< Salme 112 >

1 Halleluja! Salig er den, der frygter Herren og ret har lyst til hans bud!
Praise Yahweh - how blessed! [is] a person fearing Yahweh in commandments his he delights exceedingly.
2 Hans Æt bliver mægtig på Jord, den oprigtiges Slægt velsignes;
Mighty in the land it will be offspring his [the] generation of upright [people] it will be blessed.
3 Velstand og Rigdom er i hans Hus, hans Retfærdighed varer evindelig.
Wealth and rich[es] [are] in house his and righteousness his [is] enduring for ever.
4 For den oprigtige oprinder Lys i Mørke; han er mild, barmhjertig retfærdig.
It rises in the darkness light for the upright [people] [the] gracious and [the] compassionate and [the] righteous.
5 Salig den, der ynkes og låner ud og styrer sine Sager med Ret;
[is] good A person [who] shows favor and [who] lends he maintains affairs his with justice.
6 thi han rokkes aldrig i Evighed, den retfærdige ihukommes for evigt;
For for ever not he will be shaken a memory of perpetuity he will become a righteous [person].
7 han frygter ikke for onde Tidender, hans Hjerte er trøstigt i Tillid, til HERREN;
From new[s] bad not he will be afraid [is] steadfast heart his trusting in Yahweh.
8 fast er hans Hjerte og uden Frygt, indtil han skuer sine Fjender med Fryd;
[is] supported Heart his not he will be afraid until that he will look on foes his.
9 til fattige deler han rundhåndet ud, hans Retfærdighed varer evindelig; med Ære løfter hans Horn sig.
He scatters - he gives to needy [people] righteousness his [is] enduring for ever horn his it will be exalted in honor.
10 Den gudløse ser det og græmmer sig, skærer Tænder og går til Grunde; de gudløses Attrå bliver til intet.
A wicked [person] he will see - and he will be angry teeth his he will gnash and he will melt away [the] desire of wicked [people] it will perish.

< Salme 112 >