< Ephesians 3 >

1 For this reason I Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus on behalf of you Gentiles,
Hote kong dawk, kai Pawl teh nangmouh Jentelnaw hane dawkvah Khrih Jisuh e thongkabawt lah ka o.
2 since indeed ye heard of the administration of the grace of God, which was given to me for you,
Nangmouh ni na thai tangcoung e patetlah kai koe na poe e Cathut lungmanae teh nangmouh hane dawk doeh kai ni ka khang.
3 that according to revelation he made known to me the mystery, as I wrote before in brief.
A lungmanae kai koe panuesaknae lahoi lathueng lah youn touh ka thut tangcoung e patetlah, Cathut ni a pâphonae lahoi yah, hrolawk hah na panue sak.
4 With which reading ye can recognize my understanding in the mystery of the Christ,
Hote ca na touk awh pawiteh Khrih e hrolawk ka panue e hah na panue awh han.
5 which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed by Spirit to his holy apostles and prophets.
Hote hrolawk hah tami kathoungnaw, gunceinaw hoi profetnaw koe atu e se nah Muitha lahoi a pâpho e patetlah alouke senaw dawk taminaw koe pâpho hoeh.
6 For Gentiles to be fellow-heirs, and of the same body, and fellow partakers of his promise in the Christ through the good news.
Hote hrolawk teh Jentelnaw ni kamthang kahawi lahoi Isarelnaw hoi cungtalah râw a coe awh teh tak buet touh lah a onae lahoi Khrih Jisuh lahoi lawkkamnae hah cungtalah a hmawng van awh.
7 Of which I became a helper according to the gift of that grace of God, which was given to me according to the working of his power.
Hnosakthainae lahoi poehno a lungmanae hah kai koe na poe toe. Kai teh hote kamthang kahawi ka pâpho e san lah ka o.
8 To me, a man less than the least of all the sanctified, this grace was given to preach good news among the Gentiles, the unsearchable wealth of Christ,
Pâphue teh ka baw thai hoeh e Khrih e kuepnae kamthang kahawi hah Jentelnaw koe dei pouh hanelah,
9 and to make all men see what is the administration of the mystery hidden from the ages in God who created all things through Jesus Christ. (aiōn g165)
hnocawngca pueng hah Khrih lahoi yah, ka sak e Cathut dawkvah ayan e se pueng dawk hro lah kaawm e hote hrolawk hah tami pueng koe pâpho pouh hanelah kai teh tami kathoungnaw thung dawk, kathoungpounge naw hlak hai hoe kathounge lah ka o. (aiōn g165)
10 So that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known to the principal offices and the positions of authority in the heavenly things, through the church,
Bangkongtetpawiteh, maimae Bawipa Khrih Jisuh dawk a yungyoe pouknae a tawn e patetlah,
11 according to the purpose of the ages, which he made in Christ Jesus our Lord, (aiōn g165)
kalvanlae bahunaw hoi hnosakthainae dawkvah, Cathut e kângairu a lungangnae hah Kawhmoun lahoi atuvah panue awh nahane doeh. (aiōn g165)
12 in whom we have boldness and access in confidence through his faith.
Maimouh ni hote Bawipa yuemnae lahoi lungtang awh teh, Cathut koe kâhnai thainae tawn awh toe.
13 Therefore I ask that ye not become discouraged at my tribulations on your behalf, which is your glory.
Hatdawkvah, nangmae bawilennae hanlah ka khang e reithainae hah na hmu awh navah na lungpout awh hanh.
14 For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Hete kongnaw dawkvah, khok ka cuengkhuem laihoi,
15 from whom every patriarchy in heavens and on earth is named.
kalvan hoi talai kaawm e imthungkhu abuemlae a kungpui lah kaawm e, maimae Bawipa Jisuh Khrih e Pa hmalah ouk ka ratoum.
16 So that he would grant you, according to the wealth of his glory, to be strengthened with power through his Spirit for the inner man,
Ouk ka ratoum e teh, Muitha lahoi yah, nangmae thung lae tami thao thasainae hoi a cak vaiteh,
17 for the Christ to dwell in your hearts through faith,
yuemnae lahoi Khrih ni nangmae lungthin thungvah ao nahan, lungpatawnae dawk patue e, tangpha a payang teh,
18 having been rooted and grounded in love, so that ye may be able to grasp with all the sanctified what is the breadth and length and depth and height,
tami kathoungnaw patetlah hnosakthainae na tawn awh teh, Khrih e lungpatawnae adung, asaw, arasang, akaw e hah kapek teh na panue thai awh nahan,
19 and to become aware of the love of the Christ, which transcends knowledge, so that ye may be filled in all the fullness of God.
maimae panuenae lahoi panue thai hoeh e Jisuh Khrih e a lungpatawnae hah panue thai awh nahanlah Cathut e kuepnae hoi kawi awh nahan ouk ka ratoum.
20 Now to him who is able to do above extraordinary-above all things that we ask or think-according to the power that works in us,
Maimouh dawk kamnuek e a bawilennae patetlah maimouh ni pouk teh hei e hlak acawilah ka sak thai e Cathut ni,
21 to him is the glory in the church in Christ Jesus for all generations of the age of the ages. Truly. (aiōn g165)
Khrih Jisuh lahoi Kawhmoun dawk talai apout hoehroukrak a yungyoe bawilen lawiseh. Amen. (aiōn g165)

< Ephesians 3 >