< Colossians 3 >

1 If then ye were raised together with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated on the right hand of God.
Silǝr Mǝsiⱨ bilǝn tǝng tirildürülgǝn bolsanglar, ǝmdi yuⱪiridiki ixlarƣa intilip izdininglar; Mǝsiⱨ xu yǝrdǝ Hudaning ong yenida olturidu.
2 Set your mind on the things that are above, not on the things that are upon the earth.
Kɵngül-zeⱨninglarni yǝrdiki ixlarƣa ǝmǝs, bǝlki yuⱪiriⱪi ixlarƣa ⱪoyunglar;
3 For ye died, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
qünki silǝr ɵlgǝnsilǝr, wǝ ⱨayatinglar Mǝsiⱨ bilǝn billǝ Hudada yoxurun turidu.
4 When Christ, [who is] our life, shall be manifested, then shall ye also with him be manifested in glory.
Əmma ⱨayatimiz bolƣan Mǝsiⱨ axkarilanƣan qaƣda, xuan silǝr uning bilǝn billǝ xan-xǝrǝptǝ axkarilinidiƣan bolisilǝr.
5 Put to death therefore your members which are upon the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry;
Xunga yǝrgǝ tǝwǝ ixlarni ⱪilƣuqi ⱨǝrⱪandaⱪ ǝzaliringlarni, yǝni buzuⱪluⱪ, napaklik, iplas ⱨessiyatlar, rǝzil haⱨixlar wǝ nǝpsaniyǝtqilik (u butpǝrǝslikkǝ barawǝrdur)ni ɵlümgǝ mǝⱨküm ⱪilinglar;
6 for which things’ sake cometh the wrath of God upon the sons of disobedience:
qünki bu ixlar tüpǝylidin Hudaning ƣǝzipi itaǝtsiz pǝrzǝntlǝrgǝ qüxidu.
7 wherein ye also once walked, when ye lived in these things;
Silǝr bular arisida yaxiƣan waⱪtinglarda, bundaⱪ ixlardimu mangƣansilǝr.
8 but now do ye also put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, railing, shameful speaking out of your mouth:
Əmma ⱨazir silǝr muxularningmu ⱨǝmmisini ɵzünglardin seliwetinglar — yǝni ƣǝzǝp, ⱪǝⱨr-sǝpra, yaman niyǝtlǝr, tɵⱨmǝt, aƣzinglardin qiⱪidiƣan iplas sɵzlǝrnimu siliwetinglar.
9 lie not one to another; seeing that ye have put off the old man with his doings,
Bir-biringlarƣa yalƣan sɵzlimǝnglar; qünki silǝr kona adǝmni ⱪilmixliri bilǝn seliwǝtkǝnsilǝr,
10 and have put on the new man, that is being renewed unto knowledge after the image of him that created him:
wǝ yengi adǝmni kiygǝnsilǝr; yengi adǝm bolsa ɵzini Yaratⱪuqining sürǝt-obrazi boyiqǝ toluⱪ bilixtǝ daim yengilimaⱪta;
11 where there cannot be Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bondman, freeman; but Christ is all, and in all.
uningda ⱨeqⱪandaⱪ yunanliⱪ yaki Yǝⱨudiy, sünnǝtlik yaki sünnǝtsiz, yat mǝdiniyǝtlik, Skit, ⱪul yaki ⱨɵrlǝr mǝwjut ǝmǝstur; bǝlki Mǝsiⱨ ⱨǝmmidur, wǝ ⱨǝmmididur.
12 Put on therefore, as God’s elect, holy and beloved, a heart of compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, longsuffering;
Xunga, Hudaning talliwalƣanliriƣa, pak-muⱪǝddǝs wǝ sɵyüngǝnlǝrgǝ layiⱪ, adǝmgǝ iq aƣritidiƣan baƣirlarni, meⱨribanliⱪ, kiqik peilliⱪ, mɵminlik wǝ sǝwr-taⱪǝtlikni kiyiwelinglar;
13 forbearing one another, and forgiving each other, if any man have a complaint against any; even as the Lord forgave you, so also do ye:
bir-biringlarƣa yol ⱪoyunglar, naraziliⱪ ix bolsa bir-biringlarni kǝqürüm ⱪilinglar; Mǝsiⱨ silǝrni ⱪandaⱪ kǝqürüm ⱪilƣan bolsa silǝrmu xundaⱪ ⱪilinglar.
14 and above all these things [put on] love, which is the bond of perfectness.
Muxu ixlarning üstigǝ kamil birlikning rixtisi bolƣan meⱨir-muⱨǝbbǝtni ⱪoxup beringlar.
15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to the which also ye were called in one body; and be ye thankful.
Mǝsiⱨning hatirjǝmliki ⱪǝlbinglarda ⱨɵküm sürsun (silǝr bir tǝn bolup bu hatirjǝmliktǝ boluxⱪa qaⱪirilƣan ikǝnsilǝr) wǝ xundaⱪla rǝⱨmǝt eytixlarda bolunglar.
16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms [and] hymns [and] spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts unto God.
Mǝsiⱨning sɵz-kalamini ɵzünglarda bayliⱪ ⱨasil ⱪilip turƣuzunglar, barliⱪ danaliⱪ bilǝn bir-biringlarƣa ɵgitinglar, jekilǝnglar, qin ⱪǝlbinglarda zǝbur-nǝƣmilǝr, mǝdⱨiyǝ küyliri wǝ roⱨiy nahxilarni yangritip Hudani qirayliⱪ mǝdⱨiyilǝnglar;
17 And whatsoever ye do, in word or in deed, [do] all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
wǝ ⱨǝmmǝ ixlarda, sɵz bolsun, ǝmǝl bolsun, ⱨǝmmisini Rǝb Əysaning namida ⱪilip, uning arⱪiliⱪ Huda’Atiƣa rǝⱨmǝt eytinglar.
18 Wives, be in subjection to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
Silǝr ayallar, Rǝbdǝ bolƣan süpitinglarƣa layiⱪ ɵz ǝrliringlarƣa boysununglar;
19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.
silǝr ǝrlǝr, ɵz ayalliringlarƣa muⱨǝbbǝt kɵrsitinglar; ularƣa aqqiⱪ ⱪilmanglar.
20 Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing in the Lord.
Silǝr balilar, ata-ananglarƣa ⱨǝmmǝ ixlarda itaǝt ⱪilinglar; qünki bundaⱪ ⱪilix Rǝbdǝ bolƣan güzǝl ixtur.
21 Fathers, provoke not your children, that they be not discouraged.
Silǝr atilar, baliliringlarning kɵngligǝ azar bǝrmǝnglar; undaⱪ ⱪilsanglar kɵngli yara bolidu.
22 Servants, obey in all things them that are your masters according to the flesh; not with eye-service, as men-pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing the Lord:
Silǝr ⱪullar, ǝttin bolƣan hojayininglarƣa ⱨǝmmǝ ixta itaǝt ⱪilinglar; pǝⱪǝt kɵz alididila hizmǝt ⱪilip, insanlarni hux ⱪilƣuqi ⱪullardin bolmanglar, bǝlki Rǝbdin ǝyminip qin kɵnglünglardin ix kɵrünglar.
23 whatsoever ye do, work heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men;
Nemǝ ixni ⱪiliwatⱪan bolsanglar, uningda insanlar aldida ǝmǝs, bǝlki Rǝb aldida ⱪilƣandǝk jan-dil bilǝn uningƣa ixlǝnglar;
24 knowing that from the Lord ye shall receive the recompense of the inheritance: ye serve the Lord Christ.
qünki mirasning in’amiƣa Rǝbdin muyǝssǝr ⱪilinƣanliⱪinglarni bilisilǝr; qünki silǝr Rǝb Mǝsiⱨning ibadǝt-ⱪulluⱪididursilǝr.
25 For he that doeth wrong shall receive again for the wrong that he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.
Əmma kim ⱨǝⱪⱪaniysizliⱪ ⱪilsa ⱪilƣan ⱨǝⱪⱪaniysizliⱪi ɵz bexiƣa qüxidu; bu ixta ⱨeqⱪandaⱪ yüz-hatirǝ ⱪilinix yoⱪtur.

< Colossians 3 >