< Psalms 48 >

1 A Song. A Psalm by the sons of Korah. Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, in the city of our God, in his holy mountain.
Velik je Gospod i slavan veoma u gradu Boga našega, na svetoj gori svojoj.
2 Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion, on the north sides, the city of the great King.
Prekrasna je visina, utjeha svoj zemlji gora Sion, na sjevernoj strani njezinoj grad cara velikoga.
3 God has shown himself in her citadels as a refuge.
Bog u dvorima njegovijem zna se da je braniè.
4 For, behold, the kings assembled themselves, they passed by together.
Jer, gle, carevi se zemaljski sabraše, ali proðoše svi.
5 They saw it, then they were amazed. They were dismayed. They hurried away.
Vidješe i zaèudiše se, prepadoše se i pobjegoše.
6 Trembling took hold of them there, pain, as of a woman in travail.
Trepet obuze ih ondje, muèiše se kao porodilja.
7 With the east wind, you break the ships of Tarshish.
Vjetrom istoènim razbio si korablje Tarsiske.
8 As we have heard, so we have seen, in the city of the LORD of Armies, in the city of our God. God will establish it forever. (Selah)
Što slušamo to i vidimo u gradu Gospoda nad vojskama, u gradu Boga našega. Bog ga utvrdi dovijeka.
9 We have thought about your loving kindness, God, in the middle of your temple.
Kazujemo, Bože, milost tvoju usred crkve tvoje.
10 As is your name, God, so is your praise to the ends of the earth. Your right hand is full of righteousness.
Kao što je ime tvoje, Bože, tako je i hvala tvoja na krajevima zemaljskim; pravde je puna desnica tvoja.
11 Let Mount Zion be glad! Let the daughters of Judah rejoice because of your judgments.
Nek se veseli gora Sion, nek se raduju kæeri Judejske sudova radi tvojijeh.
12 Walk about Zion, and go around her. Number its towers.
Poðite oko Siona i obiðite ga, izbrojte kule njegove;
13 Notice her bulwarks. Consider her palaces, that you may tell it to the next generation.
Pogledajte bedeme njegove, razmotrite dvorove njegove, da pripovijedate mlaðim naraštajima.
14 For this God is our God forever and ever. He will be our guide even to death.
Jer je ovaj Bog naš Bog uvijek i dovijeka, on æe biti voð naš dovijeka.

< Psalms 48 >