< Salme 46 >

1 (Til sangmesteren. Af Koras sønner. Al-alamot. En sang.) Gud er vor Tilflugt og Styrke, en Hjælp i Angster, prøvet til fulde
For the end, for the sons of Core; a Psalm concerning secret things. God is our refuge and strength, a help in the afflictions that have come heavily upon us.
2 Derfor frygter vi ikke, om Jorden end bølger og Bjergene styrter i Havenes Skød,
Therefore will we not fear when the earth is troubled, and the mountains are removed into the depths of the seas.
3 om end deres Vande bruser og syder og Bjergene skælver ved deres Vælde. (Sela)
Their waters have roared and been troubled, the mountains have been troubled by his might. (Pause)
4 En Flod og dens Bække glæder Guds Stad, den Højeste har helliget sin Bolig;
The flowings of the river gladden the city of God: the Most High has sanctified his tabernacle.
5 i den er Gud, den rokkes ikke, Gud bringer den Hjælp, når Morgen gryr.
God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her with his countenance.
6 Folkene larmed, Rigerne vakled, han løfted Røsten, så Jorden skjalv,
The nations were troubled, the kingdoms tottered: he uttered his voice, the earth shook.
7 Hærskarers HERRE er med os, Jakobs Gud er vor faste Borg. (Sela)
The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our helper. (Pause)
8 Kom hid og se på HERRENs Værk, han har udført frygtelige Ting på Jord.
Come, and behold the works of the Lord, what wonders he has achieved on the earth.
9 Han gør Ende på Krig til Jordens Grænser, han splintrer Buen, sønderbryder Spydene, Skjoldene tænder han i Brand.
Putting an end to wars as for the ends of the earth; he will crush the bow, and break in pieces the weapon, and burn the bucklers with fire.
10 Hold inde og kend, at jeg er Gud, ophøjet blandt Folkene, ophøjet på Jorden!
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
11 Hærskarers HERRE er med os, Jakobs Gud er vor faste Borg. (Sela)
The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our helper.

< Salme 46 >