< Exodus 10 >

1 The LORD said to Moses, “Go in to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the heart of his servants, that I may show these my signs among them;
INkosi yasisithi kuMozisi: Yana kuFaro, ngoba mina ngenze inhliziyo yakhe yaba nzima lenhliziyo yenceku zakhe, ukuze ngenze lezizibonakaliso zami phambi kwakhe,
2 and that you may tell in the hearing of your son, and of your son’s son, what things I have done to Egypt, and my signs which I have done among them; that you may know that I am the LORD.”
lokuthi ulandise endlebeni zendodana yakho lendodana yendodana yakho ukuthi ngenze kabuhlungu kumaGibhithe lezibonakaliso zami engizenze phakathi kwawo, ukuze lazi ukuthi ngiyiNkosi.
3 Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh, and said to him, “This is what the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, says: ‘How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go, that they may serve me.
UMozisi loAroni basebesiya kuFaro, bathi kuye: Itsho njalo iNkosi, uNkulunkulu wamaHebheru, ithi: Koze kube nini usala ukuzithoba phambi kwami? Yekela isizwe sami sihambe, bangikhonze.
4 Or else, if you refuse to let my people go, behold, tomorrow I will bring locusts into your country,
Ngoba uba usala ukuyekela isizwe sami sihambe, khangela, kusasa ngizaletha isikhonyane emngceleni wakho,
5 and they shall cover the surface of the earth, so that one will not be able to see the earth. They shall eat the residue of that which has escaped, which remains to you from the hail, and shall eat every tree which grows for you out of the field.
njalo sizasibekela ubuso bomhlaba ukuze ungawuboni umhlaba, sizakudla insalela yokwaphephayo, okwalisalelayo esiqhothweni, sidle sonke isihlahla esikhulela wena ensimini.
6 Your houses shall be filled, and the houses of all your servants, and the houses of all the Egyptians, as neither your fathers nor your fathers’ fathers have seen, since the day that they were on the earth to this day.’” He turned, and went out from Pharaoh.
Sizagcwalisa izindlu zakho lezindlu zezinceku zakho zonke lezindlu zawo wonke amaGibhithe, oyihlo abangazanga basibone laboyise baboyihlo, kusukela ngosuku ababakhona emhlabeni kuze kube lamuhla. Wasetshibilika, waphuma kuFaro.
7 Pharaoh’s servants said to him, “How long will this man be a snare to us? Let the men go, that they may serve the LORD, their God. Do not you yet know that Egypt is destroyed?”
Lenceku zikaFaro zathi kuye: Koze kube nini lo esiba ngumjibila kithi? Yekela amadoda ahambe, akhonze iNkosi uNkulunkulu wawo; kawukazi yini ukuthi iGibhithe isichithekile?
8 Moses and Aaron were brought again to Pharaoh, and he said to them, “Go, serve the LORD your God; but who are those who will go?”
UMozisi loAroni babuyiselwa kuFaro; wasesithi kubo: Hambani likhonze iNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu. Ngobani kanye labo abazahamba?
9 Moses said, “We will go with our young and with our old. We will go with our sons and with our daughters, with our flocks and with our herds; for we must hold a feast to the LORD.”
UMozisi wasesithi: Sizahamba labatsha bethu labadala bethu, lamadodana ethu lamadodakazi ethu, lezimvu zethu lenkomo zethu sizahamba, ngoba silomkhosi weNkosi.
10 He said to them, “The LORD be with you if I let you go with your little ones! See, evil is clearly before your faces.
Wasesithi kubo: INkosi ibe lani ngokunjalo, njengoba ngizaliyekela lihambe labantwanyana benu! Bonani ngoba kulokubi phambi kwenu.
11 Not so! Go now you who are men, and serve the LORD; for that is what you desire!” Then they were driven out from Pharaoh’s presence.
Kungabi njalo! Hambani khathesi, madoda, liyikhonze iNkosi, ngoba yikho elikudingayo. Basebebaxotsha ebusweni bukaFaro.
12 The LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the land of Egypt for the locusts, that they may come up on the land of Egypt, and eat every herb of the land, even all that the hail has left.”
INkosi yasisithi kuMozisi: Yelula isandla sakho phezu kwelizwe leGibhithe, ngenxa yesikhonyane, ukuze senyukele phezu kwelizwe leGibhithe, sidle wonke umbhida welizwe lakho konke isiqhotho esikutshiyileyo.
13 Moses stretched out his rod over the land of Egypt, and the LORD brought an east wind on the land all that day, and all night; and when it was morning, the east wind brought the locusts.
UMozisi waseyelula intonga yakhe phezu kwelizwe leGibhithe; iNkosi yasiqhuba umoya wempumalanga elizweni, lonke lolosuku lobusuku bonke; kwasekusithi ekuseni, umoya wempumalanga wenyusa isikhonyane.
14 The locusts went up over all the land of Egypt, and rested in all the borders of Egypt. They were very grievous. Before them there were no such locusts as they, nor will there ever be again.
Isikhonyane sasesisenyukela phezu kwelizwe lonke leGibhithe, sehlela emngceleni wonke weGibhithe, esinzima kakhulu. Phambi kwaso akuzange kube khona isikhonyane esinjalo njengaso, futhi kakuyikuba khona esinjalo emva kwaso.
15 For they covered the surface of the whole earth, so that the land was darkened, and they ate every herb of the land, and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had left. There remained nothing green, either tree or herb of the field, through all the land of Egypt.
Ngoba sasibekela ubuso belizwe lonke, kwaze kwafiphazwa ilizwe; sadla wonke umbhida welizwe laso sonke isithelo sezihlahla isiqhotho esasitshiyayo; kakusalanga lutho oluluhlaza esihlahleni, lombhida weganga, elizweni lonke leGibhithe.
16 Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron in haste, and he said, “I have sinned against the LORD your God, and against you.
UFaro wasephangisa ukubabiza oMozisi loAroni, wathi: Ngonile eNkosini uNkulunkulu wenu lakini.
17 Now therefore please forgive my sin again, and pray to the LORD your God, that he may also take away from me this death.”
Khathesi-ke ake lithethelele isono sami okwalesisikhathi kuphela, liyincenge iNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu ukuthi isuse kimi lokhu ukufa kuphela.
18 Moses went out from Pharaoh, and prayed to the LORD.
Wasephuma kuFaro, wayincenga iNkosi.
19 The LORD sent an exceedingly strong west wind, which took up the locusts, and drove them into the Red Sea. There remained not one locust in all the borders of Egypt.
INkosi yasiphendula umoya wentshonalanga olamandla kakhulu owenyusa isikhonyane, wasiphosela oLwandle oluBomvu; kakusalanga sikhonyane lesisodwa kuwo wonke umngcele weGibhithe.
20 But the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he did not let the children of Israel go.
Kodwa iNkosi yayenza lukhuni inhliziyo kaFaro, kazabayekela abantwana bakoIsrayeli bahambe.
21 The LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward the sky, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt.”
INkosi yasisithi kuMozisi: Yelulela isandla sakho emazulwini, ukuze kube khona umnyama phezu kwelizwe leGibhithe, ngitsho umnyama ophumputhekayo.
22 Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt for three days.
UMozisi waseselulela isandla sakhe emazulwini; kwasekusiba khona umnyama wobumnyama elizweni lonke leGibhithe insuku ezintathu.
23 They did not see one another, and nobody rose from his place for three days; but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.
Kababonananga, futhi kakusukumanga muntu endaweni yakhe okwensuku ezintathu; kodwa kubo bonke abantwana bakoIsrayeli kwakukhona ukukhanya emizini yabo.
24 Pharaoh called to Moses, and said, “Go, serve the LORD. Only let your flocks and your herds stay behind. Let your little ones also go with you.”
UFaro wasembiza uMozisi wathi: Hambani likhonze iNkosi, kuphela izimvu zenu lenkomo zenu kuzagcinwa, labantwanyana benu bazahamba lani.
25 Moses said, “You must also give into our hand sacrifices and burnt offerings, that we may sacrifice to the LORD our God.
Kodwa uMozisi wathi: Lawe ubonika imihlatshelo leminikelo yokutshiswa ezandleni zethu, esizayenzela iNkosi uNkulunkulu wethu.
26 Our livestock also shall go with us. Not a hoof shall be left behind, for of it we must take to serve the LORD our God; and we do not know with what we must serve the LORD, until we come there.”
Njalo lezifuyo zethu zizahamba kanye lathi, kakuyikusala emuva isondo; ngoba sizathatha kuzo ukukhonza iNkosi uNkulunkulu wethu, ngoba kasikwazi esizakhonza ngakho iNkosi size sifike khona.
27 But the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he would not let them go.
Kodwa iNkosi yenza lukhuni inhliziyo kaFaro, njalo kafunanga ukubayekela bahambe.
28 Pharaoh said to him, “Get away from me! Be careful to see my face no more; for in the day you see my face you shall die!”
UFaro wasesithi kuye: Suka kimi, uziqaphele, ungaboni ubuso bami futhi; ngoba mhla ubona ubuso bami uzakufa.
29 Moses said, “You have spoken well. I will see your face again no more.”
UMozisi wasesithi: Ukhulume ngokuqonda, kangisayikubona futhi ubuso bakho.

< Exodus 10 >