< Job 21 >

1 Then Job answered,
Wasephendula uJobe wathi:
2 “Listen diligently to my speech. Let this be your consolation.
Zwanini lilalele ilizwi lami, lalokho kube zinduduzo zenu.
3 Allow me, and I also will speak. After I have spoken, mock on.
Ngibekezelelani, ukuthi mina ngikhulume; lemva kokukhuluma kwami lingakloloda.
4 As for me, is my complaint to man? Why should not I be impatient?
Mina-ke ukusola kwami kusemuntwini yini? Kodwa uba kunjalo, kungani umoya wami ungekhathazeke?
5 Look at me, and be astonished. Lay your hand on your mouth.
Ngikhangelani, likhakhamale, libeke isandla phezu komlomo.
6 When I remember, I am troubled. Horror takes hold of my flesh.
Yebo, lapho ngikhumbula, ngitshaywa luvalo, lokuthuthumela kubamba inyama yami.
7 “Why do the wicked live, become old, yes, and grow mighty in power?
Ababi baphilelani, babe badala, yebo, bakhule emandleni?
8 Their child is established with them in their sight, their offspring before their eyes.
Inzalo yabo izinze phambi kwabo kanye labo, lembewu yabo emehlweni abo.
9 Their houses are safe from fear, neither is the rod of God upon them.
Izindlu zabo zilokuthula kungelakwesaba, loswazi lukaNkulunkulu kaluphezu kwabo.
10 Their bulls breed without fail. Their cows calve, and do not miscarry.
Inkunzi yakhe iyakhwela ingaphuthi; inkomokazi yakhe iyazala, ingaphunzi.
11 They send out their little ones like a flock. Their children dance.
Bakhupha abantwanyana babo njengomhlambi, labantwana babo bayagida.
12 They sing to the tambourine and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the pipe.
Baphakamisa ilizwi ngesigujana lechacho, bathokoze ngelizwi lomhlanga.
13 They spend their days in prosperity. In an instant they go down to Sheol (Sheol h7585).
Bachitha insuku zabo ngokuhle, behlele engcwabeni ngokucwayiza kwelihlo. (Sheol h7585)
14 They tell God, ‘Depart from us, for we do not want to know about your ways.
Babesebesithi kuNkulunkulu: Suka kithi; ngoba kasifisi ulwazi lwendlela zakho.
15 What is the Almighty, that we should serve him? What profit should we have, if we pray to him?’
Uyini uSomandla ukuthi simkhonze? Sizazuzani uba simncenga?
16 Behold, their prosperity is not in their hand. The counsel of the wicked is far from me.
Khangela, okuhle kwabo kakukho esandleni sabo; icebo lababi likhatshana lami.
17 “How often is it that the lamp of the wicked is put out, that their calamity comes on them, that God distributes sorrows in his anger?
Kukangaki isibane sababi sicitshwa, kusiza ukuchitheka kwabo phezu kwabo! UNkulunkulu ubabela ubuhlungu elakeni lwakhe.
18 How often is it that they are as stubble before the wind, as chaff that the storm carries away?
Banjengamahlanga phambi komoya, lanjengomule isiphepho esiwuphephulayo.
19 You say, ‘God lays up his iniquity for his children.’ Let him recompense it to himself, that he may know it.
UNkulunkulu ubekela abantwana bakhe usizi lwakhe. Uyamvuza, njalo uzakwazi.
20 Let his own eyes see his destruction. Let him drink of the wrath of the Almighty.
Amehlo akhe azabona ukuchitheka kwakhe, anathe okolaka lukaSomandla.
21 For what does he care for his house after him, when the number of his months is cut off?
Ngoba iyini intokozo yakhe endlini yakhe emva kwakhe, lapho inani lenyanga zakhe liqunywa?
22 “Shall any teach God knowledge, since he judges those who are high?
Kukhona ongafundisa uNkulunkulu ulwazi yini? Ngoba yena wehlulela abaphezulu.
23 One dies in his full strength, being wholly at ease and quiet.
Lo uyafa esemandleni akhe apheleleyo, yena wonke onwabile, elokuthula.
24 His pails are full of milk. The marrow of his bones is moistened.
Iziphathelo zakhe zigcwele uchago, lomnkantsho wamathambo akhe umanzi.
25 Another dies in bitterness of soul, and never tastes of good.
Lomunye ufa elomphefumulo obabayo, engadlanga kokuhle.
26 They lie down alike in the dust. The worm covers them.
Balala ndawonye ethulini, lempethu zibasibekele.
27 “Behold, I know your thoughts, the plans with which you would wrong me.
Khangelani, ngiyayazi imicabango yenu, lamacebo eliwaceba limelene lami.
28 For you say, ‘Where is the house of the prince? Where is the tent in which the wicked lived?’
Ngoba lithi: Ingaphi indlu yesiphathamandla? Njalo lingaphi ithente lendawo zababi zokuhlala?
29 Have not you asked wayfaring men? Do not you know their evidences,
Kalibabuzanga yini abadlula ngendlela, njalo kalinanzeleli iziboniso zabo?
30 that the evil man is reserved to the day of calamity, that they are led out to the day of wrath?
Ukuthi omubi uyekelwa osukwini lokubhujiswa; bazalethwa osukwini lwezintukuthelo.
31 Who will declare his way to his face? Who will repay him what he has done?
Ngubani ozamtshela indlela yakhe ebusweni? Ngubani ozamphindisela ngakwenzileyo?
32 Yet he will be borne to the grave. Men will keep watch over the tomb.
Kanti yena uzasiwa engcwabeni, lilindwe idundulu.
33 The clods of the valley will be sweet to him. All men will draw after him, as there were innumerable before him.
Amagade esihotsha amnandi kuye, njalo udonsa wonke umuntu emva kwakhe, njengoba bengelakubalwa abaphambi kwakhe.
34 So how can you comfort me with nonsense, because in your answers there remains only falsehood?”
Pho lizangiduduza njani ngeze, ngoba empendulweni zenu kusele inkohliso?

< Job 21 >