< Acts 14 >

1 In Iconium, they entered together into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spoke that a great multitude both of Jews and of Greeks believed.
Konya shehiride shundaq boldiki, Pawlus bilen Barnabas Yehudiylarning sinagogigha kirgende, jamaetke shundaq sözlidiki, netijide Yehudiylar we Gréklerdinmu nurghan kishiler étiqad qildi
2 But the disbelieving Jews stirred up and embittered the souls of the Gentiles against the brothers.
(halbuki, ishenmigen Yehudiylar [yat] elliklerning köngüllirini zeherlep, ularni qérindashlargha qarshi turushqa qutratti).
3 Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who testified to the word of his grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.
Shunga [Pawlus bilen Barnabas] u yerde xéli uzun turup, Rebge tayinip yüreklik halda [xush xewerni] jakarlidi; Reb ularning qolliri bilen möjizilik alametler we karametlerni körsitip öz méhir-shepqitining söz-kalamigha guwahliq berdi.
4 But the multitude of the city was divided. Part sided with the Jews and part with the apostles.
Buning bilen sheher xelqi ikkige bölünüp kétip, beziliri Yehudiylar terepte, beziliri bolsa rosullar terepte turdi.
5 When some of both the Gentiles and the Jews, with their rulers, made a violent attempt to mistreat and stone them,
Axirda, bir qisim yat ellikler bilen Yehudiylar arisida (öz bashliqliri bilen birlikte) rosullarni qiynap, chalma-kések qilish qutratquluqi bash kötürdi.
6 they became aware of it and fled to the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra, Derbe, and the surrounding region.
Lékin ular bu ishtin xewer tépip, shu yerdin qéchip Likawunya rayonidiki Listra we Derbe sheherliri hemde etraptiki yurtlargha qarap mangdi. Ular shu yerlerde xush xewerni dawamliq jakarlawerdi.
7 There they preached the Good News.
8 At Lystra a certain man sat, impotent in his feet, a cripple from his mother’s womb, who never had walked.
Shu chaghda, Listra shehiride putlirida maghduri yoq, héch méngip baqmighan bir tughma palech olturatti.
9 He was listening to Paul speaking, who, fastening eyes on him and seeing that he had faith to be made whole,
Pawlus söz qiliwatqanda, bu adem uninggha qulaq sélip olturatti. Pawlus uninggha köz tikip uning saqaytilishigha ishenchi barliqini körüp yétip,
10 said with a loud voice, “Stand upright on your feet!” He leaped up and walked.
yuqiri awaz bilen: — Ornungdin des tur! — dédi. Héliqi adem shuan ornidin des turup méngishqa bashlidi.
11 When the multitude saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voice, saying in the language of Lycaonia, “The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men!”
Lékin Pawlusning bu ishini körgen top-top ademler Likawunya tili bilen: — Ilahlar insan qiyapitige kirip arimizgha chüshüptu! — dep warqiriship ketti.
12 They called Barnabas “Jupiter”, and Paul “Mercury”, because he was the chief speaker.
Ular Barnabasni «Ilah Zéus» dep atashti we Pawlusni sözleshte bashlamchi bolghachqa uni «Ilah Hérmis» dep atashti.
13 The priest of Jupiter, whose temple was in front of their city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates, and would have made a sacrifice along with the multitudes.
Sheherning sirtida «Zéus Ilah»ning butxanisi bar idi. Shu [butxanidiki] kahin sheher derwazisigha öküz we gül chembireklerni élip kélip, xelq bilen bille rosullargha atap qurbanliq qilmaqchi boldi.
14 But when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of it, they tore their clothes and sprang into the multitude, crying out,
Lékin rosullar Barnabas bilen Pawlus bu ishni anglap, kiyim-kécheklirini yirtqan halda, köpchilikning arisigha yügürüp kirip, warqirap mundaq dédi:
15 “Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men of the same nature as you, and bring you good news, that you should turn from these vain things to the living God, who made the sky, the earth, the sea, and all that is in them;
— Xalayiq, bu ishlarni néme dep qiliwatisiler?! Biz silerge oxshash héssiyattiki insanlarmiz! Biz silerge bu erzimes nersilerni tashlap, asman-zémin, déngiz-okyan we ulardiki barliq mexluqlarni Yaratquchi hayat Xudaghila ibadet qilishinglar kérek dep jakarlawatimiz!
16 who in the generations gone by allowed all the nations to walk in their own ways.
Burunqi dewrlerde, u herqaysi ellerni öz yollirida méngishqa yol qoyghan.
17 Yet he did not leave himself without witness, in that he did good and gave you rains from the sky and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.”
Shundaq bolsimu, U Özini ispatlaydighan guwahliqni qaldurmighan emes. Chünki U hemishe silerge shapaet körsitip, yamghurni öz waqtida ershtin yaghdurup mol hosul ata qilip, ash-tamaq bilen silerni toyghuzup, qelbinglarni xushalliqqa chömdürüp keldi.
18 Even saying these things, they hardly stopped the multitudes from making a sacrifice to them.
Hetta ular bu sözlerni qilghan bolsimu, xalayiqning ulargha atap qurbanliq qilishini aranla tosuwaldi.
19 But some Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there, and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing that he was dead.
Lékin Antakya we Konya sheherliridin bezi Yehudiylar kélip, kishilerni özlirige qayil qilishi bilen, xelq Pawlusni chalma-kések qildi, andin uni öldi dep qarap, sheher sirtigha sörep achiqip tashliwetti.
20 But as the disciples stood around him, he rose up, and entered into the city. On the next day he went out with Barnabas to Derbe.
Lékin muxlislar uning etrapigha olashqanda, Pawlus ornidin turup, sheherge qaytip kirdi. Etisi, u Barnabas bilen bille Derbe shehirige ketti.
21 When they had preached the Good News to that city and had made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch,
Emdi ular Derbe shehiride xush xewer jakarlap, nurghun ademlerni [Mesihge] muxlis bolushqa kirgüzgendin kéyin, ikkiylen Listra, Konya we Antakya sheherlirige qaytip bardi.
22 strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that through many afflictions we must enter into God’s Kingdom.
Ular u yerlerde muxlislarning qelblirini kücheytip, ularni étiqadta ching turushqa righbetlendürüp, shundaqla: — Biz Xudaning padishahliqigha kirishte nurghun japa-musheqqetlerni béshimizdin ötküzüshimiz muqerrer bolidu, — dep nesihet qildi.
23 When they had appointed elders for them in every assembly, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord on whom they had believed.
Ular yene herqaysi jamaet ichide aqsaqallarni tallap belgilep, dua qilish we roza tutush arqiliq ularni özliri étiqad baghlighan Rebge tapshurdi.
24 They passed through Pisidia and came to Pamphylia.
Ikkiylen Pisidiye rayonidin ötüp Pamfiliye ölkisige keldi.
25 When they had spoken the word in Perga, they went down to Attalia.
Ular Perge shehiride söz-kalamni yetküzgendin kéyin, Attalya shehirige bardi.
26 From there they sailed to Antioch, from where they had been committed to the grace of God for the work which they had fulfilled.
Andin u yerdin kémige chiqip, [Suriyediki] Antakyagha qarap ketti. Ular eslide shu yerde özliri hazir tamamlighan bu wezipini ada qilishqa [jamaettikiler teripidin] Xudaning méhri-shepqitige tapshurulghanidi.
27 When they had arrived and had gathered the assembly together, they reported all the things that God had done with them, and that he had opened a door of faith to the nations.
Qaytip kelgende, ular jamaetni bir yerge jem qilghanda, ulargha Xudaning özliri arqiliq qilghan barliq emellirini, shundaqla Xudaning qandaq qilip ellerge étiqadning bir ishikini achqanliqini sözlep berdi.
28 They stayed there with the disciples for a long time.
Ular u yerde muxlislar bilen bille uzun mezgil turdi.

< Acts 14 >