< Isaiah 64 >

1 Oh that you would tear the heavens, that you would come down, that the mountains might quake at your presence—
Kungathi ungadabula amazulu, wehlele phansi, izintaba zigeleze ebukhoneni bakho;
2 as when fire kindles the brushwood, and the fire causes the water to boil. Make your name known to your adversaries, that the nations may tremble at your presence!
njengokutshisa komlilo oncibilikisayo, umlilo wenze amanzi abile, ukulazisa ibizo lakho ezitheni zakho, ukuze izizwe zithuthumele ebukhoneni bakho.
3 When you did awesome things which we did not look for, you came down, and the mountains quaked at your presence.
Ekwenzeni kwakho izinto ezesabekayo esasingazilindelanga, wehlela phansi; izintaba zageleza ebukhoneni bakho.
4 For from of old men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen a God besides you, who works for him who waits for him.
Ngoba kusukela endulo kabezwanga, kabalalelanga ngendlebe, ilihlo kalibonanga, Nkulunkulu, ngaphandle kwakho, osebenzela lowo olindele kuye.
5 You meet him who rejoices and does righteousness, those who remember you in your ways. Behold, you were angry, and we sinned. We have been in sin for a long time. Shall we be saved?
Uhlangabeza othokozayo lowenza ukulunga, abakukhumbulayo ezindleleni zakho. Khangela, wena wathukuthela, ngoba sonile; kuzo kulokuqhubeka, njalo sizasindiswa.
6 For we have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteousness is like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.
Kodwa sonke sinjengongcolileyo, lakho konke ukulunga kwethu kunjengezidwedwe ezingcolileyo; njalo sonke siyabuna njengehlamvu, leziphambeko zethu, njengomoya, zisiphephule.
7 There is no one who calls on your name, who stirs himself up to take hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us, and have consumed us by means of our iniquities.
Njalo kakho obiza ibizo lakho, ozivusela ukubambelela kuwe; ngoba ufihlile ubuso bakho kithi, wasicikiza ngenxa yeziphambeko zethu.
8 But now, LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay and you our potter. We all are the work of your hand.
Kodwa, khathesi, Nkosi, wena ungubaba wethu; thina silibumba, wena-ke ungumbumbi wethu; njalo sonke singumsebenzi wesandla sakho.
9 Do not be furious, LORD. Do not remember iniquity forever. Look and see, we beg you, we are all your people.
Ungathukutheli wedlulise, Nkosi, ungakhumbuli ububi phakade. Khangela, ake ubone, sonke singabantu bakho.
10 Your holy cities have become a wilderness. Zion has become a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation.
Imizi yakho engcwele isiyinkangala, iZiyoni isiyinkangala, iJerusalema iyincithakalo.
11 Our holy and our beautiful house where our fathers praised you is burned with fire. All our pleasant places are laid waste.
Indlu yethu engcwele leyethu enhle, lapho obaba abakudumisela khona, itshisiwe ngomlilo; lazo zonke izinto zethu ezithandekayo sezilunxiwa.
12 Will you hold yourself back for these things, LORD? Will you keep silent and punish us very severely?
Uzazithinta yini ngenxa yalezizinto, Nkosi? Uzathula yini, usihluphe wedlulise?

< Isaiah 64 >