< 2 Corinthians 12 >

1 (Really, to me boasting is not helpful.) For I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord.
Lazima nijivunai, ila kiyelepi kakiyongisibhwa ni ehu. Bali nila yendelela ki maono ni mafunuo kuhomela kwa Bwana.
2 I know a man in Christ, fourteen years ago (whether in body, I know not, or whether outside the body, I know not, God knows) such a man was caught up as far as the third heaven.
Mmanyili munu mmonga kup'hetela kristu ambaye mlaka kumi na minne yailotili yayayele— kup'hetela mbhele, au kwibhala ni mbhele, nene ni manyili hee, k'yara ndo yaamanyili— anyakulibha kunani ku mbingu ya tete.
3 And I know such a man (whether in body, or whether outside the body, I know not, God knows)
Na nimanyili ya kuwa munu oyho—ikayela kup'hetela mbhele, au kwibhala ni mbhele, nene ni manyili hee, k'yara amanyili.
4 that he was caught up into the paradise, and heard inexpressible sayings that are not permitted for a man to utter.
atolibhu hadi kupaladiso ni kup'hetela mambo matakatifu sana kwa munu yuoayola kughajobha.
5 For such a man I will boast, but for myself I will not boast, except in my weaknesses.
Kwaniaba ya munu kutya ogho nikajifuna. Ila kwajia ya yhoni nikajifuna hee yaibelili kuya labuda uzaifu bhuangu.
6 For if I should want to boast, I will not be foolish, for I will speak the truth. But I refrain lest any man should reckon to me above what he sees of me or hears anything from me.
Kutya nilonda kujifuna, nganiyele lepi na mpumbafu, kwa ndabha nganiyele nilongele ukueli. Ila nileka kujifuna, yakuwa asiye yuoayola wakufikilila zaidi ya agha kuleka kya kibhonekana mugati mwa nene au kup'eleka kuhomela kwa nene.
7 And so that I might not be over exalted by the extraordinariness of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, an agent of Satan so that he would buffet me, so that I would not be over exalted.
Nikajifuna lepi ndabha agha mafunuo gha aina ya maajabu. Kwa ele, Nilaya lepi ni kiburi, mwifwa wa bhekibhu mgati kwa nene, mjumbe wa lisyetani kunishambulila nene, ili nisigeuki kuya kujo ya niyele ni majifuno.
8 I besought the Lord thrice about this, that it might depart from me.
Mala sidatu nan'sihili Bwana kuhusu ele, ili muene abhosyai kuhomela kwa nene.
9 And he said to me, My grace is sufficient for thee, for my power is made fully perfect in weakness. More gladly therefore I will boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of the Christ may reside in me.
Nimuene ajobhili, Neema ya nene yitosya kwa jia ya yhobhi, kwa ndabha nghofo yiketa kamili mu uzaifu. Efu, nakatamene kujifuna zaidi kuhusu uzaifu bhuangu, yakuwa ubhueso wa kristu ubhwesyai kutama panani pa nene.
10 Therefore I am pleased in weaknesses, in injuries, in necessities, in persecutions, in restrictions, for the sake of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Kwa elu nitoshiki kwajia ya kristu, kup'hetela uzaifu, kup'hetela malighu, kup'hetela shida, kup'hetela mateso, ni hali ya kusikitika. kwandabha magono gha mayele zaifu, kabhele nayele ni nghofo.
11 I have become foolish, boasting. Ye compelled me, for I ought to have been commended by you. For I came short in nothing of those, superlative apostles, even though I am nothing.
Nene niyele na mpumbafu! muenga mwanilasimisi kwa ele, yakuwa kganiyele nisifibhu ni muenga, kwandabha nayele lepi duni kwa abhu yabhikutibhwa mitume- bora, hata kujobha nene khenu lepi.
12 Indeed the signs of the apostle were performed among you in all perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty works.
Ishala sa ukueli sa n'tume saketiki pagati payhomo kwa uvumilifu, ishala ni maajabu na matendo mabhaa.
13 For what is there which ye were inferior to the other congregations? Except that I myself was not burdensome to you? Forgive me this wrong.
Kwa namna yeleku mwayele bha muhimu kwa pasi kuliko makanisa ghaghabakili, yaibelili kuya ndabha nayehee msighu kwa yhomo? mnisameheayi kwa likosa ele!
14 Behold, a third time I fare readily to come to you, and I will not be burdensome to you, for I seek not the things of you, but you. For the children ought not lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children.
Langai! nene niyele kuhida kwa yhomo kwa mala ya tatu. Nilaya hee msighu kwa yhomo, kwa ndabha nilonda hee khenu kakiyele kya yhomo. Nikabhalonda muenga. kwandabha bhana bhipasibhwa lepi kubheka akibha ya bhazazi. Badala yaki, bhazazi bhipasibhwa kubheka akiba kwajia ya bhana.
15 And I most gladly will spend, and will be spent for your souls. Even though more earnestly loving you, the worse I am loved.
Nilahobholela zaidi kutumila ni kutumibhwa kwajia ya nafasi situ. Kutya nibhaganili zaidi, nilondeka kubhagana padusu?
16 But let it be. I did not burden you. Nevertheless, being clever, I caught you with bait.
Lakini kutya kaiyele, nabhalemili lepi msighu muenga. Ila jobha yakuwa nene na mwelewa sana, nene ndo yhola yaabhakamuili muenga kwa niyele ya abhakabhili kwa kubhadanganya.
17 Any man of whom I have sent to you, did I exploit you through him?
Ko, natolili kwa kujiketa faida kwa yuoayola yanantumili kwa muenga?
18 I encouraged Titus, and I sent the brother with him. Did Titus exploit you in anything? Did we not walk in the same spirit, not in the same steps?
Nansihili Tito kuhida kwa yhomo, na n'tumili ndhongo yhongi pamonga ni muen. Ko, Tito abhafwanyili faida kwa muenga? Ko, tagendili lepi kup'hetela njela yela yela? Ko, tagendili lepi mu nyayo sela sela?
19 Again, do ye think that we are making defense to you? In the sight of God we speak in Christ. But all things, beloved, are for your edification.
Mwibhona kujo muda obho bhwa twayele kujitetela tete tayhoto kwa yhomo? palongolo pa K'yara, ni kup'hetela kristu, tuyele kujobha kila khenu kwajia ya kubhaimalisha mwa yhomo.
20 For I fear lest somehow, having come, I may find you not such as I want, and I may be found by you such as ye do not want, lest somehow there be strifes, envyings, wraths, selfish ambitions, slanderings, whisperings, puffings up, turmoils,
Kwandabha niyele ni hofu ya kuwa panibhwesyai kuhida nibhuesya nisibhakabhi muenga kutya kanitamani. Niye ni hofu ya kuwa mwibhuesya msinikabhi nene kutya kamwilonda. Nihofela ya kuwa kwibhuesya kuya ni majadiliano, bhuifu, milipuko ya ligoga, tamaa ya ubinafsi, umbeya, kiburi, ni ngondo.
21 lest having come again my God will make me low toward you, and I will bewail many of those who have sinned previously, and who did not repent from the trash and fornication and licentiousness that they committed.
Niye ni hofu kabhele panibhwesyai kukelebhuka, k'yara wa nene ibhuesya kuninyenyekesya palongolo pa yhomo. Niye ni hofu ya kuwa nibhuesya kuhuzunishwa ni bhingi bhabhafwanyili zambi kabla ya henu, ni bhala ya bhatubwili lepi uchafu ni uashelati ni mambo gha tamaa gha bhiketa.

< 2 Corinthians 12 >