< Nchito 15 >

1 Bamwi balumi bakakunuka kuzwa ku Judiya kabaya ku Antiyokki kabayiisya basyomi kabaamba kuti, “Na temwapalulwa mbuli mbuuwamba mulawu wa Mozesi tamukonzyi pe kufutulwa.”
Then some men arrived from Judea who started teaching the believers, “Unless you're circumcised according to the rules set down by Moses, you can't be saved.”
2 Echi chakachita kuti Pawulu a Bbanabbasi abalumi aaba bakazyanie kapati akubonesyania. Nkabela Pawulu a Bbanabbasi, antoomwe abamwi akati kabo, bakatumwa ku Jelusalema kuti bakaswanane aba Tumwa abaalu bambungano akubuzya atala ankani eeyi.
Paul and Barnabas had many arguments and debates with them. So Paul and Barnabas and some others were appointed to go to Jerusalem and talk to the apostles and leaders there about this issue.
3 Nobakatumwa ambungano bakayinda ku Foyenisiya amu Samaliya kabaya bulungulula kusanduka kwabamaasi bakeeta lukoondo lupati.
The church sent them on their way, and as they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria, they explained how foreigners were being converted, which made all the believers very happy.
4 Nibakasika mu Jelusalemu, bakatambulwa ambunga abatumwa antomwe abaalu bembungano, mpawo bakalungulula zintu zyoonse Leza nzyaakachita kwinda mulimbabo.
When they arrived in Jerusalem they were welcomed by the church members, the apostles, and the elders. They explained everything God had done through them.
5 Pesi bamwi bakasyoma, kabali bankamu yaba Falisi, bakanyampuka bati, “Nchintu chipati loko kuti: tubapalule akubalayilila kuti babambe mulawu wa Mozesi,”
But they were opposed by some of the believers who belonged to the Pharisee faction. They said, “These converts have to be circumcised, and instructed to observe the law of Moses.”
6 Nkinkaako batumwa aabalu bembungano bakabungana antomwe akuzilikila kuti ngakulachitwa biyeni ankani eeyi.
The apostles and elders met together to discuss the issue.
7 Nikwakayinda kayinda chindi chilamfuchakubonesyania atala enkani eeyi, Pita wakanyampuka wasikuti kulimbaabo, “Nobenzuma, mulizi kuti kuchiindi chainda Leza wakandisala akati kenu kuti akukambawuka kwangu bamaasi balimvwe ijwi lyamakani mabotu mpawo basyome
After much debate, Peter stood up and said to them, “Brothers, you know that some time ago God chose me from among you so that the foreigners could hear the message of good news and trust in Jesus.
8 Leza uuzi moyo, wakapa bukamboni kulimbabo mukubapa Muuya Uusalala, mbuli mbwakachita kulindiswe.
God, who knows thewhat we're thinking, has shown that he accepts them, giving them the Holy Spirit just as he did to us.
9 Tachitide musiyano pe akati kesu ambabo, mukusalazya myoyo yabo kwiinda mulusyomo.
He doesn't make any distinction between us and them—he cleansed their thoughts as they trusted in him.
10 Nkambonzi nimusunka Leza, akubika jokwe munsingo zyabasikwiiya eelyo bamatata nikuba ndiswe nditutakonzyi kulibweza.
So why do you want to oppose God and put a burden on the believers that our fathers weren't able to bear, and we can't either?
11 Pesi tulasyoma kuti tuyofutulwa mukwinda muluzyalo lwa Mwami Jesu, mbuli mbubakafutulwa,”
We're convinced that we're saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way they are.”
12 Bantu boonse bakawumuna akuswilizya ba Bbanabbasi a Pawulu kabalokulungununa zitondezyo azigambyo Leza nzyakabeleka akati kabamaasi kwinda mulimbabo.
Everyone listened attentively to Barnabas and Paul as they explained the miraculous signs that God had performed through them among the foreigners.
13 Nibakamaninsya kwambuula, Jemusi wakasandula kuti, “Nobenzuma, ngamundiswilizye.
After they had finished speaking, James spoke up, saying, “Brothers, listen to me.
14 Sayimoni walungulula Leza mbwakagwasya muluzyalo lwakwe bamaasi kuti alichitile bantu bakwe kuzina lyakwe;
Simon has described how God first revealed his concern for the foreigners by taking from them a people committed to him.
15 Majwi abasinsimi alazuminana anzizyo eezi, mbuuli mbukulembedwe,
This is in accordance with the words of the prophets, as it's written,
16 'Kwainda zintu eezi Ndiyoobola, alimwi ndiyoyakulula chikombelo cha Devidi, eecho chakamwayika; ndiyoyakulula akubusya lubo matongo acho,
‘In the future I will return, and I will rebuild the fallen house of David; I will rebuild its ruins and set it straight.
17 kuchitila kuti balobosi babantu bakonzye kulanguula Mwami, antoomwe abamaasi boonse bayitwa kuzina lyangu.”
I will do this so that those who are left may come to the Lord, including the foreigners who call on my name.
18 Mbuboobu Mwami mbwaamba, ooyo wakachita zintu ezi zyakazibinkana kuzwa muzyiindi zyakale. ( kuli magwalo aba Giliki achiindi alabupanduluzi busiyen, mubunini, mbubobu Mwami mbwaamba, aabo bazi zyoonse nzyakachita kuzwa kuchiindi chakale. (aiōn g165)
This is what the Lord says, who revealed these things long ago.’ (aiōn g165)
19 Nkiinkako, muyeyo wangu ngwakuti, tutabakatazyi pe bamaasi aba basandukila kuli Leza;
So my decision is that we shouldn't make it difficult for foreigners who turn to God.
20 Pesi tuyobalembela kuti beelede kusosoloka kuzwa kukulininania amituni, kuzwa kubusofwazi kulizyamalalane, akukulyanyama yabanyama bafwa akulidinwa, akuzwa bulowa.
We should write to them and tell them to avoid food sacrificed to idols, sexual immorality, meat of animals that have been strangled, and from consuming blood.
21 Nkambo Mozesi wakakambawukwa mumadolopo mapati oonse: kuzwa kumazyalane akale nkabela uchikambawukwa amuzikombelo mazuba oonse ategwa Sabata.
For the law of Moses has been taught in every town for a long, long time—it's read in the synagogues every Sabbath.”
22 Aboobo batumwa, abalu bambungano, antomwe ambungano yoonse, bakabona kuti nchibotu kuti basale Judasi uutegwa Bbasabbasi a Sayilasi, abo bakali bazulwidi baabamwi, kuti babatume ku Antiyokki antomwe a Pawulu a Bbanabbasi,
Then the apostles and elders, together with the whole church, decided it would be good to choose some representatives and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. They chose Judas Barsabbas and Silas, leaders among the brothers,
23 Bakalemba eezi: “Ibatumwa, bazuluzi ababunyiina, kulibamaasi abalimu Antiyokki, Siliya akuSilisiya, Twamujuzya.
and sent them with this letter: “Greetings from us, the apostles and elders and brothers, to the non-Jewish brothers in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia:
24 Nkambo twakamvwa kuti bamwi baalumi bakazwa akati kesu, kabatakwe malayilile kuzwa kuli ndiswe, aboobo bamunyongania amabala aayo atyola myuuya yanu,
We have heard that some from our group have confused you with their teachings, causing you trouble. We certainly didn't tell them to do this!
25 Zyakatubotela iswe, nitwakalanzyania akuzuminana, kusala balumi akubatuma kulindinywe antoomwe abayandwi kulindiswe ba Bbanabbasi a Pawulu,
So we have agreed to choose some representatives and send them to you together with our much-loved brothers Barnabas and Paul,
26 Baalumi bakaaba buumi bwabo kuntenda nkambo kazina lya-Mwami Jesu Kkilisito.
who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
27 Nkinkko twatuma Judasi a Sayilasi, abo batamwambile zintu nzizyo eezyo amajwi abo.
So we are sending to you Judas and Silas who can verbally confirm what we're saying.
28 Nkaambo kwakabotela Muuya Uusalala andiswe, Kuti tutamulemezyi mukuli atala azintu zitakwe lugwasyo,
It seemed best to the Holy Spirit and to us not to place on you any heavier burden than these important requirements.
29 Kuti mulikasye kuzintu zipayilwa kumituni, bulowa, akuzintu zitanoli zyakafwa akusinwa akubusofwazi bwamalalano na mwalibamba kuzwa kuli zeezi zilamubotela muchale kabotu.”
You should avoid: anything sacrificed to idols; blood; meat from strangled animals; and sexual immorality. You will do well to observe these requirements. God bless you.”
30 Lino nibakasungulwa, bakakunukila ku Antiyokki; nibakabunganisya makamu abantu boonse, bakasisya lugwalo.
The men were sent on their way to Antioch. When they arrived they called everybody together and delivered the letter.
31 Nibakamana kubala lugwalo bakabotelwa nkambo kakusungwazigwa.
After they had read it, the people were so happy for the encouraging message.
32 Judasi a Sayilasi, alimwi abasinsiimi bakabasungwazya babunyina amajwi akubasimya.
Judas and Silas, who were also prophets, encouraged the brothers, explaining many things, and strengthening them.
33 Eelyo nibakakkala chiindi chinini nkuko oko, baka bwedezegwa kuzwa kulibakwabo abo bakabatumide muluumuno.
After spending some time there they were sent back by the brothers with their blessing to the believers in Jerusalem.
34 Magwalo mabotu achiindi takwe minchali pe awa 34. ( langa Nchito 15: 40) Pesi kwakaboneka kuti nchibotu kuti Sayilasi achaale nkuko.
35 Pesi Pawulu a Bbanabbasi bakakkala ku Antiyokki, kabalikuyiisya akukambawuka ( antomwe abamwi biingi) Ijwi lya Mwami.
But Paul and Barnabas stayed in Antioch, teaching and proclaiming the word of God along with many others.
36 Nikwakayinda mazuba Pawulu wakati kuli Bbanabbasi, “Ngatubweede lino tukaswaye bakwesu mumadolopo woonse omo mutwaakambilizya ijwi lya Mwami, akubona kuti balibiyeni.
Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, “Let's go back and visit the believers in every town where we shared the word of the Lord, and see how they're doing.”
37 Bbanabbasi wakalikuyanda kuti beende amwi a Joni wakalikutegwa ngu Makki.
Barnabas planned to take along John Mark too.
38 Pesi Pawulu wakayeeya kuti takuli kubotu kuti babweze Makki, ooyo wakabalobokede mu Pamfuliya akuleka kwendelela kunembo ambabo amulimu.
But Paul didn't think it was a good idea to take him with them, since he'd left them in Pamphylia and hadn't continued working with them.
39 Lino mpawawo kwakaba kukazyania kupati, kwakachitika kutibapambukane kuzwa kuli umwi awumwi, mpawo Bbanabbasi wakabweza Makki, bayamba binkamwi mubwaato bayaku Sayipulasi.
They had such a strong disagreement that they separated. Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed to Cyprus.
40 Pesi Pawulu wakasala kupedekezegwa kuluzyalo lwaMwami ababunyiina.
Paul chose Silas, and as they left, the believers committed them to the grace of the Lord.
41 Mpawo wakeenda akwiinda mu Siliya aku Silisiya kabali kusimya mambungaano.
Paul traveled through Syria and Cilicia, encouraging the churches there.

< Nchito 15 >