< Ezekiel 45 >

1 “‘“Moreover, when you divide by lot the land for inheritance, you shall offer an offering to the LORD, a holy portion of the land. The length shall be the length of twenty-five thousand reeds, and the width shall be ten thousand. It shall be holy in all its border all around.
“‘Ne miema anyigba la abe domenyinu ene la, ele be miana anyigba la ƒe akpa aɖe Aƒetɔ Yehowa abe teƒe kɔkɔe ene, wòadidi mita akpe wuietɔ̃ wòakeke mita akpe wuiɖeke, eye teƒe la katã nanye teƒe kɔkɔe.
2 Of this there shall be a five hundred by five hundred square for the holy place, and fifty cubits for its pasture lands all around.
Eƒe akpa aɖe si ƒe didime kple kekeme siaa anye mita alafa eve blaade-vɔ-atɔ̃, anye kɔkɔeƒe la tɔ, eye woaɖe mita blaeve-vɔ-adre le eŋu aƒo xlãe godoo hena gbadzaƒe la.
3 Of this measure you shall measure a length of twenty-five thousand, and a width of ten thousand. In it shall be the sanctuary, which is most holy.
Le anyigba la ƒe teƒe kɔkɔe la ŋu la, midzidze akpa aɖe wòadidi mita akpe wuietɔ̃, eye wòakeke mita akpe atɔ̃ alafa etɔ̃. Afi siae Kɔkɔeƒe si nye Kɔkɔeƒewo ƒe Kɔkɔeƒe la anɔ.
4 It is a holy portion of the land; it shall be for the priests, the ministers of the sanctuary, who come near to minister to the LORD. It shall be a place for their houses and a holy place for the sanctuary.
Anye anyigba la ƒe akpa kɔkɔe na nunɔlawo, ame siwo wɔa subɔsubɔdɔwo le Kɔkɔeƒe la, eye wotena vana be woasubɔ le Yehowa ŋkume. Anye teƒe na woƒe aƒewo kple Kɔkɔeƒe la siaa.
5 Twenty-five thousand cubits in length and ten thousand in width shall be for the Levites, the ministers of the house, as a possession for themselves, for twenty rooms.
Teƒe aɖe si adidi mita akpe wuietɔ̃, eye wòakeke mita akpe atɔ̃ alafa etɔ̃ la, anye Levitɔ siwo subɔna le gbedoxɔ me la tɔ be woanɔ le duwo me.
6 “‘“You shall appoint the possession of the city five thousand cubits wide and twenty-five thousand long, side by side with the offering of the holy portion. It shall be for the whole house of Israel.
“‘Ele na mi be miatsɔ anyigba si keke mita akpe eve alafa adre, eye wòdidi mita akpe wuietɔ̃ alafa atɔ̃ la ana du gã la abe etɔ ene, eye wòatɔ ɖe teƒe kɔkɔe la ŋu. Anye Israel ƒe aƒe blibo la tɔ.
7 “‘“What is for the prince shall be on the one side and on the other side of the holy allotment and of the possession of the city, in front of the holy allotment and in front of the possession of the city, on the west side westward, and on the east side eastward, and in length corresponding to one of the portions, from the west border to the east border.
“‘Fiaviŋutsu la axɔ anyigba le teƒe kɔkɔe la kple du gã la ƒe anyigba dome. Aɖo ta ɣetoɖoƒe lɔƒo tso ɣedzeƒekpa dzi, eye eƒe didime ato ɣetoɖoƒekpa dzi ayi ɣedzeƒeliƒo la dzi anɔ axadzi na to ɖeka ƒe anyigba.
8 In the land it shall be to him for a possession in Israel. My princes shall no more oppress my people, but they shall give the land to the house of Israel according to their tribes.”
Teƒe sia anye etɔ le Israel. Nye fiaviŋutsuwo magate nye amewo ɖe to o, ke boŋ woaɖe mɔ na Israel ƒe aƒe la be anyigba la nanye wo tɔ le woƒe towo nu.
9 “‘The Lord GOD says: “Enough you, princes of Israel! Remove violence and plunder, and execute justice and righteousness! Stop dispossessing my people!” says the Lord GOD.
“‘Nya si Aƒetɔ Yehowa gblɔe nye esi: “Esɔ gbɔ na mi azɔ, O! Israel ƒe fia ŋutsuviwo! Miɖe asi le miaƒe nuveviwɔame kple miaƒe ameteteɖeto ŋuti, miawɔ nu si le dzɔdzɔe, eye wònyo. Midzudzɔ nuwo xɔxɔ le nye amewo si,” Aƒetɔ Yehowae gblɔe.
10 “You shall have just balances, a just ephah, and a just bath.
Ele na mi be miawɔ nudanu dzɔdzɔewo ŋu dɔ, nudanu kple nudzidzenu si de.
11 The ephah and the bath shall be of one measure, that the bath may contain one tenth of a homer, and the ephah one tenth of a homer. Its measure shall be the same as the homer.
Lolome ɖeka nanɔ dzidzenu si wotsɔ dzidzea nu siwo menye tsinuwo o kple dzidzenu si wotsɔ dzidzea tsinuwo la si. Dzidzenu si wotsɔ dzidzea tsinuwo la nanye galɔn ene eye dzidzenu si wotsɔ dzidzea nu siwo menye tsinuwo o la hã nanye galɔn ene eye wòanye dzidzenu ɖeka si dzi woda asi ɖo la na dzidzenu eveawo.
12 The shekel shall be twenty gerahs. Twenty shekels plus twenty-five shekels plus fifteen shekels shall be your mina.
Woada ga home ɖe sia ɖe woasɔ ɖe dzidzenu.
13 “‘“This is the offering that you shall offer: the sixth part of an ephah from a homer of wheat, and you shall give the sixth part of an ephah from a homer of barley,
“‘Esiae nye nu tɔxɛ si miana, lu kilogram etɔ̃ tso lu kotoku ɖe sia ɖe me kple ƒo kilogram eve tso ƒo kotoku ɖe sia ɖe me.
14 and the set portion of oil, of the bath of oil, one tenth of a bath out of the cor, which is ten baths, even a homer (for ten baths are a homer),
Woadzidze ami si woana la kple dzidzenu si wotsɔ dzidzea tsinu, eye woanye dzidzenu si wotsɔ dzidzea tsinuwo la ƒe si nye galɔn ene.
15 and one lamb of the flock out of two hundred, from the well-watered pastures of Israel—for a meal offering, for a burnt offering, and for peace offerings, to make atonement for them,” says the Lord GOD.
Kpe ɖe esiawo ŋu la, woana alẽ ɖeka tso alẽ alafa eve ƒe alẽha me tso gbeɖuƒe siwo tsi bɔ ɖo le Israel. Woawɔ esiawo ŋu dɔ hena nuɖuvɔsawo, numevɔsawo kple akpedavɔsawo, be woalé avu ɖe ameawo nu. Aƒetɔ Yehowae gblɔe.
16 “All the people of the land shall give to this offering for the prince in Israel.
Anyigba la dzi tɔwo katã ana nunana tɔxɛ sia hena Israel ƒe fiaviŋutsu la ƒe ŋu dɔ wɔwɔ.
17 It shall be the prince’s part to give the burnt offerings, the meal offerings, and the drink offerings, in the feasts, and on the new moons, and on the Sabbaths, in all the appointed feasts of the house of Israel. He shall prepare the sin offering, the meal offering, the burnt offering, and the peace offerings, to make atonement for the house of Israel.”
Anye fiaviŋutsu la ƒe dɔdeasi be wòana nu hena numevɔsawo, nuɖuvɔsawo kple nunovɔsawo le Ɣleti Yeye kple Dzudzɔgbewo ƒe ŋkekenyuiwo dzi, hekpe ɖe Israel ƒe aƒe la ƒe ŋkekenyui ɖoɖiwo ŋuti. Ana nu hena nu vɔ̃ ŋuti vɔsawo, nuɖuvɔsawo, numevɔsawo kple akpedavɔsawo ne woalé avu ɖe Israel ƒe aƒe la nu.
18 “‘The Lord GOD says: “In the first month, on the first day of the month, you shall take a young bull without defect, and you shall cleanse the sanctuary.
“‘Nya si Aƒetɔ Yehowa gblɔe nye esi: Le ɣleti gbãtɔ me, le ŋkeke gbãtɔa gbe la, ele na mi be miatsɔ nyitsu fɛ̃ ɖeka si ŋu kpɔtsɔtsɔ aɖeke mele o la, eye miakɔ Kɔkɔeƒe la ŋu.
19 The priest shall take of the blood of the sin offering and put it on the door posts of the house, and on the four corners of the ledge of the altar, and on the posts of the gate of the inner court.
Nunɔla la aku nu vɔ̃ ŋuti vɔsalã la ƒe ʋu aɖe asisi ɖe gbedoxɔ la ƒe ʋɔtrutiwo ŋu kple vɔsamlekpui la ƒe kɔwo ƒe dzogoe eneawo ŋu kple xɔxɔnu emetɔ ƒe agbonutiwo ŋu.
20 So you shall do on the seventh day of the month for everyone who errs, and for him who is simple. So you shall make atonement for the house.
Ele na mi be miagawɔ nu mawo ke le ɣleti la ƒe ŋkeke adrelia gbe na ame sia ame si awɔ nu vɔ̃ maɖowɔ aɖe alo ato manyamanya me la ta. Ale miawɔ avuléle ɖe gbedoxɔ la nu.
21 “‘“In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, you shall have the Passover, a feast of seven days; unleavened bread shall be eaten.
“‘Le ɣleti gbãtɔ ƒe ŋkeke wuienelia gbe la, miaɖu Ŋutitotoŋkekenyui la, ŋkekenyui si axɔ ŋkeke adre, ŋkeke siwo me miaɖu abolo si wowɔ kple amɔ maʋamaʋã.
22 On that day the prince shall prepare for himself and for all the people of the land a bull for a sin offering.
Gbe ma gbe la, fiavi ŋutsuvi la ana nyitsu ɖeka hena nuvɔ̃ŋutivɔsa ɖe eɖokui kple ame siwo katã le anyigba la dzi la ta.
23 The seven days of the feast he shall prepare a burnt offering to the LORD, seven bulls and seven rams without defect daily the seven days; and a male goat daily for a sin offering.
Gbe sia gbe le ŋkekenyui la ƒe ŋkeke adreawo me la, ana nyitsu adre kple agbo adre siwo ŋu kpɔtsɔtsɔ aɖeke mele o la, hena numevɔsa na Yehowa, eye wòagana gbɔ̃tsu ɖeka hena nu vɔ̃ ŋuti vɔsa.
24 He shall prepare a meal offering, an ephah for a bull, an ephah for a ram, and a hin of oil to an ephah.
Ana nuɖuvɔsa bli agba ɖeka kpe ɖe nyitsu ɖe sia ɖe ŋu eye agba ɖeka kpe ɖe agbo ɖe sia ɖe ŋu, eye wòana ami lita ene kpe ɖe agba ɖe sia ɖe ŋu.
25 “‘“In the seventh month, on the fifteenth day of the month, during the feast, he shall do like that for seven days. He shall make the same provision for sin offering, the burnt offering, the meal offering, and the oil.”
“‘Le ŋkekenyui si dzea egɔme le ɣleti adrelia ƒe ŋkeke wuiatɔ̃lia gbe ƒe ŋkeke adreawo me la, agana nu mawo ke kple ami hena nu vɔ̃ ŋuti vɔsawo, numevɔsawo kple nuɖuvɔsawo.’”

< Ezekiel 45 >