< Hebrews 9 >

1 Now indeed even the first covenant had ordinances of divine service and an earthly sanctuary.
sa prathamO niyama ArAdhanAyA vividharItibhiraihikapavitrasthAnEna ca viziSTa AsIt|
2 For a tabernacle was prepared. In the first part were the lamp stand, the table, and the show bread, which is called the Holy Place.
yatO dUSyamEkaM niramIyata tasya prathamakOSThasya nAma pavitrasthAnamityAsIt tatra dIpavRkSO bhOjanAsanaM darzanIyapUpAnAM zrENI cAsIt|
3 After the second veil was the tabernacle which is called the Holy of Holies,
tatpazcAd dvitIyAyAstiraSkariNyA abhyantarE 'tipavitrasthAnamitinAmakaM kOSThamAsIt,
4 having a golden altar of incense and the ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold, in which was a golden pot holding the manna, Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant;
tatra ca suvarNamayO dhUpAdhAraH paritaH suvarNamaNPitA niyamamanjjUSA cAsIt tanmadhyE mAnnAyAH suvarNaghaTO hArONasya manjjaritadaNPastakSitau niyamaprastarau,
5 and above it cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat, of which things we cannot speak now in detail.
tadupari ca karuNAsanE chAyAkAriNau tEjOmayau kirUbAvAstAm, EtESAM vizESavRttAntakathanAya nAyaM samayaH|
6 Now these things having been thus prepared, the priests go in continually into the first tabernacle, accomplishing the services,
EtESvIdRk nirmmitESu yAjakA IzvarasEvAm anutiSThanatO dUSyasya prathamakOSThaM nityaM pravizanti|
7 but into the second the high priest alone, once in the year, not without blood, which he offers for himself and for the errors of the people.
kintu dvitIyaM kOSThaM prativarSam EkakRtva EkAkinA mahAyAjakEna pravizyatE kintvAtmanimittaM lOkAnAm ajnjAnakRtapApAnAnjca nimittam utsarjjanIyaM rudhiram anAdAya tEna na pravizyatE|
8 The Holy Spirit is indicating this, that the way into the Holy Place was not yet revealed while the first tabernacle was still standing.
ityanEna pavitra AtmA yat jnjApayati tadidaM tat prathamaM dUSyaM yAvat tiSThati tAvat mahApavitrasthAnagAmI panthA aprakAzitastiSThati|
9 This is a symbol of the present age, where gifts and sacrifices are offered that are incapable, concerning the conscience, of making the worshiper perfect,
tacca dUSyaM varttamAnasamayasya dRSTAntaH, yatO hEtOH sAmprataM saMzOdhanakAlaM yAvad yannirUpitaM tadanusArAt sEvAkAriNO mAnasikasiddhikaraNE'samarthAbhiH
10 being only (with foods and drinks and various washings) fleshly ordinances, imposed until a time of reformation.
kEvalaM khAdyapEyESu vividhamajjanESu ca zArIrikarItibhi ryuktAni naivEdyAni balidAnAni ca bhavanti|
11 But Christ having come as a high priest of the coming good things, through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation,
aparaM bhAvimaggalAnAM mahAyAjakaH khrISTa upasthAyAhastanirmmitEnArthata EtatsRSTE rbahirbhUtEna zrESThEna siddhEna ca dUSyENa gatvA
12 nor yet through the blood of goats and calves, but through his own blood, entered in once for all into the Holy Place, having obtained consummate (aiōnios g166) redemption.
chAgAnAM gOvatsAnAM vA rudhiram anAdAya svIyarudhiram AdAyaikakRtva Eva mahApavitrasthAnaM pravizyAnantakAlikAM muktiM prAptavAn| (aiōnios g166)
13 For if the blood of goats and bulls, and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling those who have been defiled, sanctify to the cleanness of the flesh,
vRSachAgAnAM rudhirENa gavIbhasmanaH prakSEpENa ca yadyazucilOkAH zArIrizucitvAya pUyantE,
14 how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the consummate (aiōnios g166) Spirit offered himself without defect to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
tarhi kiM manyadhvE yaH sadAtanEnAtmanA niSkalagkabalimiva svamEvEzvarAya dattavAn, tasya khrISTasya rudhirENa yuSmAkaM manAMsyamarEzvarasya sEvAyai kiM mRtyujanakEbhyaH karmmabhyO na pavitrIkAriSyantE? (aiōnios g166)
15 For this reason he is the mediator of a new covenant, since a death has occurred for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first covenant, that those who have been called may receive the promise of the consummate (aiōnios g166) inheritance.
sa nUtananiyamasya madhyasthO'bhavat tasyAbhiprAyO'yaM yat prathamaniyamalagghanarUpapApEbhyO mRtyunA muktau jAtAyAm AhUtalOkA anantakAlIyasampadaH pratijnjAphalaM labhEran| (aiōnios g166)
16 For where a last will and testament is, there must of necessity be the death of him who made it.
yatra niyamO bhavati tatra niyamasAdhakasya balE rmRtyunA bhavitavyaM|
17 For a will is in force where there has been death, for it is never in force while he who made it lives.
yatO hatEna balinA niyamaH sthirIbhavati kintu niyamasAdhakO bali ryAvat jIvati tAvat niyamO nirarthakastiSThati|
18 Therefore even the first covenant has not been dedicated without blood.
tasmAt sa pUrvvaniyamO'pi rudhirapAtaM vinA na sAdhitaH|
19 For when every commandment had been spoken by Moses to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of the calves and the goats, with water and scarlet wool and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people,
phalataH sarvvalOkAn prati vyavasthAnusArENa sarvvA AjnjAH kathayitvA mUsA jalEna sindUravarNalOmnA ESOvatRNEna ca sArddhaM gOvatsAnAM chAgAnAnjca rudhiraM gRhItvA granthE sarvvalOkESu ca prakSipya babhASE,
20 saying, “This is the blood of the covenant which God has commanded you.”
yuSmAn adhIzvarO yaM niyamaM nirUpitavAn tasya rudhiramEtat|
21 He sprinkled the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry in the same way with the blood.
tadvat sa dUSyE'pi sEvArthakESu sarvvapAtrESu ca rudhiraM prakSiptavAn|
22 According to the law, nearly everything is cleansed with blood, and apart from shedding of blood there is no remission.
aparaM vyavasthAnusArENa prAyazaH sarvvANi rudhirENa pariSkriyantE rudhirapAtaM vinA pApamOcanaM na bhavati ca|
23 It was necessary therefore that the copies of the things in the heavens should be cleansed with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.
aparaM yAni svargIyavastUnAM dRSTAntAstESAm EtaiH pAvanam Avazyakam AsIt kintu sAkSAt svargIyavastUnAm EtEbhyaH zrESThE rbalidAnaiH pAvanamAvazyakaM|
24 For Christ has not entered into holy places made with hands, which are representations of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us;
yataH khrISTaH satyapavitrasthAnasya dRSTAntarUpaM hastakRtaM pavitrasthAnaM na praviSTavAn kintvasmannimittam idAnIm Izvarasya sAkSAd upasthAtuM svargamEva praviSTaH|
25 nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest enters into the holy place year by year with blood not his own,
yathA ca mahAyAjakaH prativarSaM parazONitamAdAya mahApavitrasthAnaM pravizati tathA khrISTEna punaH punarAtmOtsargO na karttavyaH,
26 or else he must have suffered often since the foundation of the world. But now once at the consummation of the ages (aiōn g165), he has been revealed to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.
karttavyE sati jagataH sRSTikAlamArabhya bahuvAraM tasya mRtyubhOga AvazyakO'bhavat; kintvidAnIM sa AtmOtsargENa pApanAzArtham EkakRtvO jagataH zESakAlE pracakAzE| (aiōn g165)
27 Inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once, and after this, judgment,
aparaM yathA mAnuSasyaikakRtvO maraNaM tat pazcAd vicArO nirUpitO'sti,
28 so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.
tadvat khrISTO'pi bahUnAM pApavahanArthaM balirUpENaikakRtva utsasRjE, aparaM dvitIyavAraM pApAd bhinnaH san yE taM pratIkSantE tESAM paritrANArthaM darzanaM dAsyati|

< Hebrews 9 >