< 2 Peter 2 >

1 But false prophets also developed among the people, as false teachers will also be among you, who will sneak in pernicious denominations, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.
bhabhudesi bhakitokisi kwa bhaisraeli, ni bhalimu bha bhudesi bhibeta kuhida pia kwa j'homu. kwa siri bhibeta kuleta mafundisyo gha bhudewsi na bhibeta kumbele Bwana j'haabhagolili. Bhibeta kwiletela bhuharibifu bhwa haraka juu j'ha bhene.
2 And many will follow their wantonness, because of whom the way of the truth will be blasphemed.
bhibetakukisya njela syabho, sya soni ni kup'hetela kwa bhene bhibeta kuikufuru nj'ela j'ha bhukuweli.
3 And they will exploit you in greed with fabricated words, whose judgment is not idle for long, and their destruction will not slumber.
bhuchoyo bhibheta kubhanyonya bhanu kwa kutumila malobhi gha bhudesi. Hukumu j'habhene j'hibetalepi kukabheta, bhuharifu bhwibekufuke`sya.
4 For if God did not spare agents who sinned, but delivered them up to chains of darkness, having been cast into hell being reserved for judgment, (Tartaroō g5020)
K'yara abhalekili lepi malaika bhabhakengeuiki. Bali abhasopili kuzimu ili bhafungibhuaj'hi mighoj'hi mpaka pa j'hibeta kubhakolela. (Tartaroō g5020)
5 and he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, the eighth, a herald of righteousness, when he brought on a flood upon the world of the irreverent,
k'yara akabhuvumilili lepi bhulimwengu bhwa muandi. Bali amfighili Nuhu, j'ha aj'he ni bhwito bhwa haki, pamonga ni bhangi saba, bhwakati alekisi gharika juu j'ha bhulimwengu bhwabhuasili.
6 and he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction, being reduced to ashes, having made an example of men who were going to be irreverent,
aj'hihukumuili miji ghya Sodoma ni Gomora kiasi kya kuj'ha lyenge ni bhuharibifu ili j'hij'hiaghe mfuano kwa ndabha j'ha bhwokovu mu magono gha pamuli.
7 and he rescued righteous Lot, being distressed by the conduct of the lawless in their licentiousness
bhoabhombili e'lu, amwokwili Lutu munu ghwa haki, j'haaj'hele ahuzunishibhu ni tabia sichafu sya bhabhabelili kukhesya sheria sya k'yara.
8 (for that righteous man dwelling among them day after day, in the sight and hearing of their lawless deeds, it anguished his righteous soul),
kuj'ha ajhu ndo munu ghwa haki j'haatamili nabhu ligono kyakajhitesya nafsi j'ha muene kwandabha j'ha ghala gha aghap'helili ni kughabhona.
9 the Lord knows how to rescue the pious out of temptation, and to hold in reserve unrighteous men being cut off for a day of judgment.
e'lu Bwana amanyili jinsi j'ha kubhaokola bhanu bhake bhwakati bhwa malombosi ni jinsi j'ha hukumu mu ligono lya mwisyo.
10 And especially those going rear of flesh in a degenerate lust, and who despise lordship. Reckless, self-willed men, they do not tremble when speaking evil of dignities.
hakika obho ndo bhukweli kwa bhala bhabhij'hendelela kutama mu tamaa sya m'mbele obho ni kughadharau mamlaka. Bhanu bha jinsi ej'he bhaj'hele ni bhusisya mu dhamiri syabho, Bhitila lepi kubhakufuru bhatukufu.
11 Whereas agents, being greater in might and power, do not bring a railing judgment against them before the Lord.
malaika bha j'hele ni bhuwezo ni ngofu kuliko bhanadamu, lakini bhibhwesyalepi kupisya hukumu dhidi j'ha bhene kwa Bwana.
12 But these men, like irrational beasts of nature, having been born for capture and destruction, speaking evil at which things they do not understand, will be destroyed in their corruption,
abha bhanyama bhabhabeli kujha ni luhala bhabhumbiki kwa asili jha kukamulibhwa ni kukomighwa.
13 getting back a wage of unrighteousness. Men who consider soft living in the daytime to be pleasure, spots and blemishes reveling in their deceitfulness, feasting together with you,
kwa ujira bhwa maovu gha bhene. Musi ghuoha bhitama kwa anasa. Bhamemili bhuchafu ni maovu. Bhihobhelela anasa sya bhusoibhi pabhisherekela ni bhebhe.
14 having eyes full of adultery, and unceasing sin, enticing unstable souls, having a heart trained in greed, children of a curse,
gha bhene gha bhene ghafunikibhu ni bhuzinzi; bhitosheka lepi kubhomba dhambi. Bhikabhalagai ni kubhabinisya bhaumini bhadebe mu dhambi. Bhajhe ni mi'teema ghyaghimemili tamaa, ndo bhana bhabhalaanibhu.
15 having forsaken a straight path, they were led astray, men who followed the way of Balaam, son of Beor, who loved the wage of unrighteousness.
nj'hela j'ha bhukweli. Bhaj'haghili na bhajhikhesisi nj'hela j'ha Baalam mwana ghwa Beori, j'haaganili kukabha malipo gha udhalimu.
16 But he had a rebuke of his own lawbreaking. A mute donkey, uttering in a man's voice, restrained the madness of the prophet.
akamebhu kwa ndabha j'ha bhukosaji bhwake. Punda j'ha aj'hele bubu alongili mu sauti j'ha binadamu, azuili bhuzimu bhwa nabii.
17 These men are waterless wells, and clouds driven by a fierce wind, for whom the gloom of darkness has been reserved into an age. (questioned)
abha ndo kama chemichemi syasileli ni masi. Ni kama mafundi ghaghibhosibhwa ni mp'hongo. (questioned)
18 For, uttering swollen things of vanity, they entice (to sensuality by lusts of flesh) those who actually escaped from those who live in error,
lisitu libhekibhu kwa ndabha j'ha bhene. Bhilongela kwa kwifuna tuu. Bhikabhabinisya bhana kwa tamaa j'ha m'mb'ele. Bhakabheko fya bhanu bhabhilonda kubha jumba bhala bhabhitama mu bhukosaji.
19 promising them freedom, while they themselves are bondmen of corruption, for by what any man has been overcome, of this he has also been enslaved.
bhanu bhuhuru bhwa kati bhene ndo bhatumwa bha dhambi j'ha ufisadi. Maana mwanadamu ilhombibhwa kuj'ha n'tumwa ghwa k'hela kyakikan'tabhwala.
20 For if, having escaped the defilements of the world by knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and, having been again entangled in these, they are overcome, the last things have become worse for them than the first.
j'haikiphosya ni bhuchafu bhwa bhulimwengu kwa kutumila maarifa gha Bwana na mwokozi Yesu Kristu, na kisha akakhelebhukila bhuchafu obhu kabhele hali j'hiake huwa jhij'ha j'hibhibhi kuliko j'hela j'ha kubhwandelu.
21 For it were better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them.
Ngaj'hifwaj'hili bhanu abhu ngabhabeleghe kuj'himanya nj'hela j'ha haki kuliko kuj'himanya na kisha kabhele kusileka amri takatifu sabhap'helibhu.
22 But that of the true proverb has happened to them, The dog returning to his own vomit, and the sow that washed to wallowing in mire.
ej'he j'hij'ha nibhukweli kwa bhene. “libwa likaghakhelephukila matapishi ghake. Ni ligholobhi lya lij'hosibhu likhelukila kabhele mu madakari.”

< 2 Peter 2 >