< Psalms 108 >

1 A Song. A Psalm by David. My heart is steadfast, God. I will sing and I will make music with my soul.
Rwiyo. Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Mwoyo wangu wakasimba, Mwari imi; ndichaimba uye ndichaimba zvakanaka nomwoyo wangu wose.
2 Wake up, harp and lyre! I will wake up the dawn.
Muka iwe mutengeranwa nembira! Ndichamutsa mambakwedza.
3 I will give thanks to you, LORD, among the nations. I will sing praises to you among the peoples.
Haiwa Jehovha ndichakurumbidzai pakati pendudzi; ndichaimba nezvenyu pakati pamarudzi. Kutendeka kwenyu kunosvika kumatenga.
4 For your loving kindness is great above the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Nokuti rudo rwenyu rukuru, kupfuura kudenga denga;
5 Be exalted, God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth.
Kudzwai, imi Mwari, kumusoro kwokudenga, uye kurumbidzwa kwenyu ngakuve pamusoro penyika yose.
6 That your beloved may be delivered, save with your right hand, and answer us.
Tiponesei uye mutibatsire noruoko rwenyu rworudyi, kuti vamunoda varwirwe.
7 God has spoken from his sanctuary: “In triumph, I will divide Shechem, and measure out the valley of Succoth.
Mwari akataura ari panzvimbo yake tsvene achiti, “Pakukunda kwangu ndichaganhura Shekemu, uye ndigoyera Mupata weSukoti.
8 Gilead is mine. Manasseh is mine. Ephraim also is my helmet. Judah is my scepter.
Gireadhi ndeyangu, Manase ndowangu; Efuremu inguwani yangu, Judha itsvimbo yangu.
9 Moab is my wash pot. I will toss my sandal on Edom. I will shout over Philistia.”
Moabhu ndiwo mudziyo wangu wokugezera, pamusoro paEdhomu ndichapotsera shangu dzangu; pamusoro paFiristia ndichapembera mukukunda.”
10 Who will bring me into the fortified city? Who will lead me to Edom?
Ndianiko achandiuyisa muguta rakakomberedzwa namasvingo? Ndianiko achanditungamirira kuEdhomu?
11 Have not you rejected us, God? You do not go out, God, with our armies.
Ko, hamusimi here, imi Mwari, iyemi makatiramba uye mukasazobudazve kuenda nehondo dzedu?
12 Give us help against the enemy, for the help of man is vain.
Tibatsirei pamuvengi wedu, nokuti rubatsiro rwomunhu haruna maturo.
13 Through God, we will do valiantly, for it is he who will tread down our enemies.
Tichapiwa kukunda naMwari, uye achatsika-tsika vavengi vedu.

< Psalms 108 >