< John 15 >

1 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the farmer.
Mini n tie ku daamɔngu tiimɔnbu, ke n Báa tie o kuandaano.
2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit, he takes away. Every branch that bears fruit, he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
O pedi ya benli n tuugi yeni nni, kaa luoni kuli, ki gbadi ki ŋanbdi ya benli n luoni, lan fidi ki ŋanbi ki loni.
3 You are already pruned clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.
I ji ki pia jɔgindi kelima min maadi yi ya maama po.
4 Remain in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it remains in the vine, so neither can you, unless you remain in me.
Ya ye mani yeni nni ke n mɔ ye yeni yi. Nani benli baba ń kan fidi ki loni, kaa tuugi yeni tibu, lanwani ii, i mɔ kan fidi ki loni, kase ke i ye yeni nni.
5 I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
Mini n tie ku daamɔgu tibu ke i tie a bena. Yua n ye yeni nni, ke n mɔ ye yeni o o ba loni boncianla, kelima N yaa ye, i kan fidi ki tieni libakuli.
6 If a man does not remain in me, he is thrown out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them, throw them into the fire, and they are burned.
nilo yaa ye yeni nni, bi baa lu o nani li benli yeni, wan kuodi, bi baa gandi a bena, ke lu o muu nni, ŋan cuo.
7 If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it will be done for you.
I ya ye yeni nni, ke n maama mo ye yeni yi, mia mani yin bua yaali kuli yi ba laa.
8 “In this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; and so you will be my disciples.
I ya luoni boncianla n Baa ba baa ti kpiagidi lan waani ke i tie n ŋɔdikaaba.
9 Even as the Father has loved me, I also have loved you. Remain in my love.
Nani ti Baa n buadi nni maama nmo buadi yi. Ya ye mani n buama nni.
10 If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, even as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.
I ya kubi n maabilkaama, yi ba ye n buama nni nani min kubi n Baa maabilkaama, ki ye o buama nni yeni i.
11 I have spoken these things to you, that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be made full.
N Maadi yi ya bona ne kuli, ke n pamanli n ya ye i niinni, ke i pamanli ń gbie ki dudi.
12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another, even as I have loved you.
N maabilkaama tie, ke yin ya bua i lieba nani min bua yi maama yeni.
13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.
Nilo ki pia buacianma ki cie ke wan lu a miali o dɔnlinba po.
14 You are my friends if you do whatever I command you.
I ya tie a bona nani min bili yi maama, i baa tie n dɔnlinba.
15 No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his lord does. But I have called you friends, for everything that I heard from my Father, I have made known to you.
N ji kan ya yi yi n naacenba, kelima o naaciemo ki bani o canbáa ń tie yaali. N yini yi n dɔnlinba kelima, min gbadi yaali n Baa kani, n cedi ke i bandi.
16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain; that whatever you will ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you.
Yinba ka lugdi nni, ama mini n lugdi yi, ki sɔni yi, ke, ke yin gedi ki loni a luana, ke li luana ń ya bii ye. Ke yin ba mia yaali kuli n Báa kani, n yeli po, o ba teni yi.
17 “I command these things to you, that you may love one another.
Min bili ke yin ya tiendi ya bona tie, ke yin ya bua i lieba.
18 If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you.
ŋanduna ya nani yi, yin ya bani ke bi tuodi ki nandi mini yo, ki fidi ki nandi yi.
19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. But because you are not of the world, since I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
I ya bi tie ŋanduna yaaba, ŋanduna bi ba buadi lanbuali maama. Ama yin ki tie ŋanduna yaaba yeni, ke mini n lugdi yi ŋanduna nni yeni, lanyapo i ke ŋanduna nani yi.
20 Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his lord.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.
Ya tiani mani min maadi yi ya maama, 'Naaciemo ki cie o canbaa.' Bi ya waani nni fala, bi ba waani imo fala; bi ya cɔlni n maama, bi ba cɔlni i yaama mo.
21 But they will do all these things to you for my name’s sake, because they do not know him who sent me.
Bi ba tieni yi lanya bona kuli, n ya yeli po, kelima baa bani yua n sɔni nni.
22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin.
N ya bo ki cua ki maadi ba, bi bo kan ya pia biidi, ama, mɔlane, bi ji kan baa sugli bi biidi po.
23 He who hates me, hates my Father also.
Yua n nani nni, nani n Baa mɔ i.
24 If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would not have had sin. But now they have seen and also hated both me and my Father.
N yaa bo sɔni ya tuona ke obakuli kan fidi ki sɔni bi siiga, bi kan ya bo pia biidi, ama mɔla, bi la likuli, ki nandi mini yeni n Baa kuli.
25 But this happened so that the word may be fulfilled which was written in their law, ‘They hated me without a cause.’
Bi tieni yeni, ke yaali n diani bi yikodi nni ń tieni ki dudi i, 'Bi nani nni fanfanma i.'
26 “When the Counselor has come, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will testify about me.
O candaano, min ba sɔni yua wan ña Baa kani, wani n tie ya mɔmɔni Foŋanma yaama n ña Baa kani ya cua, o ba tieni kasiedi n po.
27 You will also testify, because you have been with me from the beginning.
I mɔ tiendi kasiedi n po, kelima i bo ye yeni nni hali mi cilma.

< John 15 >