< Luke 19 >

1 And having entered, he was passing through Jericho.
Yesu ajhingili ni kup'eta pagati pa Yeriko.
2 And behold, a man called by name, Zacchaeus. And he was a chief tax collector, and this man was rich.
Ni apu pajhele ni munu mmonga jhaakutibhweghe Zakayo. Ambajhe ajhele mbaha ghwa bhatoza ushuru kabhele munu tajiri.
3 And he sought to see Jesus, who he was. And he was not able because of the crowd, because his stature was small.
Akajha ijaribu kumbona Yesu ndo munu kulola kwandabha jha umati bhwa bhanu, kwandabha ajhe mfupi ghwa kimo.
4 And having ran ahead, he climbed up in a sycamore tree so that he might see him, because he was going to pass that one.
Hivyo, alongolili mbio mbele sya bhanu, akakwela panani pa mkuyu ili abhwesiajhi kumbona, kwandabha Yesu akaribili kup'etela njela ejhu.
5 And when Jesus came to the place, having looked up, he saw him, and said to him, Zacchaeus, after making haste, come down, for today I must lodge at thy house.
Wakati Yesu afikili mahali pala, akalenga kunani akan'jobhela, 'Zakayo, selelayi manyata, maana lelu lazima nishindayi munyumba jha bhebhe.'.
6 And having made haste, he came down and received him, rejoicing.
Akabhomba haraka, akaselela ni kun'karibisya kwa furaha.
7 And all who saw murmured, saying, He went in to relax with a sinful man.
Bhanu bhoha bho bhabhuene aghu bhalalamiki, bhakajobha, 'Alotili kun'gendela munu mwenye dhambi.'
8 And having stood, Zacchaeus said to the Lord, Behold, half of the things possessed by me, Lord, I give to the poor. And if I defrauded any man of anything, I repay fourfold.
Zakayo akajhema akan'jobhela Bwana, Nusu gha mali jha nene nikabhapela maskini, na jhikajhiajhi ninyakili munu jhejhioha khenu, ni betakunkerebhusila mara nne.'
9 And Jesus said to him, Today salvation has come to this house, forasmuch as he also is a son of Abraham.
Yesu akan'jobhela, lelu wokovu ufikili munyumba ejhe, kwandabha muene kabhele ni mwana ghwa Ibrahimu.
10 For the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost.
Kwandabha mwana ghwa munu ahidili kulonda ni kuokola bhanu bhabhajhaghili.'
11 And as they heard these things, he spoke, adding on a parable because he was near Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God was going to appear immediately.
Bho ap'eliki aghu, ajhendelili kulongela ni kupisya mifano, kwandabha ajhele karibu ni Yerusalemu, ni bhene bhafikilireghe kujha ndo Mfalme bhwa K'yara ajhele karibu kubhonekana mara jhimonga.
12 He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.
Hivyo akabhajobhela, 'Ofisa mmonga alotili nchi jha patali ili apokelayi ufalme ni kisha akerebhukajhi.
13 And having called ten of his bondmen, he gave them ten minas and said to them, Do business until I come.
Abhakutili bhatumishi bhwa muene kumi, akabhapela mafungu kumi, akabhajobhela, mubhombelayi biashara mpaka pa nibeta kukerebhuka.'
14 But his citizens hated him, and sent an embassy behind him, saying, We do not want this man to reign over us.
Lakini bhananchi bha muene bhan'dadili na hivyo bhakalaghisya bhajumbe bhalotayi kun'kesya ni kujobha, Twilondalepi munu ojho atutawalayi.'
15 And it came to pass for him to return, having taken the kingdom. And he said for these bondmen to be called to him, to whom he gave the silver, so that he might know what any man gained by trading.
Ikajha bho akerebhwiki kunyumba baada jha kujha mfalme, akaamuru bhala bhatumishi bha abhalakili hela bhakutibhwayi kwa muene, abhwesiajhi kumanya faida jheleku bhajhikabhili kwa kubhomba biashara.
16 And the first came, saying, Lord, thy mina gained ten minas.
Wa kuanza akahida, akajobha, `Bwana, fungu lya jhobhi libhombili mafungu kumi zaidi.'
17 And he said to him, Well, thou good bondman. Because thou became faithful in the least, be thou having authority over ten cities.
Ofisa ojhu akan'jobhela, kinofu mtumishi rinofu. Kwandabha wajhele ghwe mwaminifu mu khenu kidebe, wibeta kujha ni madaraka juu jha miji kumi.'
18 And the second came, saying, Lord, thy mina gained five minas.
Wa pili akahida, akajobha, 'Bwana, fungu lya jhobhi libhombili mafungu mahanu.'
19 And he also said to him, And thou become over five cities.
Afisa ojhu akan'jobhela, 'Tolayi mamlaka juu jha miji mihanu.'
20 And another came, saying, Lord, behold thy mina, which I had put away in a napkin.
Ni jhongi akahida, akajobha, `Bwana ejhe apa hela jha jhobhi najhitunzili kinofu mu kitambala,
21 For I was afraid of thee because thou are an austere man. Thou take up what thou did not lay down, and reap what thou did not sow.
Kwandabha natikili bhebhe ghwe n'kali. ghwibhosya khela kya ubhekilepi ni kuvuna khela kya ubelikupanda.'
22 He says to him, Out of thy mouth I will judge thee, thou evil bondman. Thou had known that I am an austere man taking up what I did not lay down, and reaping what I did not sow.
Afisa ojhu akan'jobhela, 'Kwa malobhi ghaku ghwe muene, nibeta kuhukumu, ebhe mtumishi n'nofu lepi. Ghwamanyili kujonene ne munu nenkali nitola kya nikibhekilepi ni kuvuna ambakyo napandilepi.
23 Then why did thou not give my silver into a bank, and having come I would have collected it with interest?
Basi, mbona ghwabhekilepi hela jha nene benki, ili nikakerebhukayi niitolayi pamonga ni faida?
24 And he said to those who stood by, Take the mina from him, and give it to him who has the ten minas.
Ofisa akabhajobhela bhanu bhabhajhemili apu, 'Munyakayi lifungu e'lu ni kumpela jhola mwenye mafungu kumi.'
25 And they said to him, Lord, he has ten minas.
Bhakan'jobhela, `Bwana, muene ajhe ni mafungu kumi.'
26 For I say to you, that to every man who has, will be given, but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away from him.
'Nikabhajobhela, kila munu jhaa jhe naku ibeta kupelibhwa nesu, lakini jhaadulili, hata khela kya ajhenaku kitolibhwa.
27 Nevertheless those enemies of mine who did not want me to reign over them, bring here, and kill them before me.
Lakini abha maadui bha nene, ambabho bhilonda lepi nijhelayi mfalme ghwa bhene, mubhaletayi apa ni kubhakoma mbele jha muenga.”
28 And having spoke these things, he went ahead, going up to Jerusalem.
Baada jha kujobha aghu, akajhendelela palongolo akakwela kulota Yerusalemu.
29 And it came to pass when he came near to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount that is called Olives, he sent two of his disciples, saying,
Bho akaribili Bethfage ni Bethania, karibu ni kidonda kya Mizeituni, akabhalaghisya bhanafunzi bha muene bhabhele,
30 Go ye into the opposite village, in which, having entered, ye will find a colt tied, on which no man ever sat. Having untied, bring it.
Akajobha: `Mulotayi mu kijiji kya jirani. Mkajhingilayi, mwibeta kun'kolela mwana -punda apandisibhulepi akona. Mumbopolayi, mundetayi kwa nene.
31 And if any man asks you, Why do ye untie it? Thus ye will say to him, The Lord has need of it.
Kama munu abhakotili kwandajha kiki mwibhopola? 'Mujobhayi, “Bwana akandonda.”
32 And having departed, those who were sent found just as he said to them.
Bhala bhabhatumibhu bhakalota bhakambona mwana-punda kama Yesu kyaabhajobhili.
33 And as they were untying the colt, the masters of it said to them, Why do ye untie the colt?
Bho bhikambopola mwana-punda bhamiliki bhakebhajobhela, 'Kwandajha kiki mkambopola mwana punda ojhu?'
34 And they said, The Lord has need of it.
Bhakajobha, `Bwana akandonda.'
35 And they brought it to Jesus. And having cast their garments upon the colt, they mounted Jesus.
Basi, bhakampelekela Yesu bhakatandika ghobho sya bhene panani pa mwana punda ni kun'kwesya Yesu panani.
36 And as he went, they spread their garments on the road.
Bho ilota bhanu bhakatandasya maguanda gha bhene mu njela.
37 And as he was now coming near, at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began rejoicing to praise God in a great voice about all the mighty works that they had seen, saying,
Bho iselela kidonda kya Mizeituni, jumuiya jhioha jha bhanafunzi bhakajhanda kushangilila ni kun'tukusya k'yara kwa sauti mbaha, kwandabha jha mambo mabhaha bhaghabhwene,
38 Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest!
Bhakajobha, 'Ndo mbarikibhwa mfalme jhaihida kwa lihina lya Bwana! Amani kumbinguni, ni utukufu panani!'
39 And some of the Pharisees from the multitude said to him, Teacher, rebuke thy disciples.
Baadhi jha Mafarisayo pa mkutano bhakan'jobhela, Mwalimu, bhagudamisiajhi bhanafunzi bha jhobhi.'
40 And having answered, he said to them, I tell you that if these were silent, the stones would cry out.
Yesu akajibu akajobha, `Nikabhajobhela, kama abha bhakagudamayi, maganga ghibeta kukwesya sauti.'
41 And when he came near, having seen the city, he wept over it,
Yesu bhoaukaribili mji aulelili,
42 saying, If thou knew, even thou, indeed even in this thy day, the things for thy peace. But now they are hidden from thine eyes.
Akajobha, laiti ngaumanyi hata bhebhe, mu ligono e'le mambo ambagho ghibeta kuletela amani! Lakini henu ghakifighili pamihu gha jhobhi.
43 Because the days will come upon thee, and thine enemies will build a barricade around thee, and will surround thee, and enclose thee on every side.
Kwa kujha magono ghihida ambagho maadui bha jhobhi bhibeta kujenga liboma karibu ni bhebhe ni kukusyongoka ni kukukandamisya kuh'oma khila lubhafu.
44 And they will raze thee and thy children within thee. And they will not leave in thee a stone upon a stone, because thou knew not the time of thy visitation.
Bhibeta kubinisya pasi bhebhe ni bhanabhu. Bhibeta lepi kulekela hata liganga limonga panani pa l'enge, kwandabha ghwatambuili lepi wakati K'yara bho ijaribu kuokola'.
45 And having entered into the temple, he began to cast out those selling and buying in it,
Yesu akajhingila mu lihekalu, akajhanda kubhabhenga bhala bhabhahemelisiaghe,
46 saying to them, It is written, My house is a house of prayer, but ye made it a den of robbers.
Akabhajobhela, “Jhilembibhu, 'Nyumba jha nene jhibeta kujha nyumba jha sala, 'lakini muenga mujhifwanyili kujha lipangu lya bhanyang'anyi”.
47 And he was teaching daily in the temple. But the chief priests, and the scholars sought to destroy him, even the foremost men of the people.
Henu, Yesu akajha ifundisya khila ligono mu hekalu. Makuhani bhabhaha ni bhalimu bha sheria ni bhalongosi bha bhanu bhalondeghe kun'koma,
48 And they did not find what they might do, for the people all hung upon him, listening.
Lakini bhabhwesi lepi kukabha njela jha kubhomba naha, kwandabha bhanu bhoha bhajhele bha kamp'el'ek'esya kwa makini.

< Luke 19 >