the word which Jehovah speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:
Gbọ́ ọ̀rọ̀ tí Olúwa sọ fún yín ẹ̀yin ilé Israẹli.
2 thus saith Jehovah, Learn not the way of the nations, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the nations are dismayed at them.
Báyìí ni Olúwa wí: “Má ṣe kọ́ ìwà àwọn kèfèrí, kí àmì ọ̀run kí ó má sì dààmú yín, nítorí pé wọ́n ń dààmú orílẹ̀-èdè.
3 For the customs of the peoples are vanity; for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman with the axe.
Nítorí pé asán ni àṣà àwọn ènìyàn, wọ́n gé igi láti inú igbó, oníṣọ̀nà sì gbẹ́ ẹ pẹ̀lú àáké rẹ̀.
4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
Wọ́n fi fàdákà àti wúrà ṣe é lọ́ṣọ̀ọ́. Wọ́n fi òòlù kàn án àti ìṣó kí ó má ba à ṣubú.
5 They are like a palm-tree, of turned work, and speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither is it in them to do good.
Wọ́n wé mọ́ igi bí ẹ̀gúnsí inú oko, òrìṣà wọn kò le è fọhùn. Wọ́n gbọdọ̀ máa gbé wọn nítorí pé wọn kò lè rìn. Má ṣe bẹ̀rù wọn; wọn kò le è ṣe ibi kankan bẹ́ẹ̀ ni wọn kò si lè ṣe rere kan.”
6 There is none like unto thee, O Jehovah; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.
Kò sí ẹni tí ó dàbí rẹ Olúwa; o tóbi orúkọ rẹ sì tóbi lágbára.
7 Who should not fear thee, O King of the nations? for to thee doth it appertain; forasmuch as among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their royal estate, there is none like unto thee.
Ta ni kò yẹ kí ó bẹ̀rù rẹ? Ọba àwọn orílẹ̀-èdè? Nítorí tìrẹ ni. Láàrín àwọn ọlọ́gbọ́n ènìyàn ní orílẹ̀-èdè àti gbogbo ìjọba wọn, kò sí ẹni tí ó dàbí rẹ.
8 But they are together brutish and foolish: the instruction of idols! it is but a stock.
Gbogbo wọn jẹ́ aláìlóye àti aṣiwèrè, wọ́n ń kọ́ ẹ̀kọ́ àwọn ère igi tí kò níláárí.
9 There is silver beaten into plates, which is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of the artificer and of the hands of the goldsmith; blue and purple for their clothing; they are all the work of skilful men.
Fàdákà tí a ti kàn ni a mú wá láti Tarṣiṣi, àti wúrà láti Upasi. Èyí tí àwọn oníṣọ̀nà àti alágbẹ̀dẹ ṣe tí wọ́n kùn ní àwọ̀ aró àti elése àlùkò, èyí jẹ́ iṣẹ́ ọwọ́ àwọn ọlọ́gbọ́n oníṣọ̀nà.
10 But Jehovah is the true God; he is the living God, and an everlasting King: at his wrath the earth trembleth, and the nations are not able to abide his indignation.
Ṣùgbọ́n Olúwa ni Ọlọ́run tòótọ́, òun ni Ọlọ́run alààyè, ọba ayérayé. Nígbà tí ó bá bínú, ayé yóò wárìrì; orílẹ̀-èdè kò lè fi ara da ìbínú rẹ̀.
11 Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, these shall perish from the earth, and from under the heavens.
“Sọ èyí fún wọn: ‘Àwọn ọlọ́run kéékèèké tí kò dá ọ̀run àti ayé ni yóò ṣègbé láti ayé àti ní abẹ́ ọ̀run.’”
12 He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding hath he stretched out the heavens.
Ọlọ́run dá ayé pẹ̀lú agbára rẹ̀, ó dá àgbáyé pẹ̀lú ọgbọ́n rẹ̀, ó mú kí ọ̀run kí ó fẹ̀ síta nípa òye rẹ̀.
13 When he uttereth his voice, there is a tumult of waters in the heavens, and he causeth the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings for the rain, and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasuries.
Nígbà tí ó bá sán àrá, àwọn omi lọ́run a sì pariwo; ó mú kí ìkùùkuu ru sókè láti òpin ayé. Ó rán mọ̀nàmọ́ná pẹ̀lú òjò, ó sì ń mú afẹ́fẹ́ wá láti ilé ìṣúra rẹ̀.
14 Every man is become brutish [and is] without knowledge; every goldsmith is put to shame by his graven image; for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them.
Gbogbo ènìyàn jẹ́ aṣiwèrè àti aláìnímọ̀, ojú ti gbogbo alágbẹ̀dẹ níwájú ère rẹ̀, nítorí ère dídá rẹ̀ èké ni, kò sì ṣí ẹ̀mí nínú rẹ̀.
15 They are vanity, a work of delusion: in the time of their visitation they shall perish.
Asán ni wọ́n, iṣẹ́ ìṣìnà; nígbà ìbẹ̀wò wọn, wọn yóò ṣègbé.
16 The portion of Jacob is not like these; for he is the former of all things; and Israel is the tribe of his inheritance: Jehovah of hosts is his name.
Ẹni tí ó bá jẹ́ ìpín Jakọbu kò sì dàbí èyí, nítorí òun ni ó ṣẹ̀dá ohun gbogbo àti Israẹli tí ó jẹ́ ẹ̀yà ìjogún rẹ̀. Olúwa àwọn ọmọ-ogun ni orúkọ rẹ̀.
17 Gather up thy wares out of the land, O thou that abidest in the siege.
Kó ẹrù rẹ kúrò láti fi ilẹ̀ náà sílẹ̀ ìwọ tí o ń gbé ní ìlú tí a dó tì.
18 For thus saith Jehovah, Behold, I will sling out the inhabitants of the land at this time, and will distress them, that they may feel [it].
Nítorí èyí ni Olúwa wí: “Ní àkókò yìí, èmi yóò gbọn àwọn tí ó ń gbé ilẹ̀ náà jáde. Èmi yóò mú ìpọ́njú bá wọn, kí wọn kí ó lè rí wọn mú.”
19 Woe is me because of my hurt! my wound is grievous: but I said, Truly this is [my] grief, and I must bear it.
Ègbé ni fún mi nítorí ìpalára mi! Ọgbẹ́ mi jẹ́ èyí tí kò lè sàn, bẹ́ẹ̀ ni mọ sọ fún ara mi, “Èyí ni àìsàn mi, mo sì gbọdọ̀ fi orí tì í.”
20 My tent is destroyed, and all my cords are broken: my children are gone forth from me, and they are not: there is none to spread my tent any more, and to set up my curtains.
Àgọ́ mi bàjẹ́, gbogbo okùn rẹ̀ sì já. Àwọn ọmọ mi ti lọ lọ́dọ̀ mi, wọn kò sì sí mọ́, kò sí ẹnìkankan tí yóò na àgọ́ mi ró mọ́, tàbí yóò ṣe ibùgbé fún mi.
21 For the shepherds are become brutish, and have not inquired of Jehovah: therefore they have not prospered, and all their flocks are scattered.
Àwọn olùṣọ́-àgùntàn jẹ́ aṣiwèrè, wọn kò sì wá Olúwa: nítorí náà wọn kì yóò ṣe rere àti pé gbogbo agbo wọn ni yóò túká.
22 The voice of tidings, behold, it cometh, and a great commotion out of the north country, to make the cities of Judah a desolation, a dwelling-place of jackals.
Fetísílẹ̀! ariwo igbe ń bọ̀, àti ìdàrúdàpọ̀ ńlá láti ilẹ̀ àríwá wá! Yóò sì sọ ìlú Juda di ahoro, àti ihò ọ̀wàwà.
23 O Jehovah, I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.
Èmi mọ̀ Olúwa wí pé ọ̀nà ènìyàn kì í ṣe ti ara rẹ̀, kì í ṣe fún ènìyàn láti tọ́ ìgbésẹ̀ ara rẹ̀.
24 O Jehovah, correct me, but in measure; not in thine anger, lest thou bring me to nothing.
Tún mi ṣe Olúwa, pẹ̀lú ìdájọ́ nìkan kí o má sì ṣe é nínú ìbínú rẹ, kí ìwọ má ṣe sọ mí di òfo.
25 Pour out thy wrath upon the nations that know thee not, and upon the families that call not on thy name; for they have devoured Jacob, yea, they have devoured him and consumed him, and have laid waste his habitation.
Tú ìbínú rẹ jáde sórí àwọn orílẹ̀-èdè tí kò mọ̀ ọ́n, sórí àwọn ènìyàn tí wọn kò pe orúkọ rẹ. Nítorí pé wọ́n ti jẹ Jakọbu run, wọ́n ti jẹ ẹ́ run pátápátá, wọ́n sì sọ ibùgbé rẹ̀ di ahoro.

< Jeremiah 10 >