< Isaiah 25 >

1 The LORD, you are my God. I will exalt you! I will praise your name, for you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago, in complete faithfulness and truth.
Jahve, ti si Bog moj, uznosim te, tvoje ime slavim, jer si proveo čudesan naum, smišljen od davnine, istinit i vjeran,
2 For you have made a city into a heap, a fortified city into a ruin, a palace of strangers to be no city. It will never be built.
jer grad si pretvorio u hrpu kamenja, a mjesto utvrđeno u ruševine. Tvrđa neprijateljska više nije grad, dovijeka se više obnoviti neće.
3 Therefore a strong people will glorify you. A city of awesome nations will fear you.
Zato te slavi narod snažan, grad moćnih plemena tebe se boji;
4 For you have been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat, when the blast of the dreaded ones is like a storm against the wall.
jer ti si utočište nevoljnom, utočište ubogom u nevolji; ti si skrovište od pljuska i od žege zaklon, jer ćud je silnička kao pljusak zimski;
5 As the heat in a dry place you will bring down the noise of strangers; as the heat by the shade of a cloud, the song of the dreaded ones will be brought low.
kao žega nad zemljom sušnom ti gušiš graju neprijatelja; kao žega sjenom oblaka prekinu se silniku pjesma pobjednička.
6 In this mountain, the LORD of Armies will make all peoples a feast of choice meat, a feast of choice wines, of choice meat full of marrow, of well refined choice wines.
I Jahve nad Vojskama spremit će svim narodima na ovoj gori gozbu od pretiline, gozbu od izvrsna vina, od pretiline sočne, od vina staložena.
7 He will destroy in this mountain the surface of the covering that covers all peoples, and the veil that is spread over all nations.
Na ovoj gori on će raskinuti zastor što zastiraše sve narode, pokrivač koji sva plemena pokrivaše
8 He has swallowed up death forever! The Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces. He will take the reproach of his people away from off all the earth, for the LORD has spoken it.
i uništit će smrt zasvagda. I suzu će sa svakog lica Jahve, Gospod, otrti - sramotu će svog naroda na svoj zemlji skinuti: tako Jahve reče.
9 It shall be said in that day, “Behold, this is our God! We have waited for him, and he will save us! This is the LORD! We have waited for him. We will be glad and rejoice in his salvation!”
I reći će se u onaj dan: “Gle, ovo je Bog naš, u njega se uzdasmo, on nas je spasio; ovo je Jahve u koga se uzdasmo! Kličimo i veselimo se spasenju njegovu,
10 For the LORD’s hand will rest in this mountain. Moab will be trodden down in his place, even like straw is trodden down in the water of the dunghill.
jer ruka Jahvina na ovoj gori počiva!” Moab je izgažen na svome mjestu kao što se gazi slama na buništu;
11 He will spread out his hands in the middle of it, like one who swims spreads out hands to swim, but his pride will be humbled together with the craft of his hands.
ondje on razmahuje rukama kao što ih razmahuje plivač kada pliva. Ali Jahve obara njegovu ponositost i propinjanja ruku njegovih.
12 He has brought the high fortress of your walls down, laid low, and brought to the ground, even to the dust.
Visoku tvrđu tvojih zidina on razvaljuje, na zemlju baca, u prah ruši.

< Isaiah 25 >