< Ezekiel 42 >

1 Then he brought me out into the outer court, the way toward the north. Then he brought me into the room that was opposite the separate place, and which was opposite the building toward the north.
Tete ŋutsu la kplɔm ɖo ta anyiehe gome yi xɔxɔnu egodotɔ me, eye míeyi xɔ siwo le gbedoxɔ la ƒe xɔxɔnu ƒe axadzi kple egodogli si le anyiehe gome la me.
2 Facing the length of one hundred cubits was the north door, and the width was fifty cubits.
Xɔ si ƒe ʋɔtru dze ŋgɔ anyiehe la didi mita blaatɔ̃, eye wòkeke mita blaeve vɔ atɔ̃.
3 Opposite the twenty cubits which belonged to the inner court, and opposite the pavement which belonged to the outer court, was gallery against gallery in the three stories.
Le teƒe eve siwo didi mita ewo tso xɔxɔnu emetɔ gbɔ, eye le teƒe si le xɔxɔnu egodotɔ ƒe kpeɖoɖoawo kasa la, xɔmedziƒoxɔ dze ŋgɔ xɔmedziƒoxɔ le ɖoƒe etɔ̃awo.
4 Before the rooms was a walk of ten cubits’ width inward, a way of one cubit; and their doors were toward the north.
Mɔ aɖe le xɔawo ŋgɔ, ekeke mita atɔ̃, eye wòdidi mita blaatɔ̃. Woƒe ʋɔtruwo ɖo ta anyiehe gome.
5 Now the upper rooms were shorter; for the galleries took away from these more than from the lower and the middle in the building.
Xɔtamexɔ etɔ̃liawo me mekeke abe etetɔwo me ene o, elabena sɔtiwo ƒe akpata xɔ teƒe le wo si.
6 For they were in three stories, and they did not have pillars as the pillars of the courts. Therefore the uppermost was set back more than the lowest and the middle from the ground.
Sɔtiwo mele xɔtamexɔ etɔ̃lia ƒe xɔwo ŋu abe xɔxɔnu la ene o, ale wo me le sue wu xɔ siwo le ɖoɖo etetɔwo me.
7 The wall that was outside by the side of the rooms, toward the outer court before the rooms, was fifty cubits long.
Egodogli aɖe le xɔawo kple xɔxɔnu egodotɔ dome. Ekeke mita blaeve vɔ atɔ̃ le xɔawo ŋgɔ.
8 For the length of the rooms that were in the outer court was fifty cubits. Behold, those facing the temple were one hundred cubits.
Esime xɔ siwo le xɔxɔnu egodotɔ ƒe axadzi didi mita blaeve vɔ atɔ̃ la, esiwo te ɖe gbedoxɔ la ŋu la didi mita blaatɔ̃.
9 From under these rooms was the entry on the east side, as one goes into them from the outer court.
Mɔnu le xɔ etetɔwo ŋu le ɣedzeƒe lɔƒo ne woage ɖe wo me to xɔxɔnu egodotɔ la dzi.
10 In the thickness of the wall of the court toward the east, before the separate place, and before the building, there were rooms.
Xɔwo nɔ xɔxɔnu egodotɔ ƒe gli ƒe didime ŋu le dziehe gome; wote ɖe gbedoxɔ la ƒe xɔxɔnu ŋu le gli egodotɔ kasa,
11 The way before them was like the appearance of the rooms which were toward the north. Their length and width were the same. All their exits had the same arrangement and doors.
eye mɔnu aɖe nɔ wo ŋgɔ. Esiawo nɔ abe xɔ siwo nɔ anyiehe ene. Woƒe didime sɔ kple woƒe kekeme, eye woƒe mɔnuwo kple dzidzemewo ɖi anyiehexɔwo tɔwo. Woƒe mɔnuwo
12 Like the doors of the rooms that were toward the south was a door at the head of the way, even the way directly before the wall toward the east, as one enters into them.
ɖi xɔ siwo le dziehe gome tɔwo. Mɔnu ɖeka nɔ glia ƒe gɔmedzedze, si le ɣedzeƒe lɔƒo la kasa afi si woato age ɖe xɔawo me.
13 Then he said to me, “The north rooms and the south rooms, which are opposite the separate place, are the holy rooms, where the priests who are near to the LORD shall eat the most holy things. There they shall lay the most holy things, with the meal offering, the sin offering, and the trespass offering; for the place is holy.
Tete wògblɔ nam be, “Xɔ siwo le anyiehe kple dziehe, eye wodze ŋgɔ gbedoxɔ la ƒe xɔxɔnu la nye nunɔlawo ƒe xɔwo, afi si nunɔla siwo tena ɖe Yehowa ŋu la aɖu vɔsanu kɔkɔeawo le. Afi mae woatsɔ vɔsanu kɔkɔewo, nuɖuvɔsanuwo, nu vɔ̃ ŋuti vɔsanuwo kple fɔɖivɔsanuwo ada ɖo, elabena teƒe la le kɔkɔe.
14 When the priests enter in, then they shall not go out of the holy place into the outer court until they lay their garments in which they minister there; for they are holy. Then they shall put on other garments, and shall approach that which is for the people.”
Ne nunɔlawo ge ɖe Kɔkɔeƒe la ko la, mele be woagayi xɔxɔnu egodotɔ o va se ɖe esime woagblẽ woƒe awu siwo wodo hewɔ subɔsubɔdɔ la ɖe megbe, elabena esiawo le kɔkɔe. Ele be woado awu bubuwo hafi ate ɖe teƒe siwo amewo nɔna la ŋu.”
15 Now when he had finished measuring the inner house, he brought me out by the way of the gate which faces toward the east, and measured it all around.
Esi wòwɔ nu siwo nɔ gbedoxɔ la gbɔ vɔ la, ekplɔm do goe to ɣedzeƒegbo la me, eye wòdzidze teƒe si ƒo xlã afi ma.
16 He measured on the east side with the measuring reed five hundred reeds, with the measuring reed all around.
Etsɔ dzidzeti la dzidze eƒe ɣedzeƒe lɔƒo wòdidi mita alafa eve blaatɔ̃.
17 He measured on the north side five hundred reeds with the measuring reed all around.
Edzidze eƒe anyiehe lɔƒo wòdidi mita alafa eve kple blaatɔ̃ le dzidzeti la nu.
18 He measured on the south side five hundred reeds with the measuring reed.
Edzidze eƒe dziehe lɔƒo wòdidi mita alafa eve kple blaatɔ̃ le dzidzeti la nu.
19 He turned about to the west side, and measured five hundred reeds with the measuring reed.
Azɔ la, etrɔ do ɖe ɣetoɖoƒe lɔƒo, eye wòdzidzee wònɔ mita alafa eve kple blaatɔ̃ le dzidzeti la nu
20 He measured it on the four sides. It had a wall around it, the length five hundred cubits, and the width five hundred cubits, to make a separation between that which was holy and that which was common.
Ale wòdzidze akpa eneawo katã. Gli aɖe ƒo xlãe; gli la didi mita alafa eve kple blaatɔ̃, keke mita alafa eve kple blaatɔ̃, eye wòma kɔkɔeƒe la ɖa tso teƒe bubuawo gbɔ.

< Ezekiel 42 >