< Højsangen 1 >

1 Salomos Højsang
[the] song of The songs which [is] of Solomon.
2 Kys mig, giv mig Kys af din mund thi din Kærlighed er bedre end Vin.
Let him kiss me from [the] kisses of mouth his for [are] good love your more than wine.
3 Lifligt dufter dine Salver, dit Navn er en udgydt Salve, derfor har Kvinder dig kær.
To odor oils your [are] good [is] oil [which] it is poured out name your there-fore young women they love you.
4 Drag mig efter dig, kom, lad os løbe; Kongen tog mig ind i sine Kamre. Vi vil juble og glæde os i dig, prise din Hærlighed fremfor Vin. Med Rette har de dig kær.
Draw me after you let us run he has brought me the king chambers his let us rejoice and let us be glad in you let us bring to remembrance love your more than wine uprightness they love you.
5 Jeg er sort, dog yndig, Jerusalems Døtre, som Kedars Telte, som Salmas Forhæng.
[am] black I and lovely O daughters of Jerusalem like [the] tents of Kedar like [the] tent curtains of Solomon.
6 Se ej på mig, fordi jeg er sortladen, fordi jeg er brændt af Solen. Min Moders Sønner vrededes på mig, til Vingårdsvogterske satte de mig - min egen Vingård vogted jeg ikke.
May not you look at me who I [am] blackish [on] whom has looked on me the sun [the] sons of mother my they were angry with me they made me [one who] keeps the vineyards own vineyard my which [belongs] to me not I have kept.
7 Sig mig, du, som min Sjæl har kær, hvor du vogter din Hjord, hvor du holder Hvil ved Middag. Thi hvi skal jeg gå som en Landstryger ved dine Fællers Hjorde?
Tell! to me [O] whom it loves self my where? will you graze where? will you make [them] lie down at noon which to why? will I be like a veiled [woman] with [the] flocks of companions your.
8 Såfremt du ikke ved det, du fagreste blandt Kvinder, følg da kun Hjordens Spor og vogt dine Geder ved Hyrdernes Boliger.
If not you know yourself O beautiful [one] among women go out yourself in [the] footprints of the flock and pasture young goats your at [the] dwelling places of the shepherds.
9 Ved Faraos Forspand ligner jeg dig, min Veninde.
To mare my among [the] chariots of Pharaoh I liken you O friend my.
10 Dine Kinder er yndige med Snorene din Hals med Kæderne.
They are beautiful cheeks your with strings of jewels neck your with strings of beads.
11 Vi vil gøre dig Snore af Guld med Stænk af Sølv.
Necklaces of gold we will make for you with beads of silver.
12 Min Nardus spreder sin Duft, mens Kongen er til Bords;
Until that the king [was] at table his nard my it gave forth odor its.
13 min Ven er mig en Myrrapose, der ligger ved mit Bryst,
[is] [the] bag of Myrrh - lover my to me between breasts my it lodges.
14 min Ven er mig en Koferklase fra En-Gedis Vingårde.
[is] [the] cluster of Henna blossom - lover my to me in [the] vineyards of En Gedi.
15 Hvor du er fager, min Veninde, hvor du er fager, dine Øjne er Duer!
Here you [are] beautiful O friend my here you [are] beautiful eyes your [are] doves.
16 Hvor du er fager, min Ven, ja dejlig er du, vort Leje er grønt,
Here you [are] beautiful O lover my also pleasant also bed our [is] luxuriant.
17 vor Boligs Bjælker er Cedre, Panelet Cypresser!
[the] beams of Houses our [are] cedar (rafters our *Q(K)*) [are] cypress.

< Højsangen 1 >