< Lukka 17 >

1 Jesu wakati kulibasikwiiya bakwe, “Ninchobeni kuti kuloba zilebyo, pesi maawe kuliyoyo muzitakiinde mulinguwe!
He said then to the disciples (of Him; *no*) Impossible it is that the stumbling blocks not to come, (but *N(k)O*) woe [to him] through whom they come!
2 Kuyoba mbubo kuti ziyo likaangwe munsingo yakwe alimwi akawaalwe mulwizi, kwiiknda kuti akeetelezya aaba banini kuti bakachite zibi.
It is better for him if (a stone of a mill *N(k)O*) is hung around the neck of him and he has been thrown into the sea than that he may cause to stumble little [ones] of these one.
3 Amulilange nyweebo nobeni. Kuti mweenzinyokwe wabisya, amumukalalile, na wasanduka amumulekelele.
do take heed to yourselves. If (now *k*) shall sin (against *k*) (you *K*) the brother of you, do rebuke him; and if he shall repent, do forgive him.
4 Na wakubisizya tuli musanu atubili abuzuba mpawo kalikuboola kulinduwe tulimusanu atubili, kaamba kuti, 'Ndasanduka,' weelede kumulekelela.”
And if seven times in the day (he shall sin *N(k)O*) against you and seven times (day *k*) shall return (to *N(k)O*) you saying: I repent, you will forgive him.
5 Batumwa bakati ku Mwami, “Koyungizya lusyomo lwesu.”
And said the apostles to the Lord; do add to us faith!
6 Mwami wakati, “Kansinga mwali aalusyomo luniini mbuli nseke yamusitada, mwalikunoti kulooyu musamu wamulubbeni, 'Konyukuka alimwi ukabyalwe mulwizi,' wali kunoomuswiilizya.
Said then the Lord; If (you have *N(k)O*) faith like a grain of mustard, you have spoken then would to the mulberry tree this; do be uprooted and do be planted in the sea, and it have obeyed would you.
7 Pesi ngwani wenu uulamulanda uulima na uyembela mbelele, uwamba kuti kulinguwe elyo kanoli wasika kuzwa kumuunda, 'Sika lino ukkale aansi ulye'?
Which now of you a servant having plowing or shepherding, the [one] having come in out of the field will say to him; Immediately having come (do recline? *N(k)O*)
8 Takoowamba na kuti, 'Ndibambila chakulya ndily, uwange lukumba kuzizwaato zyako mpawo undikutawukile mane ndimane kulya akunya. Ndamaninsya notazoolye akunywa webo'?
But surely he will say to him; do prepare what I may eat, and having girded yourself about do serve me while I may eat and I may drink, and after these things you will eat and will drink you yourself?’
9 Tamulumbi pe mulanda nkaambo wamuchitila nzyamutuma, ulamulumba na?
Not is he thankful to the servant (that [one] *k*) because he did the [things] having been commanded (to him not I think? *K*)
10 Akulindinywe mbukubede, na mwachita zyoonse nzimwatumwa, mweelede kuti “Tuli balanda bateelede pe, twachita biyo nzitweelede kuchita.”
Thus also you yourselves, when you may have done all the [things] having been commanded you, do say that Servants unworthy are we; (for *k*) that which (we were obliged *NK(o)*) to do we have done.
11 Kwakasika kuti kachiyobweenda kaya ku Jelusalema, wakalikuyabwiinda mumugaano wa Samaliya a Galili.
And it came to pass in the going up (him *ko*) to Jerusalem that He himself was passing through ([the] midst *N(k)O*) of Samaria and Galilee.
12 Naakanjila mulilimwi gunzi, ooko wakatambulwa abamwi baalumi balikumi bakali aachipele. Bakiimina kule anguwe
And when is entering He into a certain village met with Him ten leprous men, who (stood *NK(O)*) afar off.
13 mpawo bakasumpula majwi aabo, bakati, Jesu, Mwami ba aluse kulindiswe.”
And they themselves lifted up [their] voice saying; Jesus Master, do have compassion on us.
14 Naakababona, wakati kulimbabo, “Amwiinke mukalitondeezye kubapayizi.” Mpawo chakachitika kuti nibakali kuyabwiinka bakasalazigwa.
And having seen [them] He said to them; Having gone do show yourselves to the priests. And it came to pass in the going them, they were cleansed.
15 Umwi wabo naakabona kuti wakali waponesegwa, wakabweeda musule, ajwi pati kayabulumbayizya Leza.
one then of them having seen that he was healed, turned back with a voice loud glorifying God.
16 Wakafugama kumawulu aa Jesu akumupa kulumba. wakali mu Samaliya
and he fell on [his] face at the feet of Him giving thanks to Him; and he himself was a Samaritan.
17 Jesu naakasandula, wakati, “teensi balikumi na basalazigwa? Balikuli bamwi musanu abane?
Having answered then Jesus said; (surely *NK(o)*) the ten were cleansed? But the nine are where?
18 Tekwalikwe na bamwi beelede kuboola kuzopa bulemu kuli Leza kwiinda ooyu muzwamasi?”
None was there found having returned to give glory to God only except foreigner this?
19 Wwakati kulinguwe, “Nyampuka weende. Lusyomo lwako lwakuponia.”
And He said to him; Having risen up do go forth; the faith of you has cured you!
20 Naakabuzigwa aba Falisi kuti bwami bwa Leza buyoosika lili, Jesu wakabasandula watgi, “Bwami bwa Leza tabusiki aakubulangisisya.
Having been asked now by the Pharisees when is coming the kingdom of God, He answered to them and said; Not comes the kingdom of God with careful observation,
21 Nakuti nimuyoomvwa kakutgwa, 'Amulange mbobu!, na 'Amulange mbobuya!', nkaambo amulange bwami bwa Leza buli mulindinywe.”
nor will they say; Behold here or (behold *ko*) There. Behold for the kingdom of God in the midst of you is.
22 Wakati kuli basikwiiya bakwe, “Ayoosika mazuba ngimuykoolombozya kubona buzuba bomwe bwaMwana wa Muntu pesi tamukoyoobubona pe.
He said then to the disciples; Will come days when you will desire one of the days of the Son of Man to see and not you will behold [it].
23 Mpawo bayoti kulindinywe, 'Amulange, aano! Amulange, okuya!' Pesi tamukazwi pe kukuyobatobela,
And they will say to you; Behold there or Behold here. Not may go forth nor may follow.
24 mbuli kalabi mbukamweka chakumunika kuzwa kulilimwi bbazu lya julu kakaboneka kulilimbi bbazu, mbatakabe alakwe Mwana wa Muntu mubuzuba bwakwe.
As for the lightning (which *ko*) is flashing from the [one end] under (the *no*) sky to the [other end] under [the] sky shines, thus will be (also *k*) the Son of Man in the day of Him.
25 Pesi weelede kusyonsegwa kuzintu zyhiingi akukakwa aleeli zyalane.
First however it behooves Him many things to suffer and to be rejected by generation this.
26 Mbuli muzyakachitika kumazuba aa Noah, ziyoochitika mumazuba aa Mwana wa Muntu.
And even as it came to pass in the days (*k*) of Noah, thus will it be also in the days of the Son of man:
27 Bakali kulya, bakali kunywa, bakali kukwata, bakali kukwatwa, kuyoosika buunsi Noah mbwakanjila mubwaato - mpawo zaambangulwe lyakasika akubanyonyoona boonse.
They were eating, were drinking, were marrying, (were being given in marriage, *N(k)O*) until that day entered Noah into the ark, and came the flood and destroyed (all. *N(k)O*)
28 Ambubo mbuli mbuzyakachitika kumazuba aa Lot, bakali kulya, bakalikunywa, bakali kuula, bakali kuuzya, bakalikubyala akuyaka.
Likewise (even as *N(k)O*) it came to pass in the days of Lot; they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building.
29 Pesi mubuzuba Lot mbwaakazwa mu Sodomu, kwakawa mulilo wa salufa kuzwa kujulu wabanyonyoona boonse.
in that then day went out Lot from Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed (all; *N(k)O*)
30 Munzila njiyeeyo mbukutakabe mubuzuba bwa Mwana wa Muntu nataka yubununwe.
According (*no*) (to these *N(k)O*) will it be in that day the Son of Man is revealed.
31 Mubuzuba oobo tamukaleeki ooyo uli aakaluli kang'anda kuti akaselele akeezye kugwisizya aanze zintu zyakwe zili mung'anda. Alubo tamukamuleki ulikumunda akaboole.
In that [very] day the [one who] will be on the housetop and the goods of him in the house, not he should come down to take away them; and the [one] in (the *k*) field likewise not he should return to the [things] back.
32 Amuyeye mukayintu wa Lot.
do remember the wife of Lot!
33 Ooyo weezya kutabilila buumi bwakwe bulamuswekela pesi ooyo usweekelwa buumi bwakwe ulabubamba.
Who[ever] if shall seek the life of him (to gain *N(K)O*) will lose it, (and *k*) who[ever] (but *no*) (maybe *N(k)O*) (shall lose *NK(o)*) (it *k*) will preserve it.
34 Ndamwaambila, muli oobo buzuba kunooli bantu babili aabulo, umwi uyoobwezwa, mpawo umwi uyoochala.
I say to you; in that night there will be two upon bed one: The one will be taken, and the other will be left.
35 Kunooli banakazi babili balikutwa antoomwe. Umwi uykoobwezwa, umwi uyoochaala. - Muli Luka 17: 36, Malembe mabotu aachiindi taakwe munchali 36 pe.
There will be two [women] grinding at the same [place]; (The *no*) one will be taken, (and *k*) (and *no*) the other will be left.
36 Kuyooba babili mumuunda, umwi uyoobwezwa umwi uyochaala. Bakamubuzya bati, “Ikuli, Mwami?” Mpawo wakati kulimbabo, “Aawo aanoli chidumbu, aawo makubi ayoobungana antoomwe.”
(two in field; one will be taken and another it will be left *K*)
37 Bakamubuzya kuti, “Nkokuli Mwami?” Wakati kuli mbabo, “Oko kuli mutunta, nkonkuko kuyobungana makubi antomwe.”
And answering they say to Him; Where, Lord? And He said to them; Where the body [is], there (also *no*) the vultures (will be gathered. *N(k)O*)

< Lukka 17 >