< 1 Chronicles 14 >

1 Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David with cedar trees, masons, and carpenters, to build him a house.
Kong Hiram af Tyrus sendte Sendebud til David med Cedertræer og tillige Murere og Tømmermænd for at bygge ham et Hus.
2 David perceived that the LORD had established him king over Israel, for his kingdom was highly exalted, for his people Israel’s sake.
Da skønnede David, at HERREN havde sikret hans Kongemagt over Israel og højnet hans Kongedømme for sit Folk Israels Skyld.
3 David took more wives in Jerusalem, and David became the father of more sons and daughters.
David tog i Jerusalem endnu flere Hustruer og avlede flere Sønner og Døtre.
4 These are the names of the children whom he had in Jerusalem: Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon,
Navnene på de Børn, han fik i Jerusalem, er følgende: Sjammua, Sjobab, Natan, Salomo,
5 Ibhar, Elishua, Elpelet,
Jibhar, Elisjua, Elpelet,
6 Nogah, Nepheg, Japhia,
Noga, Nefeg, Jaf1a,
7 Elishama, Beeliada, and Eliphelet.
Elisjama, Be'eljada og Elifelet.
8 When the Philistines heard that David was anointed king over all Israel, all the Philistines went up to seek David; and David heard of it, and went out against them.
Men da Fiilisterne hørte, at David var salvet til Konge over hele Israel, rykkede de alle ud for at søge efter ham. Ved Efterretningen herom drog David ud for at møde dem,
9 Now the Philistines had come and made a raid in the valley of Rephaim.
medens Filisterne kom og bredte sig i Refaimdalen.
10 David inquired of God, saying, “Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will you deliver them into my hand?” The LORD said to him, “Go up; for I will deliver them into your hand.”
David rådspurgte da Gud: "Skal jeg drage op mod Filisterne? Vil du give dem i min Hånd?" Og HERREN svarede ham: "Drag op, thi jeg vil give dem i din Hånd!"
11 So they came up to Baal Perazim, and David defeated them there. David said, God has broken my enemies by my hand, like waters breaking out. Therefore they called the name of that place Baal Perazim.
Så drog de op til Ba'al-Perazim, og der slog han dem. Da sagde David: "Gud har brudt igennem mine Fjender ved min Hånd, som Vand bryder igennem!" Derfor kalder man Stedet Ba'al-Perazim.
12 They left their gods there; and David gave a command, and they were burned with fire.
Og de lod deres Guder i Stikken der, og David bød, at de skulde opbrændes.
13 The Philistines made another raid in the valley.
Men Filisterne bredte sig på ny i Dalen.
14 David inquired again of God; and God said to him, “You shall not go up after them. Turn away from them, and come on them opposite the mulberry trees.
Da David atter rådspurgte Gud, svarede han: "Drag ikke efter dem, men omgå dem og fald dem i Ryggen ud for Bakabuskene.
15 When you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then go out to battle; for God has gone out before you to strike the army of the Philistines.”
Når du da hører Lyden af Skridt i Bakabuskenes Toppe, skal du drage i Kamp, thi så er Gud draget ud foran dig for at slå Filisternes Hær."
16 David did as God commanded him; and they attacked the army of the Philistines from Gibeon even to Gezer.
David gjorde, som Gud bød, og de slog Filisternes Hær fra Gibeon til hen imod Gezer.
17 The fame of David went out into all lands; and the LORD brought the fear of him on all nations.
Og Davids Ry bredte sig i alle Lande, idet HERREN Iod Frygt for ham komme over alle Hedningefolkene.

< 1 Chronicles 14 >